The Innovative Solution

A very large part of having the successful ability to prevent shoplifting is the ability to be innovative. Sometimes innovation comes in the form of bribery. For example: Pizza Party to the lowest shrink loss department!

Sometimes innovation comes in the form of excessive communication- Tell me again why your LP newsletter is taped to the lunch tables and inside the bathroom stalls?

Sometimes innovation comes in the form of retail anti theft devices like the Nano Gate. The Nano Gate is a replacement for the EAS towers located at the entrance doors. No longer big and bulky, this tower is streamlined to accommodate a new scope of uses.

The Nano Gate is great for boutiques and small specialty stores as it keeps with a more customer friendly or high-end image. Because of it’s more compact size, it can be used not just at the points of egress, but also in mini areas or pads.

Need a watchdog on your handbag wall? There it is! How about some infrequently used corners or back stock areas? Perfect there too. Do you have an employee entrance? What a great deterrent from employee theft!

Retail anti theft devices can seem to be the same thing over and over. Innovative solutions can brake out of those molds. Knowing when and how to utilize these innovations will make all the difference in the world when it comes to your bottom line profits. Don’t be the same, innovate!

Visit the Loss Prevention Store for retail anti theft devices that can help you prevent shoplifting in your business.

For more information on how you can use retail anti theft devices to prevent shoplifting contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


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