My Best Friend was a Shoplifter…

Back when I was in grade school, I had a friend that I would go to the mall with. She always wanted to go check out some amazing sale. I never really saw the sales she did. I also never saw her buy anything, but the next day she would show up at school wearing something new.

 I was pretty young and naive at that point. I didn’t figure out until much later that my friend would be shoplifting clothes when we would go into the fitting rooms. Back in those days, there wasn’t much for retail clothing security and anti-theft devices were almost non-existent.

 Much has changed over the years, and it’s for the best. I hate to think about what would have happened if she had been caught while we were out. Would I have been drug into her mess too?

 If there had been anti-theft devices like EAS and cheap tags and cheap labels in use, than maybe she wouldn’t have been as tempted to steal.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Checkpoint Compatible Clothing Security retail Anti-theft Devices that can help you protect your clothes and prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Clothing Security retail Anti- theft Devices in conjunction with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system to protect your Clothes and help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Checkpoint Compatible Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your retail Clothing Security needs!