Why bother with Bottle Locks?

Liquor bottle security is an odd thing.  It’s not exactly a common practice, or at least not as commonly observed a practice beyond high-end liquor being held behind a cashier’s counter or locked away in a fiberglass cabinet.  But, as with most sad facts of this world, the pilferage of liquor retailers has become something of an epidemic.  The variety of the crimes range from the classic ‘snatch and grab’ to employees taking shots of vodka in the back room.  Truth of the matter is there are only a few ways to really put a stop to, or at least manage, such theft.

Bottle locks, such as the ones made by Alpha Security, serve the same purpose as EAS tags and Spider Wraps; bottle security presents a visible deterrent to shoplifting to anyone even thinking of stealing product from your business.  Since a bottle lock can take many forms you need to consider which style would best suit your needs.  One of the more common variants is the EASy Bottle lock which looks as innocuous as a plastic cup sitting atop a liquid medicine.  It’s simple enough that anyone can apply it and on that same note would give any shoplifter reason to think it would nothing to stop them.  In truth it may not be enough to stop a true pro or a determined employee but it would require them to waste time to remove it or circumvent it.  As for the average, ‘casual’ shoplifter, they more than likely would take a pass than tangle with a bottle lock.  You’d be surprised how much money in inventory such simple bottle security would save you in the end.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase bottle security EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security, Bottle Lock, Bottle locks, Bottle Security, liquor bottle security or EASy Bottle contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 Including Washington State