Use bottle security to protect your holiday inventory

Any time of year is a great time to use bottle security to protect your alcoholic products.  This becomes even more relevant during the holidays.  Holidays seem to not always bring out the best in people.  While we like to think about this time of year as a time of giving, many consider this a great time for taking as well.  Shoplifting and employee theft always rise during the holidays.  There are more shoppers so it is harder for store staff to catch the thieves.  Additionally, with a tight economy it is hard to afford buying a present for everyone on your Christmas list so many resort to stealing rather than show up to the holiday celebration empty handed.

Here is where Alpha security becomes a great business partner.  Alpha security makes a variety of bottle security locks to help keep your high dollar product safe and still openly displayed for easy customer purchase.  Probably the most popular bottle lock is the “EASy bottle” bottle lock.  This bottle lock goes over the mouth of the bottle to keep the contents safe.  The “EASy bottle” bottle locks also have a built in EAS tag that will work with your existing RF and AM EAS systems to alert you to potential theft.  These are perhaps the best for your liquor bottle security.

There are other bottle locks available for those who have bottles (such as wines and champagnes) where the mouth of the bottle is too large for the “EASy bottle” liquor bottle security.  One of these bottle locks goes around the neck of the bottle and has an EAS tag inside.  These will fit on any size bottle and still give you the protection of being alerted of theft when it is happening.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase EASy Bottle bottle locks by Alpha Security.

For more information on Alpha Security, EASy Bottle Bottle Lock , Bottle locks , Bottle Security , or liquor bottle security contact us or call 1.770.426.0547