Retail Burglary and Robbery – How To Train Employees To Prevent, React and Recove

As a Loss Prevention Manager for nearly 14 years, I was involved with training employees on robbery response.  It is an unfortunate fact that store robberies do happen and it can be difficult to prevent them.  We can do little to influence the choice of someone who wants to commit the crime other than to make a business an uninviting target.  Public View monitors and signage indicating closed circuit television is in use can be deterrents to robbery; however a determined criminal may still choose to try to commit the crime.  It is our responsibility to prepare employees on steps they can take to prevent a robbery and how to react and recover should a robbery take place.    


It is important that employees are taught:

  • To make eye contact with and greet customers.  Criminals don’t want undo attention.
  • If robbed, don’t panic.  It is easier said than done but, panic makes it more difficult to comply with the robber’s demands and can make him/her more nervous.
  • Do whatever the robber demands. Give them what they want and get them out of the store.   
  • During the event, pay attention to as many details as possible about the robber; what were they wearing? How tall are they? What color is their hair? Did they have an accent? Could you tell an approximate age of the subject?
  • If possible, watch the direction of travel when the robber leaves the store.  Did they go to the right or left? Was there a vehicle waiting for them?  NEVER try to follow the robber outside.  Whatever you see should be done from inside the store.
  • Don’t touch ANYTHING once the robber leaves.  This includes the cash register, the checkout counter, doors and anything else the robber may have touched.

There are also tips for managers and supervisors following a robbery:

  • Call 911 and report the robbery and provide any information they ask.  Stay calm.  The dispatcher will have specific questions to ask and needs clear responses.
  • If you have a supervisor or supervisors to assist, ask witnesses to stay to speak to the police and separate them from other people and each other.  Information sharing tends to change a person’s perception of events.  If possible, provide pens and paper and ask them to write down their recollection of events.
  • The building is now a crime scene and needs to be secure.  If you have rope, chairs, wet floor signs, use them to block off areas where the robber was believed to have been.  Locking doors is discouraged since customers may want to leave.  You also don’t want to touch areas on the door where the suspect may have touched.  Prop a door open, pushing it from the bottom of the door (an unlikely place for a suspect to touch) and use it for entry and exit.  Have someone stay at the door to turn away new customers and ensure no one touches the doors. This person will also direct police to a manager when they arrive.
  • You can’t force people to stay, but you can ask them to stay to talk to police.  If they are reluctant, ask if they will leave their name and contact information for police follow-up.
  • Be prepared and have a counseling service number in your emergency contacts.  Employees and customers may experience trauma and need to talk to a professional who can help them recover from the event.
  • If you have video recording in your store, let the recorders run.  Do not try to stop them or playback and review until the police ask for access to the recordings. Usually a Crime Scene Investigator will have the ability to retrieve the videos stored on a recorder or computer.  If they need your assistance they will ask for it.

Recovery and getting back to “Business as Usual” is the final step.  It is important to restore a sense of normalcy as soon as possible.  Owners and managers must be sensitive to the needs of their employees.  Everyone will have a different reaction to a traumatic situation.  Be patient and allow for people to take some time off if necessary.  There will be those employees who are ready to get back to work.  For them it is their way of handling stress, so let them work.  You may also have employees who were not working so they will not be affected in the same way as those who were present at the time.  Rely on them to get the store back in business. 

Have a robbery plan and review it regularly with employees.  Being prepared will help you get through a crisis and back on your feet quickly.

3 No-brainer Ways to Decrease Theft

shoplifting1If you work in retail then you know theft is a big problem.  The theft of supplies, merchandise, time and money are just a few of the things managers have to deal with daily.  They have to address it on many fronts (i.e., impulse and professional shoplifters, employees and their friends and families, vendors).

Unfortunately, these concerns aren’t going to go away.  At this time, no one has a solution for stopping all forms of stealing.  You can’t change human nature and some people are just going to be dishonest.  That’s the bad news. 

