Bottle Locks: A Solution for the Serious Retailer.

Many years ago I worked in a local liquor store owned by a good friend and entrepreneur.  The business did great at first but we quickly realized that some of our best customers were our worst customers because liquor bottle security wasn’t something we had considered.

Every morning I would arrive early and stock the shelves with merchandise.  We wanted to make sure the shelves were completely stocked at opening because we always had a surge of regular customers before lunch.

Having only one employee working at a time made simultaneously running a cash register and assisting customers on the sales floor a real challenge. Within a month we lost more than $500 in product.  That means we lost more than $1,000 in potential sales and $500 in profit.

Liquor bottle security needed to be a priority!

We contacted a local loss prevention consultant and they recommended a number of liquor bottle security choices.  The plan was to start small and work our way into a more sophisticated loss prevention bottle lock system.  We eventually settled on EASy bottle bottle locks from Alpha Security and rolled them out within a week of placing our first order.

The following Monday when we revealed our new bottle locks by Alpha Security, the suspected shoplifters were shocked!  Bottle Security was clearly not something the shoplifters had considered.  The simple fact that we made an investment in bottle security sent a clear message to our customers.

Each bottle lock required a nominal investment and we immediately got a return on our investment.  Bottle Locks are easy to use and they don’t inhibit our merchandising opportunities.  These days everyone knows what anti shoplifting devices look like and why retailers use them.  Our legitimate customers could care less if we use EASy bottle locks.

It is only the shoplifters and thieves that are turned away by a liquor bottle security.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Don’t Give Shoplifters an EASy Target, Use Bottle Locks.

If your store sells wine or spirits, you know how expensive those items can be. Pricey bottles can attract all kinds of shoplifters from the neighborhood troublemaker to organized theft rings. There are many options to protect your liquid assets but only one clear choice: bottle locks from Alpha Security.

The key to denying shoplifters from leaving with your items is making bottles harder to steal. Liquor bottle security is a great way to make a shoplifter think twice before stealing. The bottle lock works with your alarm system to make a loud noise if they attempt to leave with the EASy bottle still attached. In addition, removing the bottle security is not easy task. Even the strongest thieves would have a difficult time attempting to remove a bottle lock. That time is valuable when the shoplifter is attempting to leave as soon as possible without being noticed.

Bottle security is a great asset to your business and has many benefits over the alternatives. Placing all of your bottles behind glass results in a hassle to the customer because they have to go find an associate to help them even if they simply want to read the label. Alpha security has developed bottle locks which fit the top of the bottle and allow the customer access while discouraging the thieves. Some of the bottle locks, such as the Crystal Guard, are even see through. This allows minimum interruption to the customer while effectively deterring theft.

Reducing shoplifting doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be as easy as placing a call to Alpha Security. To cut down on theft, choose the bottle lock.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle Locks, Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

Deter Shoplifters with Bottle Locks

In my experience, it’s no secret that thieves will go for the most expensive item on the shelf. This is true if your business sells alcohol. The more expensive an item is, the more the thief can resell it for a profit (and a hefty loss to you). Unfortunately for shoplifters, installing bottle locks on wine and spirits can stop a thief with ease. The last thing any shoplifter wants is to draw attention to themselves. Utilizing bottle security throughout your store can make a thief think twice. Once they try to take the product out the doors, the bottle lock works with your Checkpoint System to set off an alarm which will grab people’s attention. That is bad news for any thief and something they might think twice about before picking up anything with bottle security on it.

Not only does Alpha Security have you covered from theft, EASy Bottle can also prevent potential thieves from sampling your product while in the store. The amount of loss you can incur from damaged bottles can add up quickly. No customer will want to buy any wine or spirit that has been damaged. With the EASy bottle from Alpha Security, customers can have a piece of mind knowing that when they take their beverage to the register nobody has tampered with it.

Alpha Security also has a line of liquor bottle security that fits the needs of a wide range of spirits. Both the Crystal Guard and EASy Guarde allows for maximum effectiveness with less disturbance to the aesthetics of the product. With the variety of liquor bottle security available by Alpha Security, it has never been easier to protect your business.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle Locks, Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547. 

Bottle Locks: Sobriety Check for the Would Be Shoplifter

What comes to mind when you think of your favorite brand of liquor?  If you are a merchant that sells alcohol chances are your thoughts immediately turn to bottle security.  Liquor theft continues to be a major problem for retailers.  The good news is there are devices available that can help merchants prevent loss while increasing sales.  Alpha Security offers the EASy bottle lock system designed to provide a deterrent to theft by offering a highly visible bottle lock system.  The locks can only be removed by using a key designed specifically for that device.  Alpha provides bottle lock solutions that protect the product while looking great when applied.  Any merchant knows that having a great looking display is critical to increasing sales.  The Alpha Security EASy bottle system provides an aesthetic deterrent to theft while making the product available for paying customers to handle.

