Right Where You Want Them – Loss Prevention Training

I was never a good chess player. I have plenty of family and friends that play chess, and a few of them are quite good. I always marvel at their ability to maneuver their opponent into making a losing move. It reminds me of when I conduct an employee theft interview and investigation.

It’s really all about understanding the nuances of the game you are playing. For chess, it is in knowing the parameters of the board – which piece moves where and how. It’s also about having a clear understanding of the end result – the win.

With employee theft, you are concerned with knowing what the employee did and how they got away with it for so long. The interview is about asking questions in a certain succession so their answers unfold into a confession. That admission should tell you not only the scope of your losses, but also your operational breakdowns that allowed those losses to occur.

Since I am not a natural born chess player, I needed all the help I could get to be better at my employee theft interviews. I signed up for several Loss Prevention Seminars. The Loss Prevention Training I got helped me learn how to move the employee’s admissions right where I wanted them to be.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

A Difficult Subject – Employee Theft

As a business owner or manager you have probably seen your share of employee theft over the years. It is a difficult problem in many ways. Not only do you suffer the financial losses caused by employee theft, but you can also suffer the emotional loss caused by this employee’s betrayal.

Over time, you might be more desensitized by these emotional losses and can begin to develop a general distrust for most employees. This makes it hard to be a good leader and a good listener. If you are not approachable, your current employees may not feel comfortable coming to you with information about an employee theft situation.

Let’s face it; your employees are probably going to be more aware of this theft before you are.

It might be time to participate in some loss prevention seminars. They will help you come to terms with your store’s past theft issues. This will also give you the tools to help broach the subject with your current employees. Loss prevention workshops are designed to open up the lines of communication.

You might not be jaded from past experiences and still not be viewed as approachable. Sometimes, employees who are privy to theft happening in the store simply do not know what to do with the information. By providing a new outlet for communication, you have a better chance of eliminating or responding quickly to these instances of theft.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Policy, In a Nutshell – Loss Prevention Training

In a nutshell, loss prevention is about reducing the opportunity for merchandise or cash losses in your business. It is about developing standard business practices and procedures that limit the scope by which you might suffer monetary or inventory loss. These losses create a financial burden that is hard to recover from. This is where you need Loss Prevention Training and development.

You probably have policies and procedures in place for other functional areas of your store – things like sales, customer service, or human resources. So why would you not have these same policies for loss prevention in place.

It is just as easy to give your employees a loss prevention workshop, as it is to train them on how to run a register or sell to a customer.

Attending a Loss prevention workshop will also give you some ideas to develop and implement these policies.

There really is no need to try and re-invent the wheel. There are many practices that have already been developed that have been proven to eliminate or deter both shoplifting and employee theft.

The need for loss prevention in your store or business has one main goal – to prevent opportunities. If you are not completely adept in how to do this, you need to explore how to further your own loss prevention training that can help you expand.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Why Do People Shoplift? The High Price of Shoplifting for Retailers

theft (1)Shoplifting is a serious issue that affects more than just the retailers being stolen from. This hurts an economy that is struggling to recover from the recent recession because shoplifters are stealing approximately 25 million dollars worth of merchandise every single day.
There are several different reasons that people shoplift. A professional shoplifter is looking for a profit from reselling what he or she has stolen, but the majority of shoplifters is not professional and shoplifts for very different reasons. One reason non professional shoplifters steal is the emotional high or thrill they get from the theft.

Another reason is often the lack of funds to buy what the shoplifter wants. The shoplifter may also feel that they are entitled to take what they want if they can get away with it, or if they feel it is over-priced.

Not all shoplifters lack the funds to buy items, but feel pressured to steal by their peers. Emotional issues or kleptomania is a cause for some shoplifters. Whatever the reasons may be, the effect of shoplifting is hurting the economy. The attitude that many Americans have toward shoplifting is part of the problem. Shoplifting is often called the nations “silent crime” because it happens so often with so little consequence to the shoplifter. On average a shoplifter only gets caught one out of every fifty times he or she shoplifts.

Retailers are primarily the ones left with trying to stop shoplifting. Fortunately there are options available to help retailers curb shoplifting in their stores. An electronic surveillance system is a great tool in spotting shoplifters, and when it is used in connection with security tags on merchandise, the two become an outstanding line of defense for the store.

