Retailers across the world all have one thing in common. Theft. No one is immune. Clothing stores all have shoplifters. Clothing stores all have employee theft. It doesn’t matter if you are a high-end retailer, or middle market, or even a discount dollar store. Each and every one has at some point suffered a shrink loss due to deliberate theft.
So what do you do? You can’t lock everything away! While that thought has crossed most loss prevention and store managers at some point, it just really isn’t a feasible form of clothing security.
What is a more realistic approach is the use of anti theft devices like cheap tags and cheap labels. These are affordable deterrents to stop shoplifters dead in their tracks. It also makes it much harder for an associate to steal. While associates may have more access to detachers and deactivator pads, they still run the risk of someone seeing them. Even worse is an associate who sets an alarm off as they exit the building. Trust me when I say every suspicious eye in the building is on them!
Tags and labels are an easy solution to your clothing security needs.
Visit RBC Security Solutions for Clothing Security Anti- theft Devices that can help you protect your clothes and prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags. Our EAS Labels and Tags are not cheap they are inexpensive and made in the U.S.
For more information on how you can use Clothing Security Anti- theft Devices to protect your Clothes and help you prevent retail theft in your business with products like Cheap Labels and Cheap Tags contact us