 I was fortunate enough to witness just how effective bottle locks are while I was a market investigator for a large retail chain.  Many of the stores I was responsible for had high shrink in liquor. We understood something more had to be done to combat the theft.  It was decided that we would implement a liquor bottle security strategy on a trial basis to see how such devices would impact shortage.  Positive results were immediately apparent once the bottle locks were installed.  One incident immediately comes to mind.  I was observing the liquor department when I observed a subject, who was known to steal liquor in the past, approach one of our high theft liquor displays.  The subject noticed the bottle locks and was visibly upset.  He angrily left the store without making any attempt to steal merchandise.  About an hour later I received an email from a neighboring store regarding a subject that stole a large amount of liquor from them.  I opened the attached picture and was surprised to see that their thief was the very one that stormed out of my store after seeing that we had liquor bottle security systems installed on our merchandise.  At that point I couldn’t help but feel that Al Capone himself wouldn’t dare attempt to steal our liquor.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

 For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Liquor bottle security that really works!!!

For companies who sell alcohol, you should be very familiar with theft.  For one, alcohol can be expensive and therefore harder for some to afford.  Additionally, since alcoholism is an addition some cannot simply “go without” when the funds are not available.  This causes strain on your profits.  I recently started using the Alpha Security bottle lock to protect my merchandise and I have loved the impact.

 EASy Bottle bottle locks by are great at deterring and preventing theft.  For one, the liquor bottle security locks cover the top of the bottle and prevent would-be shoplifters from getting to the product inside.  Secondly, the EASy bottle bottle lock works with your existing EAS system to alert you to potential theft.  This also has deterrent effect since shoplifters don’t want to raise suspicion or be noticed by employees.

Liquor bottle security is not easy.  There are many sizes and shapes to bottles.  The EASy bottle locks will fit on most bottles, but there are exceptions.  To that end there are other types of bottle security by Alpha Security that can be used.  The Steel Grip bottle security lock goes around the neck of the bottle.  It has an EAS tag inside so it will alert you to possible theft.  The nice thing about Alpha is that the same detacher works to remove both locks so you don’t have to have any extra hardware to buy.  The Steel Grip works great on large spout bottles and champagnes where the other bottle locks won’t fit.  Whatever needs you have for bottle security in your business, just know that Alpha Security has the solution.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , liquor bottle security, Bottle Security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Do I need bottle security at my business?

When you hear about bottle security a few questions might come to mind. What is bottle security, what are bottle locks? Does my business really need this? The need for bottle locks is not only a need but a necessity for everyone. Retailers need this type of bottle security to assure that their profits are not walking out the door. When a seller of alcohol places a bottle lock on their merchandise they are taking the first step in protecting their merchandise.

A bottle lock deters theft by letting everyone know that the establishment takes security serious.  A retailer’s are not the only one that can benefit from liquor bottle security establishment’s such as bars, night club and restaurant can protect their stock. These types of establishment have hi-value alcohol just like a retailer so putting a bottle lock on them can prevent their stock from being used during non-working hours.

An EASy bottle device can be used in the same way as a clothing security tag is used in a clothing store that has an EAS system. If someone tries to walk out with an unpaid bottle an alarm will go off. Another advantage of the EASy bottle bottle lock it also secures that the contents of bottle can’t be removed.

So if you want to know more about liquor bottle security, EASy bottle devices and other bottle security contact Alpha security one of the leading manufacturers of security devices. Alpha Security can supply many different devices to protect your company’s assets. But the best thing about their security devices is that you don’t have to be a business to benefit from liquor bottle security. Parents that want to secure their alcohol at home could use bottle locks at home to safeguard them. So from retailers to parents protecting their bottles at home a little security can go a long way.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Reduce Theft with Bottle Security

Some shoplifters do not take the time to consider the consequences of their actions. Most, actually, do not look ahead to really think through whether the crimes they are about to commit are truly worth the consequences should they be caught. That is why shoplifting continues, in spite of the legal and financial results of the actions.

For businesses that sell wines and liquors, they too suffer at the hands of thieves. These items are highly sought after, which makes them a target for shoplifting. If a shoplifter wants an item badly enough, they will try to figure out a way to take it without paying for it. It doesn’t matter what the item is, as long as the desire is there to obtain the item.

