One of the arguments against running background checks or pre employment screening is the lack of information garnered from neutral referrals from previous employers. A neutral referral started to become common practice in the 80’s and early 90’s. It all started as a way to avoid lawsuits based off of defamation of character. When a company risks those sorts of lawsuits from their previous employees, it does make some sense.
As a result, most employers now will only give the dates of employment and the last job title the employee held. Many feel that this limited information can render a background check for pre employment screening useless.
Background check experts know differently. The neutral referral can give quick and accurate information to the background check experts. When some companies are finding over 50% of applicants are not accurate in the information they submit on a resume, every little bit helps.
A neutral referral can shed some light on where a person was or wasn’t during an employment period. Sometimes gaps are discovered. Sometimes, after a few follow up questions with the applicant, the real reason they left comes out.
You can even determine if a person never held the job title they are claiming. It could mean they are actually under qualified for a certain position. They might actually be asking for too much money based on their previous experience.
Never discredit the importance of any information you can find, even if it is just a neutral referral.
For more information on background check experts , background checks , criminal background checks , employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547