However, there’s some good news too.  While you can’t completely stop it, there are ways you can prevent or minimize a lot of your loss due to theft.  Loss – caused both externally and internally — can be decreased by making a few operational changes. 

Here are 3 operational areas where you can make some headway in your on-going struggle against theft.  If they seem like they’re “just common sense” you’re right, they are.  But, there are a lot of managers and organizations out there who don’t do them — you probably know some. 

Put the right person in the right job.  We all do some things better than others; everyone has strengths and weaknesses.  Putting people in positions they’re not trained to do or aren’t capable of doing affects the way they’re able to perform their job.  Sink or swim is a destructive way to manage and it rarely works. 

If a person is good with organization think about making them responsible for keeping a tight rein on your high-risk inventory.  How about putting the out-going person in charge of greeting, engaging and monitoring customers on the floor?

Everyone is accountable for their job duties.  Lack of accountability is one the biggest complaints people have with their jobs.  Consequences for poor performance and behavior are some of the most effective deterrents to theft.  Honest, responsible, motivated employees want to work in fair and equitable workplaces.

Prioritize effective communication.  This is a simple, smart fix.  Yet, most companies struggle with it.  Billions of dollars have disappeared in a pocket or walked out a door because somebody didn’t: pass on important information, talk over a problem, speak up with a concern, get enough training, get the memo or listen well enough. 

There are other operational ways to decrease internal and external theft.  But, these 3 are a good place to start.  If they are done well and consistently they might be all you need.  If not, they’ll give you a good base on which to build further.

Nicole Abbott is a professional writer who’s had over 200 articles published.  She’s a business consultant and former psycho-therapist with over 20 years of experience in mental health, business and addiction.  She’s a coach, lecturer, trainer and facilitator.  She has conducted over 200 workshops, trainings, presentations, seminars and college classes.

Retail Alarm System Tips and Tricks; Do’s And Dont’s

EAS RepairRetail alarms are necessary to ensure a store is protected against break-ins and even theft from within.  I know from personal experience that they work.  As a Loss Prevention Manager I once had to respond to a burglary alarm when two young men threw a cement block through the front doors of my store in the middle of the night.  I also responded to a number of false alarms due to system errors and failures.  As a Manager On Duty I know that it can be stressful wondering if you locked all the doors and set the alarm at the end of the night.  With those situations in mind, I would like to provide some practical tips to help avoid excessive false alarms and worry about building security.


  • Schedule regular alarm tests for your store(s).  Doing a walkthrough test once a month is good practice.  This can be done by the store owner or management before the start of a business day or after close when customers and employees have left.
  • Have two people conduct the alarm test.  They can walk the building together or one can stay near the alarm panel and monitor the alarm points or zones as they are activated.
  • Your alarm system should be monitored by an alarm company.  Notify them when you are starting and ending your alarm test so they don’t request a false police response.  At the end of the test ask for a copy of the test results.  They should be able to provide a digital copy to you with a day or two.
  • Have at a minimum, an annual alarm inspection by a technician from the alarm company or one of their certified contractors.  They can do a more detailed inspection of alarm sensors and contact points, making sure there is no excessive wear and tear or damage due to moving parts.
  • Have a current list of building alarm responders on file with your alarm company and the police department responsible for the jurisdiction where your store is located.  Should a key holder/responder leave, make sure the list is updated.  This goes for phone numbers as well.  There is nothing more frustrating for a dispatcher than to call an out of service number or a call list that is no longer current.
  • Have employees conduct a final walk of the building at the end of the day when the doors are locked.  Check restrooms and off-stage areas, including break rooms and janitor closets to make sure no one is “hiding out,” waiting for employees to leave so they can steal and run out through a fire exit.
  • Have at least two people close the store.  They can look out for each other as they leave and verify doors are locked and alarms are set.


