The Right Fit – Clothing Security

Moving Day can be a real pain; the packing, lifting, hauling, and then unpacking once one gets everything into the new place.

Oftentimes, I have a difficult time figuring out where to put everything in the new place. There was a rhyme and reason at the old place. Storage and organizers were tailored to work with that space’s particular nooks, crannies, and idiosyncrasies. Most of it will never fit in the same way at the new location.

You wouldn’t expect all your things to fit perfectly within a new space or situation, so why expect your clothing security tags to be a universal fit?

You must implement your Checkpoint tags to work effectively for security tags on clothes just as you must take the time to choose the best storage pieces so that your new space will be clean, organized, and efficient.

Security tags on clothes work only if they can be attached correctly and in a useful manner. You are missing a huge opportunity if you are trying to make only one or two types of Checkpoint tags apply in every situation.

Checkpoint tags are more than just a hard tag and a soft label. Checkpoint has spent countless hours perfecting their products so that they cover the spectrum of challenges that clothing security presents in an ever-changing environment.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase clothing alarm, clothing security tags, as well as Electronic Article Surveillance or (EAS) system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags and how they will work with Electronic Article Surveillance (or EAS) system contact us via security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547.