Point Of Sale Challenges, ROI And Benefits

theft (13)One of the most desired mobile integration solutions in the retail industry has been the Point of sale. It is not surprising that retailers are keen to learn everything they can about this solution. The numbers are pretty clear. 66% of U.S. Smartphone owners use their phone to help them shop, and if you are not ready, or don’t have a POS solution for your business, you should.

Read more about this topic by following the links below.

Mobile POS: The Loss Prevention Challenges

66% of U.S Smartphone owners use their phone to help them shop.

80% of Smartphone owners say they want more mobile-optimized product information while they’re shopping in stores.

43% of Smartphone owners have used their mobile device while in a store for shopping purposes.

Consumers spent 6 times as much time in retailer’s app in December 2012 than they did a year earlier.

These are the sorts of statistics driving the retail-sector mobile revolution. Retailers are keenly interested in becoming more engaged with the mobile-integrated lives of their customers. At the same time retailers are embracing their own mobile devices as a kind of retail Swiss Army knife—multifunctional, powerful, yet compact and portable. With both consumers and retailers desiring more mobile integration in the retail realm, a diversity of mobile solutions has naturally emerged, perhaps most visibly the mobile point of sale.

Immediate ROI with Mobile POS

You may not know the name, but you have probably eaten a Juicys’ product.  As the leader in special event food concessions, its growing fleet needed a new system, and,  for the back office — a real-time view of sales.

Juicys, purveyor of county fair favorites  like the famous Kawabunga Corn Dog, Turkey Legs, Giant Western Sausages and the Funnel Cake Sundae, got its start in 1984 as a single-person corn dog stand. In nearly three decades, Juicys has grown from a humble corn dog stand into a massively popular outdoor dining and special event food concessions vendor.

Mobile Grill Means Mobile POS
The company is frequently on the road with its Outlaw Grill, the world’s largest mobile grill trailer. Juicys owner Brett Enright was looking for a new POS system to ring sales and provide better oversight into the company’s back office operations.

With a fleet of Juicys trucks moving constantly, Enright needed to be able to see comprehensive sales reports from each truck, from anywhere, at any time.
Ease-of-use was also a must—the system needed to be easy to set up and move. Enright had already ruled out several options: Wi-Fi systems had proven themselves unreliable and it was difficult to set up a Wi-Fi infrastructure at each stop the trucks made.

The Gift of Mobile POS

Long lines and holiday crowds can easily turn the most wonderful time of the year into the most frustrating time of the year. Today’s consumers are used to being one-click away from most items on their wish list and as they abandon their virtual shopping carts for the real thing this shopping season, retailers should be prepared to keep up with their tech savvy needs in brick-and-mortar stores. This means easy payments, fast service and exceptional customer service. One of the most successful ways retailers can create a stand-out in-store experience is through the use of a mobile point-of-sale (MPOS) system.
A mobile POS system benefits both the retailer and the consumer by creating an approachable workforce that offers improved customer experience, while simultaneously streamlining behind-the-scenes processes. A simple consumer solution such as Square or Level-Up will offer most mom-and-pop shops a solution to the increase in holiday shoppers by offering a faster and easier checkout experience. However, for large retailers considering deploying a mobile POS system this holiday season, an enterprise-grade solution is the truly the only reliable, secure option. Here are a few things retailers with a mobile POS on their holiday wish list should consider when picking out a solution:

  • Checkout Features: Consumers have more ways to purchase an item than ever before, often at the click of a button. Retailers need to be prepared to accommodate whatever form of payment a customer wants to use, especially if that company operates globally. In total, mobile POS systems should be able to handle traditional payments, including cash, as well as chip and pin, European chip and pin, RFID and near-field communication (NFC). Barcode scanners are also an in-demand checkout feature of mobile POS because they automatically activate with a simple swipe across the scanning field cutting down on the time it takes to complete a purchase.

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