Using employee background checks is the first step in hiring quality, solid character employee and should be a staple in any business’ loss prevention program.
The 2010 University of Florida National Retail Security Survey documents that the majority of retail shrinkage last year was due to employee theft ($14.4 billion). Employee theft accounted for 43 percent of total retail losses in 2009. An estimated 1.7 million people are victims annually of violent crime while working in the United States, according to a report published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). 1.3 million (75%) of these incidents were simple assaults while 19% were aggravated assaults. The American DataBank has also documented that up to 30% of job applications and 40% of resumes contain false information. Due to a large number of employers not conducting effective employee background checks, 72% of employers lose negligent hiring suits.
An effective use of employee background checks should include, at a minimum, the following:
Criminal Background Check: To include Federal, State and County criminal background checks.
Employment Background Check: Confirm dates of employment, Positions held and eligibility for rehire.
Social Security Background Check: Verify Social Security number, identify other names used and residence history.
Motor Vehicle Report / Driving Records Background Check: Identify citations and suspensions.
Protect your business today. Conduct employee background checks to increase profits and reduce the potential for violent crime in your workplace.
For more information visit: employee background checks