In retail, the goal is usually to keep people in your store, and stop them from going somewhere else. This logic is reversed when you are trying to stop shoplifting. If you want to minimize the occurrence of theft in your liquor store, you’ll have to invest in a good liquor bottle security program. The goal is to make it as much of a challenge as possible for the thieves, so they don’t have any choice but to risk getting caught at your store, or go to another store where they don’t invest in protecting their merchandise from shoplifters. For liquor stores, the must-have devices for protecting your merchandise are Bottle Locks, so even if the thieves were to get the liquor out of the store, they wouldn’t be able to enjoy it, because the bottles would have been damaged as he tried to remove the locks.
Shoplifters don’t always give up easily at the first sight of a problem. Some of them just keep trying and trying, until they get the merchandise, or they get caught. A good example of this is a video we’ve all probably seen showing a burglar falling through the ceiling of a liquor store. If you haven’t seen this yet, I highly suggest you have a look. The video starts by showing the burglar attempting to climb the outside of the building, and falling. He is then successful at getting on top of the building, but the next frame shows him falling through the ceiling inside the store. Once he recovers from the fall, he thinks he is in the clear, so he actually gets a shopping cart and starts “shopping”.
Once he gets what he wants, he tries the front door and an alarm goes off. That doesn’t work, so he finds a ladder and tries to go out the way he came in, which is also unsuccessful. This time he takes another nasty fall through the ceiling, landing on liquor bottles on the shelf. The guy is obviously visibly angry after this, and tries to throw a bottle at the security camera. After that, he finally gives up. The next thing you see is the thief sitting down smoking a cigarette and waiting for the police to arrive. As soon as he sees them outside, he lays down on the ground ready to be taken into custody.
The reason I used this as an example is that it displayed a thief taking drastic measures and trying everything he could to get away with the liquor. Liquor bottle security is extremely important for liquor stores, and if the store owner didn’t have a good burglar alarm system in place to keep their merchandise (and would-be thief) in the store, this could have ended much differently. Although there was damage done to some of the merchandise and the store, the subject was able to be caught, so there is potential to recover some of the loss. Liquor stores are often the target of shoplifting, burglaries, and robberies, so you have to take all possible measures to ensure your loss is minimal. A security alarm system, cameras, and merchandise protection devices such as bottle locks should all be included in your bottle security plan in a these types of stores.
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