  • Schedule alarm tests for the same date every month.  Establishing patterns can tip off a potential robber of when the alarm system will be in “test” mode and not active for a police dispatch.
  • Allow someone to conduct an alarm test alone.  For their safety it isn’t good practice to leave a person alone in a store or building.  Remember, there is always safety in numbers.
  • Ignore an alarm zone issue.  When setting the alarm at the end of the night, if an alarm zone fails to set, don’t automatically try to bypass it.  You should have a zone description list that identifies where the alarm points are located.  Check the point, making sure that door is secure.  If you cannot identify the problem for the night, contact your alarm company, describe the issue and arrange for a technician to come out the next day.  They can help you shunt the one zone while still alarming the rest of the building.  Call your local police department and ask for a police check once or twice that night.  Let them know you are having an issue with your alarm system.  Most departments are willing to send a patrol by at least once to check your store.
  • Finally, don’t automatically respond to a phone call that your alarm is going off.  Ask for a call back number and the caller’s name.  You should have the alarm company phone number available, call them and verify the alarm activation and the name of the person who called you.  If you are responding to an alarm, call the police and ask if someone can meet you at the building.  Stay in your vehicle until an officer arrives, then enter together.  NEVER enter the building by yourself when responding to an alarm.

Following these retail alarm system tips you will be able to sleep easy at night knowing you are protecting your business AND your employees. 


Employee Theft is NEVER Funny, Or Is It? That May Depend On Your Perspective

theft (12)What can make life miserable for a Human Resources or Hiring Manager?  In the right circumstances, a Loss Prevention Manager can be the cause of much consternation for a Human Resources Manager.  When more than one employee is being apprehended or fired for theft at the same time it requires shifting schedules, moving people around and hiring new people to take the place of the employees being removed.  What makes it even more difficult for a retail H.R. Manager is if the employees work in a specialized job function.  I confess (with a smile on my face as I write this) that I was responsible more than once for putting a Human Resource Manager in this predicament during my Loss Prevention Manager career.  Don’t misunderstand, I was not taking pleasure in the misery of the Human Resource Manager or the Department Manager, for that matter; I was enjoying closing an investigation that netted around five employees in total, three who worked in the one area.

     So what was this particular case and why was it funny to me?  The case started out as a cash shortage investigation in our food service area.  We had multiple departments in our store but the food services employees tended to be more specialized in their duties. Unlike other departments, there were not always employees in the store who could provide what we called back-ups to assist in food/drink preparations.  For example, when the front lanes got busy, a call for back-up cashiers would result in employees from all areas of the store responding since everyone was trained as a cashier.  The same thing could not be said for our food service area.  We simply did not have the same number of trained people who could respond.

     As I began developing my case, I conducted live camera surveillances of our food service area.  Now a good investigator remains open to the possibility that there is always the chance that one “type” of case can lead to other activity and he/she is prepared to expand an investigation if necessary.  Rushing to close a case simply to get a quick statistics is poor investigative technique, but I have seen it happen.  It didn’t take long to identify the person I suspected was causing the cash losses, but I also found there was a second person causing shortages.  That led me to conduct additional surveillances and watching all transactions that took place.  Soon I was noticing drinks and food were being given at reduced prices or for free to other employees and even some customers.  The passing of food and under-ringing became so routine it was comical to watch.  There were customers I identified as “regulars” coming to the counter to get special deals that weren’t on the menu.

     Eventually I identified three food service employees and two or three other store employees regularly getting free meals, in addition to the primary cash theft that instigated the investigation.  There were several more employees who received a free drink or two but not on a regular basis.   With the prior approval of my District Manager, I involved the Human Resource Manager since it was going to make a significant dent in her ability to staff food services for a little while. Needless to say, she was taken back by the amount of theft and fraud that had been taking place.  She was absolutely shocked when it dawned on her that she was about to lose almost a third of her food service staff.  To ease her pain a bit I let her know I was not going to go after the employees who received one or two free drinks.  With her assistance, we would issue written warnings to those employees. 