Liquor bottle security is available to help deter shoplifters and prevent the theft of your wines and liquors. Bottle locks, such as the EASy Bottle cap from Alpha Security, can be attached to the cap of your wine and liquor bottles. The bottle locks are easily removed with the key at the time of purchase, but shoplifters find that the bottles are nearly impossible to open should they be stolen. The bottle lock is then able to be reused on additional items, so you continue to have the benefit of bottle security on your displayed merchandise.

A bottle lock is a simple remedy and small investment that can have huge rewards. Shoplifters that come into your business want to be able to consume the wines and liquors they intend to steal, or they want to be able to resell them at a 100% profit. The products do not do anyone any good if they cannot be opened, so having bottle security may just send the shoplifters to a business other than yours.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , BottleSecurity , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Invest in Deterring Theft with Bottle Security

Billions are lost each year to shoplifters, and there are no businesses that are exempt from this. Shoplifters become more savvy all the time, and are always coming up with new ways to defraud businesses out of their products.

Businesses that sell wines and liquors are no exception. From small liquor stores to large grocery stores that sell liquor and wines, all have experienced the impact of shoplifting on their profits. It’s a sad reality but one that doesn’t have to define your business. There are options available to help protect the product that you wish to display for your customers.

Bottle security, such as the EASy Bottle cap from Alpha Security, can be an affordable option for your business’s high end wine and liquors. These reusable bottle locks fit over the bottle’s cap and make the products nearly impossible to open prior to purchase. The bottle lock is easily removed with a key by your employees when the item is purchased, and then can be placed on additional bottles brought out for display.

Liquor bottle security such as this also allows you to display your products out in the open, where your customers can read labels and shop comfortably. You do not have to worry about having locked cases or employees looking over the shoulder of everyone who enters your business. The bottle lock does the work for you by making the bottle attractive to purchase, but not attractive to steal.

Thieves want the quick in and out with the merchandise they like to steal. They do not want to have to try and outthink bottle locks on the wine and liquors they wish to steal. An investment in bottle security such as this is an investment in future profits and real theft deterrents.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , BottleSecurity , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

EASy Bottle locks. One of several bottle security options that works.

Alpha Security is starting to distinguish itself above many of the other developers in anti shoplifting devices.  The reason is twofold.  One, Alpha Security is developing security solutions, such as liquor bottle security, that many other providers don’t touch.  Secondly, Alpha Security designs its products to promote openly displaying product which is better for sales than using locked cases.

One of the prime solutions that Alpha features is its line of bottle security bottle locks.  There are several bottle locks to choose from to best fit your needs.  One is the EASy bottle bottle lock.  This EASy bottle bottle lock works with your existing EAS system (both AM and RF) to sound the alarm when theft is taking place.  The new units feature a clear top that is very visually aesthetic and also allows the tax ID stamp to be easily viewed.  This can be used for liquor bottle security or most any other type of alcohol bottle security as it comes in several sizes.

For items like champagne that have foil wraps and large tops you may choose the steel grip bottle lock.  This item goes around the stem of the bottle and has an EAS tag built in.  It won’t damage the packaging of the bottle, but still gives you the bottle security you need to reduce the chance of theft.

If you sell alcohol in your store you understand the importance that bottle security plays in protecting your profits.  Don’t let your sales be capped due to locking the product up.  Use one of the bottle locks available to protect your product and your sales.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Security, Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Bottle locks. Because anyone can be a thief.

There are many reasons to steal alcohol.  Persons under 21 want to drink, but can’t legally purchase the product.  The homeless guy on the corner can’t afford the price.  The resale value is intriguing for Organized Retail Crime rings.  Employee’s find it easy and maybe don’t like the boss so that’s a win-win.  The regular guy just wants to see if he can get away with it.

With all of these factors it’s a wonder many liquor stores are still in business.  To this end I want to suggest stores who sell any type of alcohol products to consider using some type of bottle security as a way to protect their products from the ever lurking thieves.  I personally use bottle locks by Alpha Security at the grocery store chain where I work.  The EASy bottle bottle locks are amazing.  They are small and don’t impact the ability to stock the shelves.  The EASy bottle bottle locks work with the existing EAS system to alarm in the event someone does try to steal the product. 

The benefit of using a bottle lock is twofold.  One, it deters theft by preventing shoplifters from being able to get to the “product” which is the contents of the bottles.  It also allows me to openly display my higher end product which has increased sales.  Customers like to handle product and are more likely to buy when they can touch the product and when they don’t have to wait on an employee to unlock a case.  Since using bottle security products by Alpha Security I have seen a decrease in theft and an increase in sales.  No more proof needed to let me know that liquor bottle security is a great investment.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security , Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547