Keep Your Drills Under Wraps

I was in our local home improvement center last week when I started looking at new drills. I know from years of working in the home improvement industry that drills are a huge shrink item. They are easy to pawn or sell off at construction sites. In the metro market I worked at, they could even be traded on the street like currency, for drugs.

 This store, probably had the same problems I did, only they were doing something a little different to prevent shoplifting. They had the Spider Wrap in place.  Almost every one of their drills was now enrobed in this cross band retail anti theft device.

 The Spider Wrap is almost like a ribbon on a birthday present. Looping around both lengths of the box are cords that prevent the box from being opened. On more than one occasion, I have apprehended shoplifters who took the drills out of their cases when they tried to steal them. Having an alarm wrapped tight around the box sure makes a difference.

 The cords on the Spider Wrap connect to an alarm in the center.  If anyone tries to tamper with the alarm, it will sound. It’s a lot harder to come up with ways to steal a heavy, bulky power drill case than it is to hide the drill in a purse or coat. On top of the size issue, one would still risk being noticed when they try to leave a store with the Spider Wrap still intact creating an audible alarm.

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

 For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

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