     Because we had a good relationship, our H.R. Manager worked with me to schedule the employees at staggered times during the day so I could conduct individual interviews without one person having time to alert anyone else to what was happening.  The day came when I conducted all interviews and a couple of people were prosecuted for cash theft and three or four were terminated for theft of food and policy violations.  A couple of employees received final warnings for policy violations but were allowed to continue their employment with the company. 

   Coverage for the food service area was difficult for a few weeks, but we made it happen.  I also had to chuckle because some of our “regular” customers stopped coming for food. A final word of advice to those in LP and management; build strong partnerships with each other, it is mutually beneficial for you and the store.    


Preventing Shoplifting With Training

shoplifting6A woman is fired by a grocery store chain after merging with another chain, and changing their shoplifting policy because she chased a shoplifter. Employees at the biggest retail store chased and killed a shoplifting man and now they faced murder charges.  Employees at retail stores, grocery stores, and specialty stores all over the country chase and try to stop shoplifters, when even the store policy where they work says “No chase, No Touch.”  When hiring a new employee, management should be absolutely clear about the policies regarding shoplifting, and the store in general.  Remind older employees about the policies as well, so they can have a clear understanding of what it is expected of them when a situation of this nature occurs.  The safety of your employees and customers is a paramount responsibility you cannot ignore.

To read more bout shoplifting news, follow the links below.

Low Prices, High Crime: Inside Walmart’s Plan to Crack Down on Shoplifting

The nation’s largest retailer is taking justice into its own hands.

The Walmart Supercenter in Camden, S.C., is a 24/7 retail oasis in an area with few options. There are Walmarts in nearby counties, but some of them aren’t open 24 hours a day. Camden’s location—close to Lake Watertree and a nearby river with few bridges—makes it difficult for residents to go anywhere other than the sprawling complex for everything from bread to tires to electronics. And it’s a place the Camden Police Department knows well. In the first six months of 2016, 14% of the department’s police reports originated at Walmart, most for shoplifting—a figure that could be much higher if you ask the town’s police chief.

“Sometimes they don’t call us,” says Camden Police Chief Joe Floyd. “They call us when they make an apprehension of a shoplifter. But they don’t call us every time something happens there.”

Woman works at Ballard Safeway for 12 years, fired for trying to stop vandal, shoplifter

After 12 years of working for Safeway, Samira Othman, 48, never thought she would be fired for trying to prevent a shoplifter and vandal from taking liberties while on her watch, but that’s just what happened last May.

Othman told the Ballard News-Tribune that she has been a merchandise stocker at the store for years. She moved here from Jerusalem back in 2001 and got a job at a Capital Hill Safeway, but after a year she moved back to Jerusalem to care for her mother. She later returned in 2004 and asked her previous manager for a reference in order to get hired at the Ballard Safeway (1423 NW Market St.). She said she was hired immediately and stocked the shelves for over a decade.

“I’m very hard working, and I worked like a dog for them for years,” said Othman.

But she was known for doing much more than stocking the shelves; she also busted shoplifters. For years Othman said she saved the store thousands of dollars by catching thieves and retrieving store products. She said she was rewarded for her efforts with gift cards from the corporate office.

Dear CEO: How Immune Is Your Business To The Risk Of Fraud?

Dear CEO: How Immune Is Your Business To The Risk Of Fraud? – Adeniyi Bamgboye

The success of every businessman depends on his ability to make a decent return on investment and make reasonable profit while the hallmark of every professional lies in his or her ability to commercial his skills, knowledge and expertise. We all know how challenging doing business in our clime can be. Not to mention issues such as unstable electricity, poor transportation system and lack of infrastructural facilities plaguing our economic growth and development as a nation. Adding the risk of fraud which is the subject matter of this article would be tantamount to adding salt to injury of a typical Nigerian entrepreneur because he already has enough giants to contend with.

