When you watch the news these days, it all seems to be bad. Thefts, robberies, and other crimes dominate the happenings around the nation. You as business owners definitely do not want to make the news in that manner. Bottle security can help out with that and keep you out of the “bad” news.
Bottle locks, such as the EASy bottle cap from Alpha Security, fit securely over the tops of your high end and high theft liquors and wines. The bottle lock does not allow the bottle to be opened, and it is removed by your employees when it is purchased. The bottle lock is then reusable, so you can continue to display your products knowing that they are going to be safe from theft.
For minimal investment, liquor bottle security can create good news for you business. Good news such as increased profits, decreased loss, and a better supply of liquors and wines for your customers. That type of news might not make it on TV, but for you, it is well worth the investment.
Bottle locks also offer a visual deterrent. Those that may choose to come into your business and try to shoplift your wines and liquors are not going to want to have to spend hours trying to open up the bottle once they get out of your store with it. It is motivation enough for shoplifters to reconsider and move on to the next business that does not have bottle locks.
Good news is that your merchandise is secure, your profits are increased, and your losses are decreased. Bottle security, like bottle locks from Alpha Security, allow your merchandise to be displayed for your honest customers to shop and to purchase. There is not much better news than that.
Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy bottle bottle locks from Alpha Security and other liquor bottle security.
For more information about liquor bottle security or Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.