For those of you not sure what ORC is; it stands for Organized Retail Crime. ORC is credited with millions of dollars each year in stolen product. Many small businesses have been completely decimated by ORC and numerous larger chains have still felt the impact that ORC creates. By putting security tags on clothes you will go a long way to prevent being targeted by professional shoplifters.
There are several types of clothing security tags to choose from. I suggest Checkpoint tags for several reasons. For one, they work. Some smaller EAS outfits have products that are not very good quality and you end up spending more in repair and service calls than going with a trusted brand. Two, Checkpoint tags are recognized by professional shoplifters. These persons make a living by stealing. (And when I say living I don’t mean paycheck to paycheck living. Many make 6 figures a year and live better than you and me). They know the clothing security that works and the clothing security that doesn’t. Just by using a recognized and trusted product you enhance the deterrent effect of putting security tags on clothes.
Anyone in softlines retail knows that jeans are the hot products. It really doesn’t matter what brand, jeans sell on the street. By putting security tags on clothes you force the thieves to do one of two things. One they can bag up the product and walk out, but that will set off the clothing alarm at the door and gain them unwanted attention. Now they have increased risk by coming back. Two, they can try to defeat the clothing security tags which takes time and increases the risk of being caught. Neither one is wanted by ORC groups and will force them to find other stores to steal from.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase a clothing alarm or clothing security tags.
For more information on security tags on clothes, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags contact us at Checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547