I was never a good chess player. I have plenty of family and friends that play chess, and a few of them are quite good. I always marvel at their ability to maneuver their opponent into making a losing move. It reminds me of when I conduct an employee theft interview and investigation.
It’s really all about understanding the nuances of the game you are playing. For chess, it is in knowing the parameters of the board – which piece moves where and how. It’s also about having a clear understanding of the end result – the win.
With employee theft, you are concerned with knowing what the employee did and how they got away with it for so long. The interview is about asking questions in a certain succession so their answers unfold into a confession. That admission should tell you not only the scope of your losses, but also your operational breakdowns that allowed those losses to occur.
Since I am not a natural born chess player, I needed all the help I could get to be better at my employee theft interviews. I signed up for several Loss Prevention Seminars. The Loss Prevention Training I got helped me learn how to move the employee’s admissions right where I wanted them to be.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.