Do you really need to do Criminal Background Checks?

You’re a pretty good judge of character and you consider yourself a “people person”, so why do you need to go through the trouble of a criminal background check? Well think about it, every serial killer, kidnapper or bank robber in recent history has had some neighbor who stood up on the 6 o’clock news and testified to what a nice person they seemed to be. Guess what? I bet that person worked somewhere too. A criminal background check is a good way to make sure the next subject of America’s Most Wanted isn’t sitting in the cubicle next to you.

Ok, maybe I’m being a little dramatic. However, a criminal background check is an invaluable tool to help prospective employers discover possible security and safety issues before they become a liability. Sure, anyone can commit a crime but statistics state that 61% of all felons are repeat offenders. That means that, for whatever reason, if you’ve committed a crime in the past you’re far more likely to commit one again in the future. I don’t know about you but that’s not the guy/girl I want with their hand in my cash register.

There are many companies that specialize in these checks. Shop around and see which one works best for your company’s needs. Also be aware that the extent to which you, the employer, may consider someone’s criminal history in making your final decision on who to hire varies depending on which state you do business in. For this reason it is prudent for you to consult an attorney or do some research into your individual state laws before making your final decision on an applicant based on their criminal background check.

For more information contact us at Criminal Background Checks or call 1.770.426.0547