When potential shoplifters see a security tag detection systems at the front of a store, find security tags on the merchandise, a visible electronic surveillance system, and alert store associates, it might make shoplifters think twice about trying to get a five-finger discount from that retailer. For retailers, a good security system is a small price to pay in the struggling economy.

Lessen The Cases Of Employee Theft With Loss Prevention Seminars

250x250_2ndMost of the time, business owners are the last ones to know about the existence of employee theft within their business. There are a number of reasons to why this happens, and one of them is the fact that employees are not too comfortable with the idea of approaching their employers about what is happening.

In this case, it doesn’t mean that the employers are surly and do not have good working relationships with their employees. At times, it’s only an issue about employees being aware of the theft that is happening, but are reluctant to approach their employers on the matter. Providing a new way in which employers and employees can communicate with each other, employers can learn about these cases and take action about them immediately.

Now may be a good time to take part in some loss prevention training for your business. Through this, employers will be able to address the issue of theft in the business as well as talk about the issue with their employees. These loss prevention seminars have been specifically designed not only to address the issue of theft, but to make it easier for employees and employers to communicate when it comes to issues related to the business.

Loss prevention seminars will teach employers about how to broach the subject of employee theft to their employees. While some employees in the past may have committed theft, this does not mean that other employees will do the same as well. Not many people believe that theft exists in their workplace or that the crime has been committed by their workmates.

If you’re interested to know more about Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training or Loss Prevention Workshop, you may call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia. or visit us at LossPreventionSeminar.com

More information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems can be found at the Loss Prevention Systems website. You can also find more information on Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop. We can provide help regarding Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Try Something New – Loss Prevention Workshop

You can never be too old to learn something new. Even if all you learn is that you are slowly becoming more out dated and obsolete as time goes by. That is why, professionally, I try to stay on top of the current shoplifting methods by attending a loss prevention workshop.

Even employee theft changes as time goes by. Yes, the basic principles are still there, but attending a loss prevention training refresher course never hurts. The loss prevention seminars will show you what is currently trending with the criminal element. There are high tech ways that people are incurring losses. There are also the same methods being used, just with new twists to try and stay up with the current technologies being used.

Updated training can also show you how to update your security, and your policies to reduce or potentially eliminate the losses your store might be incurring. Remember shoplifting isn’t just about defeating a security tag anymore.

There is a whole new electronic and digital way to sell stolen merchandise, which makes it even more difficult to track down later on. Online shopping is huge and if you do not know how it can affect you and your losses, you might want to reconsider taking a loss prevention workshop soon.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Recently Promoted – Loss Prevention Training

One of the best pieces of advice they’ve given at a recent loss prevention training class, is something I have stressed in my own personal career for many years. In this loss prevention workshop, some recently promoted corporate loss prevention professionals spoke of the importance of learning other areas of the company or business outside of just loss prevention. It was a critical factor in their success stories.

They were talking about why it is so important to cross train yourself in different areas of a company or business. It shows your respect for those other areas. It is nearly impossible to try and guide or confer with another department if you don’t have any knowledge of their responsibilities and processes.

It is also important to broaden your horizons because your own working knowledge will make you more successful. The more you know about the full circle of your business, the stronger you are as a manager or a key player, just as these professionals did. The same thing goes for those out there that are going to loss prevention training to broaden their own horizons. The more you know about different areas of a business, the better off you will be.

How can you possibly know what to look for in regards to employee theft, for example, if all you know is selling? How can you be profitable if you don’t know operations? It all comes together with a full circle knowledge that comes from loss prevention seminars.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

5 Ways to Deter Shoplifters

theft (10)Shoplifting remains one of the major problems facing retail stores across the US and the world as a whole, some reports claim as many as one in twelve customers actively shoplift items from retail stores. There are simple and effective ways to deter shoplifters from committing this crime, which costs business millions of dollars each year.


The first step in deterring shoplifters is to make sure each person entering a store is aware of the company policy of actively prosecuting those caught shoplifting. Signs should be positioned at the entrance and exit to a store that make the pledge that shoplifters will be prosecuted. Follow through with this pledge, by prosecuting shoplifters a store will gain a reputation as one to be avoided by shoplifting gangs.


