Why is Clothing Security Important To You?

I don’t go to the mall very often and I wouldn’t call myself a fashion connoisseur by any stretch of the imagination. I tend to look for sales and shop at stores that offer clothing at a much more reasonable price, but often times I end up leaving empty handed. I realize that paying more for quality items that fit properly, is often times necessary, in order to satisfy my own personal preferences. Although, with that being said I tend to not shop often and only shop for things I feel I need, rather than things I want. I assume I am outside the norm in that respect since the clothing industry has skyrocketed to some of the highest levels we have seen in years. The amount of clothing sold in this country has increased substantially over the last decade. The clothing industry has increased sales by 400% over the last ten years, selling over 80 billion pieces each year. The prices continue to inflate with production and have reached an astronomical rate; with the top four fashion brands increasing sales by over 20 billion between 2013 and 2014. The increase in pricing and production in the clothing industry also increases theft rates, which results in a retailer’s need to better protect their products. In 2014, the retail industry reported a 44 billion dollar shrinkage, which would account for all missing inventory, including employee theft. As a retail owner/manager/employee it is our responsibility to protect our merchandise, in order to reduce shrinkage, and improve profits. The local store owner has a very small profit margin, which increases the need to incorporate clothing security, into their loss prevention program.  


Clothing is a high pilfered item in the retail market, which is why clothing security is necessary to protect your financial success. It is imperative that we use clothing security tags to protect our merchandise through deterrence and detection. Checkpoint tags can be attached to any clothing item, to include clothing accessories such as: shoes, purses and other items. There are various choices when it comes to clothing security tags, and each option should be carefully considered, to find the most cost efficient means to protect your inventory. Checkpoint tags are attached to the garments, or other merchandise at the store level, and can be equipped with EAS technology. This provides a visual deterrent and an audible notification if someone attempts to remove the tag or leave the store with the item. The clothing security tags are easily removed at the time of sale to allow for a smooth and uninhibited shopping experience.  Checkpoint tags are a reusable and cost efficient means of providing clothing security for any retailer. In this day and age we can’t be too careful when it comes to protecting our interests, which is why it is important to be aware of the security options available. 


Inflation on items, such as clothing, have resulted in a need for added security awareness and improved loss prevention programs, throughout the industry. The significant increases in clothing production rates, and increased pricing for designer clothing, will continue to affect clothing security needs.  That is why it is important to be well informed and to understand your security options. Clothing security tags provide a cost-efficient means to protect all of your clothing items. By protecting your merchandise you can deter theft, thus pushing thieves to other competitors. This will decrease shrinkage and allow for increased profits and future sustainability. Don’t take my word for it, research Checkpoint tags for yourself, and see how they can provide the added security you need. 


For more information about clothing security, contact us or call 1.770.214.0547.




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