This piece was written by Adeniyi Bamgboye Emmanuel. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of

Fraudulent activities within an organisation will not only serve as a clog to the wheel of progress of such an entity in terms of causing a drastic reduction in its profitability on the short term, and its ability to continue to operate as a going concern in the  long term.


Tips To Stop Shoplifting In Your Store

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Some of the advice security and loss prevention personnel give to retailers and small businesses is that greeting a customer and asking if they need help, are some of the easiest and cheapest methods to prevent shoplifting in their stores.  Having a clean, well lit store is helpful and can help employees keep track of customers entering and leaving the premises.  If your store is dealing with shoplifting cases in a regular basis, invest in having security cameras installed,  anti-theft tags on the merchandise, or anti-theft devices at the entrances.  Preventing shoplifting is a necessity that most retailers have to take seriously, and take adequate measures to mitigate their loses.

For more about this and other stories, follow the links below.

Juneau police give retailers tips on stopping shoplifters

“Greet your customer.”

That’s the most important piece of advice Juneau police Officer Ken Colon wanted his audience to remember at the end of his presentation on Friday. He was meeting with nearly 20 people in the backroom of Alaskan Dames, a consignment shop in the Mendenhall Valley.

“Shoplifters, they do not like being greeted. It hinders their ability, it takes away the opportunity and it reduces the desire to commit the crime,” Colon said.

Juneau police have reported burglary and theft rates significantly higher last year than in previous years, and they’re stepping up efforts to help residents discourage thieves before a crime is committed.

Colon has been on the Juneau police force for almost 11 years. He’s experienced the increase in property crime firsthand. He said when he responds to a theft, he looks for holes in the victim’s security so he can explain ways they can prevent the same thing from happening again. Now he’s taking the next step.

Theft is erasing some of self-checkout’s benefits

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A study of self-checkout kiosks in Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US found that self-service checkout technology likely increases shoplifting, according to The New York Times.

The study, which was conducted by the University of Leicester, audited one million shopping trips between December 2013 and February 2015 in detail, and found that out of 6 million items, 850,000 were not scanned. That represents a loss of 4% of total purchase value.

Some of self-checkout’s benefits could be reversed because of the increase in petty theft they might cause.

  • Retailers may turn to self-checkout because they want to save labor costs and boost sales. By substituting self-checkout for regular checkout lanes, stores hope to limit staff they need working and save on personnel expenses, though this isn’t always the case. These kiosks can also allow for easier implementation of loyalty programs and give stores access to consumer data. These devices can also increase average ticket size —  at Cinemark movie theaters, self-checkout helped drive 32 consecutive quarters of increases in per-person concession orders, according to Kiosk Marketplace. That might be because without direct human interaction, consumers are more likely to purchase items that are hard to pronounce or that they’re embarrassed about, according to data from Kiosk Marketplace and the Harvard Business Review.

Springfield Police, Wal-Mart Cooperate In Attempt To Reduce Theft At Stores

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Police departments across the country are getting a little annoyed about how often they have to respond to calls at Wal-Mart.

According to an analysis by Bloomberg, a violent crime has taken place on a Wal-Mart property in the U.S. almost every day this year.

In 2013, Springfield Police responded to more than 900 shoplifting incidents at the city’s supercenters.

That accounted for about two-thirds of all shoplifting calls that year, and prompted police to ask the world’s largest retailer to take action.

After taking a closer look at where property crime occurs in Springfield, Major Kirk Manlove decided police needed a rollback on time spent at Wal-Mart.

“We’ve recognized since 2013 that the 5 Wal-Mart Supercenters were taking an enormous toll on police services,” Manlove said.

In 2013, Manlove sat down with corporate reps and asked them to do more to either prevent shoplifting, or catch thieves on their way out the door.

For about a year, he did not get the response he was looking for.

“It’s a huge corporation, no secret there and so to get decisions made down at the asset protection level is probably difficult, and budget driven,” Manlove said.

