The True Costs of Clothing Security

Is clothing security expensive? A question I hear all the time from managers and owners. One that is somewhat easy to understand and explain. I enjoy showing the cost versus benefit scenario with those wanting to listen.

Clothing security is more than an investment; it is a psychological tool for both employees and customers alike. The morale of employee is affected when they see theft occur in their stores, yet nothing is done to stop or prevent the incidents from occurring. Customers that steal, and get away with it, will most certainly be back to take more. They’ll also tell at least one friend how easy it was to steal from your store and those friends tell their friends and so on. Soon, you’ll realize the true costs of clothing security.

A simple fix or deterrent to theft is clothing security tags. Clothing security tags attach directly to the garment and are visible as soon as the potential thief enters the department. Imagine yourself as a thief, entering a store and going to your favorite spot. You reach for merchandise and notice something different. You have been in this store many times before but have never seen this new little device attached before. You look around, and see all other clothing items with the same device. Security tags on clothes have ended your fun.

It’s true. Security tags on clothes will get the same reaction from most any shoplifter that has been hitting your stores, untouched. As a retail professional, I always recommend security tags on clothes for any business looking to decrease theft, increase profits and keep a sound, responsible business.

One last item I’ll mention is a clothing alarm. One of the coolest features of clothing security tags is this little audible alarm. The clothing alarm works by making a high toned alarming sound when a shoplifter attempts to defeat the tag. Security tags on clothes are MUST for any retailer analyzing the true costs of clothing security.

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For more information on clothing alarm, clothing security tags or security tags on clothes contact us at clothing security or call 1.770.426.0547