Why Do Companies Conduct Background Checks?

Why Do Companies Conduct Background Checks?

It’s now a given that most companies conduct background checks of some type on their prospective employees.  But what motivates them to budget for this portion of their pre employment screening program, beyond interviews and a basic application review?

For some, it is a policy requirement because management determined that in order to acquire the type of employee that fit their expectations, further checking into the applicant past was necessary.  Some do it because “everybody else” is doing it, and have made the decision that conducting background checks would be beneficial for their company as well.  And some do it because they were previously burned by a (former) employee who hurt the business by improper actions like theft, attendance, poor performance, or one of many other reasons that could have been reasonably anticipated through the application of a check conducted by a reputable background check company.

The latter case, being harmed by an employee, is by far the most painful to the company.  In many instances a poor choice of employees could and should have been prevented by including background checks in the hiring process.   It is a case of reacting to a problem rather than taking a proactive position to prevent the problem in the first place.

Which sounds like the better business decision?

Employee background checks are an affordable and simple insurance policy to reduce the risk of harm to a company by making a bad hire.

Explore your options in background checks by calling 770-426-0547 or click here for further information.