What Makes Up A Clothing Alarm System?

A clothing alarm system consists of several components. This equipment all comes together to form a barrier to shoplifters. Good customers are not bothered and generally don’t notice that you have a clothing alarm system. Good customers are not thinking about shoplifting therefore they do not concern themselves with these issues.

The first part of the system is the antennas at the customer doors. Some companies also place antennas at the entrances to the restrooms. This denies shoplifters the privacy to try to remove the security tags on clothes. The antennas are placed in line with the doorframe on both sides of the door. Clothing alarm systems can generally be configured to work with any doorway. When a shoplifter attempts to steal your merchandise the clothing security tags cause the antennas to alarm.

The clothing security tags are placed on your merchandise by your staff. Security tags on clothes make that item unremovable from the store until your staff removes it at checkout. Clothing security tags come in more variations than you can imagine. However, there is a huge difference in quality. Lesser quality security tags on clothes have poor construction; edges that are not smooth and can snag the very fabric they are protecting. Many are very bulky and have poor performance. We see many types of clothing security tags that can simply be pried apart with a pocketknife or paper clip. This is why it is important to invest in the quality of the clothing security you choose.  Security tags on clothes are held in place with a pin. Pins come in various lengths depending on you needs. Some bulky clothing requires a longer pin.

Last but not least in the clothing security world is the detacher. Detachers are generally a key by your cash/wrap so the shoplifter cannot steal them. When a cashier wants to remove clothing security tags they simply hold the tag up to the detacher and the pin is released. Clothing security is a simple yet effective way to shut down the shoplifters in your store.

Visit our Retail Loss Prevention Store for more clothing security devices.

For more information on clothing security and a clothing alarm contact us or call us at 1.770.426.0547