The Other Side of Training – Clothing Security

When you conduct loss prevention training, how far are you taking it? There are several main parts when you train your employees about your store’s clothing security and the clothing alarm system.

The first part is the technical side of things. You have to teach your employees how to use the system. Show them what happens when clothing security tags come too close to the exit doors. How close can you get before the clothing alarm goes off? It is important to know that customers can be shopping close by with no intention of exiting the store and still set an alarm off. They also need to know how close to the doors they can merchandise product with clothing security tags or they will set off false alarms all day long.

Your employees also need to know that Checkpoint tags need to be removed. Just passing them over the deactivator pads cannot deactivate the tags. The soft labels, on the other hand need to be passed over the deactivator pads, but there is a field in which they need to pass. If the cashier is not putting them over the pad within the designated field the clothing alarm will go off.

Clothing security training is not just about putting security tags on clothes. It is about how the system works as a whole and the role your employees play in making sure it is working as it should.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547