Preventing shoplifting vs. Stopping a shoplifter

When most people think about store security they think that their job is to catch shoplifters. But in reality a better way to safeguard retail store merchandise is to Prevent shoplifting. Retail anti theft devices are one way to prevent shoplifting, but there are other methods that can be addressed to help in this matter.

 Obviously store security will apprehend suspect shoplifter when they are caught in the act of shoplifting. But as a business owner you also want to have a way to deter shoplifters from even attempting to shoplift. Retail anti theft devices come in various forms to deter theft such a placing RF security tags, RF security labels on clothing and other hi value items or keeping hi value items under lock and key.

 But one of the most valuable anti theft weapon that a business has is the staff. Training your staff properly on methods to prevent shoplifting is one of the best ways when combining it with retail anti theft devices can deter theft. Most shoplifters do not want to enter a store that has observant and a staff very skilled in customer service. If a shoplifter sees that the staff is very observant in the department and approaches them seeking to help them. They aren’t able to remove the retail anti theft devices from the merchandise. So the shoplifter would rather leave empty handed than take a chance of being apprehended.

   Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


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