Are shoplifters putting the “low” in your Halloween sales? Time to start thinking about how to prevent shoplifting at your business

Halloween is fast approaching us and there is nothing scarier for a business owner than to see their merchandise being stolen. Even if the shoplifting ghosts and ghouls steal only one item, that one item will not only impact your profits but it means you have to sell even more just to make up for the stolen goods. Now that is something that can really damper the holiday spirit.

So how can you prevent shoplifting from occurring in your store? One of the most cost effective ways is to implement retail anti theft devices. These devices come in all sizes to fit the needs of your business. However, they share a fundamental element: they will prevent shoplifting from occurring in your store. There are labels that can be hidden underneath barcodes on fragrances and other boxed merchandise. There are also security tags which conveniently and discreetly attach to clothing items. If a thief had a choice between attempting to steal the item with retail anti theft devices and going down the block to the store without any protection, which store do you think they would rather steal from? The choice is easy.

Preventing shoplifting in your store doesn’t require a full surveillance team. Many of the thieves can be scared away simply by the sight of retail anti theft devices. These tools ensure your product stays where it is supposed to: on your shelves or in the hands of your customers. So don’t let shoplifters trick or treat in your store. Scare them away with retail anti theft devices!

 Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


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