Manlove now meets with Wal-Mart quarterly, and feels the company is trying to address the concerns of local law enforcement.


Stopping Shoplifting In Your Store


Retailers around the world lose billions a dollars every year due to shoplifting and employee theft.  And while the big retail chains can financially deal with the problem, there are many small businesses that cannot afford it, nor can they fight it for long.

The laws concerning shoplifting vary by state, and therefore you have to be aware of the steps you need to do while apprehending a shoplifter or an employee caught stealing. Prevention and safety should be some of the most important steps when dealing with shoplifting in your business.

To read more about this and other stories about shoplifting, follow the links below.

To stop a thief: Shoplifting is a daily battle for retailers

On any given day, more than $35 million worth of merchandise is stolen from retail stores across the country by shoplifters – amateurs and professionals alike – who steal clothing, jewelry, electronics and a host of other items, including food.

Some sneak quickly and quietly with the merchandise, others make bold getaway attempts.

In Tupelo, the retail and financial hub of Northeast Mississippi, the Tupelo Police Department gets hundreds of reports each year.

In 2014, TPD took 483 reports related to shoplifting, according to TPD Public Information Officer Chuck McDougald. Last year, that number fell to 260. So far this year, the department has taken 162 calls.

“Higher shopping volume days correspond to more shoplifting calls,” he said. “Those include weekends and holidays.”

As for the timing of when shoplifters are busiest, apparently they’re not early risers.

The nation’s largest retailer is taking justice into its own hands.

The Walmart Supercenter in Camden, S.C., is a 24/7 retail oasis in an area with few options. There are Walmarts in nearby counties, but some of them aren’t open 24 hours a day. Camden’s location—close to Lake Watertree and a nearby river with few bridges—makes it difficult for residents to go anywhere other than the sprawling complex for everything from bread to tires to electronics. And it’s a place the Camden Police Department knows well. In the first six months of 2016, 14% of the department’s police reports originated at Walmart, most for shoplifting—a figure that could be much higher if you ask the town’s police chief.

“Sometimes they don’t call us,” says Camden Police Chief Joe Floyd. “They call us when they make an apprehension of a shoplifter. But they don’t call us every time something happens there.”

Police Officer Found Guilty Of Manslaughter In Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man

Stephen Rankin becomes one of the rare officers convicted of murder or manslaughter for on-duty conduct.

A white Virginia police officer was convicted of voluntary manslaughter Thursday in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black 18-year-old accused of shoplifting.

A circuit court jury found former Portsmouth police officer Stephen Rankin guilty for the killing of William Chapman in April of last year. It was the second time Rankin had killed an unarmed man while on duty. He now faces up to 10 years in prison, although the jury recommended just 2 1/2 years.

Earlier on Thursday, lawyers for Rankin had unsuccessfully urged the judge to declare a mistrial, citing video evidence showing a friend of Chapman’s family speaking to a juror. Rankin’s defense described this as a deliberate attempt to influence the outcome of the trial ― a charge that the friend denied.

Rankin, who was fired while he awaited trial, had originally been charged with first-degree murder and using a firearm to commit a felony.


Safety First

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3 Walmart Employees in Florida Face Charges in Death of Shoplifter -This is one of the many cases where employees or shoplifters die when a shoplifting incident occurs.  It is not news anymore.  It is too common to surprise people, and shoplifting as a social problem is not getting any better.  As a retail owner or LP officer, what are some of the solutions that we need to be aware to mitigate these incidents in our store?  Is the store layout  a solution?  More greeters at the door? More LP personnel? The billions of dollars lost due to shoplifting increases every year, and the loss of lives doesn’t seem to get any less.  Do you need personnel training for your store?  System solutions to help you with shoplifting?  Contact us to help you reduce your loses and increase your profits.

