Green Clothing Security

Many companies are making the transition into a more environmentally conscious or “Green” mode. Whether it is all natural or organic foods, sustainable building designs or just reduction of waste, the green movement is sweeping the nation. More designers are using green materials in their clothes, so the next logical step is to use green retail anti-theft devices for your retail clothing security.

 Environmentally safe and inexpensive cheap tags are the ideal solution. EAS systems employ the use of hard tags to deter shoplifters. These two part plastic devices clamp a pin through the material creating an impenetrable bond. The EAS tags are virtually unbeatable without the proper detachers.

 They are a green solution as the tags can be reused over and over again. If one half is lost, another piece can easily be used as all EAS tag halves work with each other. There is no need to create extra waste by disposing of these hard tags. The reusable nature of the tags also helps to keep the costs down by eliminating the need for continual reorders.

 Visit RBC Security Solutions for Clothing Security retail Anti- theft Devices that can help you protect your clothes and prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels. Our EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.

 For more information on how you can use Clothing Security retail Anti- theft Devices to protect your Clothes and help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap tags and Cheap Labels contact us.

 Click here for your Free Sample of these new Cheap Tags and Cheap Labels for your Clothing Security needs!