Who is really affected by Internal theft – Atlanta Georgia

I have been involved in the security industry for over twenty years. During those years I have conducted hundreds of Employee theft investigation s and have heard every excuse or reason why the internal theft happened. But who are the actual victims from employee theft?

The first obvious victims are the retailers. Retailers suffer millions of dollars a year in theft and a large portion of that loss comes from employee theft. The second victim is the consumer, many companies offset their prices due to the amount of loss they suffer from theft. The next victim is the employee that works for the retailer every day and performs their job properly every day. These employees eventually suffer by losing their jobs when companies have to lay off staff or retailers close their doors because financially the company can no longer operate.

But there are many programs that retailers can use to help combat employee theft. One is to include a security orientation with all new employees to assure them of how serious the company takes employee theft. The second is to provide a method for employees to report internal theft issues and remain anonymous. Some of my previous clients even offered a reward to employee that come forward and report internal theft issues anonymously. Once an employee theft investigation is conducted and if the information is correct the employee would received the reward. Retailers have to use any and all tools available to them to assure that employee theft can be stopped before it gets started.

For more information on employee theft, employee theft investigation or internal contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

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