After 10 years of working in the loss prevention field, I have seen it all. I have seen shoplifters enter the store with nothing and leave out with multiple bags full of merchandise. This meant that they not only left out the store with stolen merchandise, but they also stole the shopping bags they put the merchandise into. Time and time again, one thing continues to be true. I learned that shoplifters always went for the easy stuff.
The merchandise that was not protected by a retail anti theft devices was considered the easy stuff. In my stores I saw that the majority of shoplifters I would detain shoplifted this merchandise more often than any other merchandise in the store. Often times the merchandise that was taken was not the merchandise the shoplifter planned on shoplifting, as they would admit during the interview and processing of the shoplifter that had been detained. They admitted that they would see the security tag and simply find something else to steal. They also stated that the retail anti theft devices were impossible to remove without damaging the merchandise or injuring themselves.
This leads me to believe that I could prevent shoplifting in other areas of the store, by increasing the use of security tags on other merchandise. I wanted to try and prevent shoplifting in the store and prevent some of the dangerous confrontations I had been having. Shoplifters are not as cooperative as one might think and often they do not give up without some resistance. So, in an effort to prevent shoplifting and injury to myself, I began placing retail anti theft devices on more and more merchandise in the store. The plan worked. I saw a decrease in the number of shoplifters I was catching and I saw a tremendous decrease in inventory shortages.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.
For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547
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