One of the major aspects of a shoplifting crime is usually secrecy, which is required when a shoplifter takes an item and hides it on their person. Shop floor alarms on high priced items, which sound when the loop is broken or the item is carried out of the store often act as a deterrent for shoplifters.

Store Layout

As has already been mentioned one of the major things each criminal considering shoplifting needs is secrecy. Taking an overview of the layout of a store can identify areas acting as blind spots not visible to employees. Altering the layout, which can mean positioning a cash register close to the exit, can make it more difficult for a shoplifter to complete their crime.

Positioning Stock

In general, thieves want to steal the most expensive items they can to get the highest amount in resale value that are easy to access. High priced items can be positioned close to the register where staff members can keep an eye on them; removing parts until the item is bought can also make it more difficult for a shoplifter.


Shoplifters rarely want to be identified; meaning the installation of security cameras is one of the major deterrents to potential shoplifters. When installing cameras a professional company will usually assess the store for the best location to make cameras visible yet effective.

Loss Prevention Strategies

theft (12)Preventing shoplifting can be a daunting experience for any retail shop. What can you do to deterred people from causing losses to the bottom line of your business? Although the holidays are over, the New Year can present you with new ways to improve security and how to avoid shoplifters from entering your business. Read the articles below for more information about this topic.

4 Ways to Maximize Your Loss Prevention Strategies

Most merchants take basic precautions to reduce theft in their stores: they train employees and install surveillance systems. But even with these steps, the National Retail Federation survey found that 96 percent of retailers have been a victim of organized retail crime.

That said, there’s always more you can and should do to make your store less attractive to thieves. Our experts suggest four, all maximizing the loss prevention technology and techniques you’re likely already using.

1. Have video surveillance footage you can use. Many merchants review video footage after a break-in or employee theft only to find that the camera has been turned off or the equipment is not in working order. “Put the main recording device in a locked cabinet and make sure all cords going to the recorder are secure as well,” says Steve White, corporate vice president, business development at Vector Security. He also suggests you change all default passwords for the video system so that footage cannot be erased.

LP Magazine Special Report: Holiday Robberies 

A recent news story highlighted an alarming number of robberies and burglaries which occurred over the Holiday season, with the report detailing 108 incidents that occurred over a ten day period between December 23rd and January 1st. 93 of the incidents were robberies. Several of the incidents involved the assault of employees, with one incident tragically ending with the shooting death of a convenience store owner in the Detroit area.

What is much more telling, however, is that these numbers only touch the surface. While the holidays are a time of high stress and heightened exposure, robberies can occur at any time, and with astonishing frequency. Let’s take a deeper look:

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR), we average better than 971 robbery incidents per day nationwide. These incidents accounted for an estimated $414 million in losses in 2012. 652 victims died during robbery incidents. While not all of these crimes are retail-related incidents, approximately 21 percent occurred in commercial/retail establishments.

Providing a list of the incidents that occurred is valuable, and helps to heighten awareness. It’s important that we remind ourselves of the possibilities, and respectfully address the issue. But rather than simply spewing statistics, our greatest concern is always the safety of those involved in these and similar incidents. Such events should serve as a reminder to all of us in the retail community that appropriate protocols intended to prevent robberies from happening is clearly important. Additionally, providing guidance and direction regarding how employees should handle these incidents must be a priority. Training and awareness are essential to safe outcomes.

Lawsuits against Retailers: The Expert’s Role

Contemporary loss prevention policies and procedures is a direct consequence of the so-called “litigation explosion” that dates back to the early to mid-1980s. Time was when a head-long pursuit through the parking lot and across heavily-trafficked public roadways was a way of life. To many it was exhilarating and the resultant capture of a shoplifter was rewarding.

However, I recall with clarity the case of two teenage brothers who were pursued by supermarket employees for the theft of a couple of candy bars and a 16 oz. can of beer. The two were struck and killed by an auto in the middle lanes of a nearby freeway. The subsequent lawsuit was punishing. It’s fair to identify that very case as the beginning of the end of hot pursuits in the retail industry.