The Mobile Side of Retail Loss Prevention

Today, retail loss prevention’s focus has grown from preventing the loss of inventory within a retailer’s stores to a variety of other activities ranging from HR challenges, crisis management, emergency situations and disaster recovery. However, the process for communicating emergency preparedness procedures with employees has remained stagnant. This could result in a tremendous loss in operations and profit for retailers. With brick-and-mortar retailers fighting for every dollar against growing online and mobile sales, empowering employees at each store location to protect assets has now reached a critical level.
Working with associations like the National Retail Federation, which recently addressed these issues at their loss prevention event NRF Protect, most retailers build robust loss prevention, risk mitigation, and emergency preparedness plans.

While corporate management makes a concerted effort to distribute these guidelines to each store manager, nine times out of ten, these plans are extensive paper-based manuals, posters, flip books, building diagrams, and websites that are too cumbersome to access quickly. Even worse, they are often lost or filed away in a drawer and not available when an issue arises.

LP101: Embezzlement in the Retail Environment

Embezzlement is a crime that involves a breach of trust.

Embezzlement is a type of theft involving a person or persons entrusted to property owned by someone else (such as an employee) who then uses fraudulent means to illegally misappropriate the property or cash entrusted to them.

Embezzlement is a breach of the fiduciary responsibilities placed upon a person. In this type of fraud the assets are originally under the control of the person lawfully, but the person then uses the assets for unintended purposes.

For example, a Cash Office Manager would be authorized to have control over cash in the cash office for business purposes and management. However, if the Cash Office Manager took possession of cash and illegally removed it from the cash office for their own personal use, this would constitute a form of embezzlement. If an attorney has control of an individual’s assets in order to manage their financial affairs, but misappropriates some or all of their client’s money into the attorney’s personal bank account, this would constitute embezzlement.

Elements common to embezzlement would include:

  • The assets must belong to someone other than the accused (such as an employer)

Store Worker Fatally Shot Trying To Prevent Shoplifting

CHICAGO (CBS) — An employee was shot and killed while trying to stop a person from shoplifting on the South Side.

The victim was working at a Family Dollar store in the 7900 block of South Ashland in Auburn Gresham when he was shot around 5 p.m. Tuesday.

When confronted, the shoplifter pulled out a gun and opened fire, hitting the worker in the chest, police said.

The 30-year-old man was pronounced dead at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn.

Customers said the victim was Jquinn McCune, the store’s manager.

“I’m so sorry this happened to him,” said Matthew Hobson. “I mean, he was a great, great inspiration to the young people in the neighborhood. He tried to get along with everybody, looked out for everybody.”

The man who fired the shots fled on foot in unknown direction


Could Good Training Help Prevent Deaths In The Retail Industry?


It is not rare when the news report another death from a shoplifting incident.  Organized crime is a global and national problem affecting millions of people, and the retail industry loses billions of dollars every year due to shoplifting. LP personnel deal with highly strenuous situations every single day they try to apprehend shoplifters, and their safety is not always guaranteed.  What are you doing as a retailer to ensure the safety of your employees?  Are you doing enough? Is their training subpar, or are you enlisting the best possible training for them to do their job?

To read more, click on the links below.

Employees charged with fatally crushing shoplifting suspect

It was the middle of the night on Feb. 7, at a Florida Walmart Supercenter, when Kenneth E. Wisham, 64, allegedly decided to steal $380.74 worth of DVDs.

Pushing a shopping cart stacked high with them, Wisham tried to leave the store without employees noticing, but when they did — and then confronted him — the man ran, police said, tugging at his falling pants along the way.

At some time Wisham fell, the initial police report said, and three Walmart employees detained him.

Twelve hours later, Wisham was dead.

Reports from police at the time hinted at a medical mystery that had overtaken the 64-year-old man, who stopped breathing while he was being detained. Wisham never regained consciousness, despite lifesaving efforts at Walmart and the hospital, and died later that afternoon.

Two days later, the Polk County Medical Examiner’s Office performed an autopsy.

The cause of death, officials determined, was mechanical asphyxia by restraint, meaning his airwaves were suppressed during a struggle. Wisham also had 15 broken ribs.

