The Tricks of the Shoplifter

shoplifting4Managing or owning a retail store is not easy.  Shoplifters and employee theft are in some instances a daily occurrence, and the profits you were thinking you were getting have disappear.  The digital age has brought information to the young mind easily and instantaneously, and although some use it for the benefit of their mind, others use it to cause harm and to commit crimes.  Have you checked the videos on Youtube about how to shoplift?  From how to shoplift and not get caught, to instructions on how to prepare before shoplifting.  Yes, your shoplifting prevention team has to be aware of these tactics to be effective apprehending shoplifters.

Follow the links below for more information.


How To Shoplift Without Getting Caught Using a “Thief Book”

Female shoplifters caught on camera

Several supermarkets have complained that social customs enable women to steal with impunity.

Muhammad Hamouda, sales manager at an electrical accessories company, said 70 percent of thefts in his shop are made by females, primarily stealing women’s accessories.

Most thefts are monitored on closed-circuit TVs, which have also revealed various tricks of these thieves, particularly women with large handbags into which laptops, devices for hair and body care can be concealed. Only female security staff at supermarkets can deal with women thieves.

Hamouda said: “Mostly shops do not complain to police, but demand a written confession with a copy of her identity card, and then let her go free. But there are also shops that make her pay double the price of the article she shoplifted and she is prohibited against stepping inside the shop in future,” he said, adding that some ladies deny the charges and threaten to call the Haia as a means of defense.

Muhammad Asiri, a salesman in Asir, said there were suspicious disappearances of women’s accessories such perfumes, vanity bags and rings, discovered at the end of the month. Guards do not notice anything because the missing articles were mostly light and can be easily hidden. Occasionally there are gangs of women involved in these thefts, Asiri said.

 Confessions of a teenage shoplifter

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