There are many benefits to using retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting. The obvious benefit to using retail anti theft devices is that you reduce losses which ultimately keeps profits high. The benefits to using retail anti theft devices do not end there however.
Another benefit is found in increased sales. In the twelve years I have been in retail I have found it very hard to sell merchandise that was not on the shelves and in stock. In order to sell to our customers we have to first have merchandise. When your available stock is stolen then you have legitimate customers who cannot buy the product at your store. This is a loss of sales. If it happens often enough then you may lose the customer altogether as consumers are too busy to waste a trip to a store where they can never find what they are looking for.
Using items like EAS tags, Keeper cases and cameras will also reduce employee theft. We all know that these devices prevent shoplifting, but employees are linked to far more theft than shoplifters are. By using retail anti theft devices you will also deter employees from stealing and that will help your profits far more than stopping customers from shoplifting.
Another benefit is increased moral. In general, employees hate thieves. They don’t like having to pay for products and watching others not. Employees are also negatively impacted by theft as it reduces their benefits. When stores are not profitable then raises don’t happen, hours are cut and fun things like holiday celebrations disappear. When we control our losses then the employees win just as much as the company does. This creates happier associates who in turn are more productive associates.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
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