INVESTIGATION: Female shoplifting on the rise at some Cleveland-area malls

A string of shoplifting incidents at several local malls have one thing in common — predominantly female suspects.

Strongsville police tell that women have made up the majority of shoplifting arrests at the South Park Mall for several years. But the number of female arrests is on the rise.

In 2014, 66 percent of shoplifting arrests were female suspects. In 2015, 68 percent of shoplifting arrests were women. And so far this year, 71 percent all shoplifting arrests have been female suspects.

Beachwood had nine reports of shoplifting involving female suspects at Beachwood Place over the last two weeks, according to police reports.

A $5200 Chanel purse was stolen from Saks Fifth Avenue, along with clothing from H&M, jewelry from Claire’s and six different incidents at Sephora, racking up several hundred dollars worth of pocketed cosmetics.

GPS anti-theft device leads deputies to Saks shoplifting suspects

WESLEY CHAPEL, FL (WFLA) – Three woman suspected in a retail theft at the Tampa Premium Outlet Mall are in custody, each facing multiple theft charges.

Pasco County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Toccara Huff, Ayanna Palacio and Sharhonda Pedroso Tuesday. Deputies said the women entered Saks Fifth Avenue and ran out with $1,539.78 worth of merchandise. Investigators caught up with the woman 15 minutes later, about 8 miles away.

The arrest was recorded on a deputy’s body camera.

“You’re going to be going to jail for felony retail theft, OK, because the clothes you stole from the store had a GPS tracker on them,” the deputy says.

“I ain’t did nothing,” one of the suspects said.

Deputies used an anti-theft tracking device that was attached to merchandise from Saks Fifth Avenue.

“It was a complete surprise to them,” Sgt. Richard Jones said.

Deputies said this is the first time they’ve caught suspects using a GPS tracker. “Obviously criminals will be more creative in committing crimes, so obviously, law enforcement, loss prevention have to be just as creative in catching those criminals,” Jones said.


Sometimes We Simply Do Not See The Obvious

Sometimes we simply do not see the obvious even when it is right in front of us. For many years we have worked really hard to hide or disguise Checkpoint Labels. The thought being that the shoplifter will not be able to locate and possibly defeat the label. 

But new studies show that although that is still a great strategy, you should also look at the opposite.  Putting a clearly identified label in plain sight with a warning on it. 

Here is seala good example using one of the newer clear, Checkpoint Systems stock labels. The trademarked “lock” and wording has been tested extensively.

Rather than bore you with all the details of the study, I will simply tell you that it works and works well. Visible tagging can increase sales and reduce loss. The last study found:LP2

As many of you know I, Bill Bregar have been in the loss prevention field most of my career. So now putting that hat on let’s look at this from another view. We know that shoplifters are broken into three distinct groups; Impulse, Amateur and Professional.

The bulk of shoplifters you encounter are Impulse. I teach this in my shoplifting classes, which by the way I conduct live, in person or by webinar and are FREE of charge to Loss Prevention Systems customers. I always explain that Impulse shoplifters are easily deterred with employee contact. In other words if you greet the Impulse shoplifter with eye contact, a simple hello and “can I help you”, many studies show that the Impulse shoplifter will most likely NOT shoplift during that visit.

Well if we now apply the thought of a Checkpoint Systems visual deterrence label it makes sense.  Given the same circumstances where the Impulse shoplifter has not been greeted but is faced with a visual deterrence label it casts enough doubt into their minds that they do not steal. 

Well if that is the case then why doesn’t a sign like this work?LP3

Besides being funny to us I have learned that signs do very little.  Probably because of sign “pollution”. They either don’t see it or it is really not a threat. But a specific label on the merchandise they are considering  stealing, casts doubt.  They do not know what other element may be protecting that merchandise. 

Something to consider! If you would like some samples of these labels just reach out to us. We will get them in the mail to you at no charge.