Retail Loss Prevention Physical Security
- A well-lighted area deters shoplifting, stores must maintain adequate lighting. Shoplifters tend to gravitate towards darker, less traveled more concealed areas such as corners to conceal the merchandise they are going to steal.
- Limit customer exits. Loss prevention security starts at the door. It takes to many employees to keep an eye on multiple exits. Most large retailers know this and do have only one entrance and exit. Close off or make any unused door an emergency exit.
- Keep displays and shelving low enough to be seen over by employees. A key in retail loss prevention is training and empowering your employees to be your eyes and ears in loss prevention. Make sure they can see every where possible in the course of their normal duties. Teach them how to approach any suspicious customers.
Special loss prevention security measures should be followed if there is an emergency and the power goes off:
- Station an employee at the front door.
- Make sure you have flashlights ready for this purpose. Test them monthly.
- Have a procedure for ringing up sales without the POS. The power is out. Do your cashiers know how to use a calculator? Do you have a battery operated calculator available at each POS? Do cashiers know how to calculate tax? Do they know what the tax rate is?
Retail loss prevention security keeps your profits up and losses down.
Need more information? retail loss prevention or call 1.770.426.0547
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