Subsequently, other practices, heretofore invoking mild reprimands, became socially and legally unacceptable and everyday practices, such as wrestling a suspect to the ground and gaining control with an arm-lock, became suspect, again, magnified by lawsuits. Shoplifters died, invariably followed by a lawsuit resulting in the awarding of damages. Awards sent corporate policymakers, guided by their own legal counsel, back to the drawing boards.

Point Of Sale Challenges, ROI And Benefits

theft (13)One of the most desired mobile integration solutions in the retail industry has been the Point of sale. It is not surprising that retailers are keen to learn everything they can about this solution. The numbers are pretty clear. 66% of U.S. Smartphone owners use their phone to help them shop, and if you are not ready, or don’t have a POS solution for your business, you should.

Read more about this topic by following the links below.

Mobile POS: The Loss Prevention Challenges

66% of U.S Smartphone owners use their phone to help them shop.

80% of Smartphone owners say they want more mobile-optimized product information while they’re shopping in stores.

43% of Smartphone owners have used their mobile device while in a store for shopping purposes.

Consumers spent 6 times as much time in retailer’s app in December 2012 than they did a year earlier.

These are the sorts of statistics driving the retail-sector mobile revolution. Retailers are keenly interested in becoming more engaged with the mobile-integrated lives of their customers. At the same time retailers are embracing their own mobile devices as a kind of retail Swiss Army knife—multifunctional, powerful, yet compact and portable. With both consumers and retailers desiring more mobile integration in the retail realm, a diversity of mobile solutions has naturally emerged, perhaps most visibly the mobile point of sale.

Immediate ROI with Mobile POS

You may not know the name, but you have probably eaten a Juicys’ product.  As the leader in special event food concessions, its growing fleet needed a new system, and,  for the back office — a real-time view of sales.

Juicys, purveyor of county fair favorites  like the famous Kawabunga Corn Dog, Turkey Legs, Giant Western Sausages and the Funnel Cake Sundae, got its start in 1984 as a single-person corn dog stand. In nearly three decades, Juicys has grown from a humble corn dog stand into a massively popular outdoor dining and special event food concessions vendor.

Mobile Grill Means Mobile POS
The company is frequently on the road with its Outlaw Grill, the world’s largest mobile grill trailer. Juicys owner Brett Enright was looking for a new POS system to ring sales and provide better oversight into the company’s back office operations.

With a fleet of Juicys trucks moving constantly, Enright needed to be able to see comprehensive sales reports from each truck, from anywhere, at any time.
Ease-of-use was also a must—the system needed to be easy to set up and move. Enright had already ruled out several options: Wi-Fi systems had proven themselves unreliable and it was difficult to set up a Wi-Fi infrastructure at each stop the trucks made.

The Gift of Mobile POS

Long lines and holiday crowds can easily turn the most wonderful time of the year into the most frustrating time of the year. Today’s consumers are used to being one-click away from most items on their wish list and as they abandon their virtual shopping carts for the real thing this shopping season, retailers should be prepared to keep up with their tech savvy needs in brick-and-mortar stores. This means easy payments, fast service and exceptional customer service. One of the most successful ways retailers can create a stand-out in-store experience is through the use of a mobile point-of-sale (MPOS) system.
A mobile POS system benefits both the retailer and the consumer by creating an approachable workforce that offers improved customer experience, while simultaneously streamlining behind-the-scenes processes. A simple consumer solution such as Square or Level-Up will offer most mom-and-pop shops a solution to the increase in holiday shoppers by offering a faster and easier checkout experience. However, for large retailers considering deploying a mobile POS system this holiday season, an enterprise-grade solution is the truly the only reliable, secure option. Here are a few things retailers with a mobile POS on their holiday wish list should consider when picking out a solution:

  • Checkout Features: Consumers have more ways to purchase an item than ever before, often at the click of a button. Retailers need to be prepared to accommodate whatever form of payment a customer wants to use, especially if that company operates globally. In total, mobile POS systems should be able to handle traditional payments, including cash, as well as chip and pin, European chip and pin, RFID and near-field communication (NFC). Barcode scanners are also an in-demand checkout feature of mobile POS because they automatically activate with a simple swipe across the scanning field cutting down on the time it takes to complete a purchase.