Technology, Security, and Training in your Business

The retail industry is facing many challenges.  During this age of technology, shoppers are more aware of sales, prices, and the different e-commerce shops they can access thru their smart phones, computers or other electronic devices.  It is no longer a visit to the mall or other retail stores to buy whatever item consumers need, they can order just about anything from the comfort of their homes.

Customer service has become too important then to take it lightly, a nice experience at your store can make the difference between a sale and a customer walking out.

The Rush to Deploy the Latest In-Store Technology is Compromising IT Security

Digital transformation is accelerating the pace of change within the store environment. Retailers are under pressure to move quickly to implement the latest in-store capabilities to help separate themselves from the competition and provide a reason for repeat trips to the store. These retailers are blurring the physical and digital worlds to drive deeper customer engagement, loyalty, and emotional connections with a brand.

In practice, this translates to an avalanche of new technology and data analytics tools sweeping into retail outlets large and small. Self-checkout kiosks and mobile point-of-sale devices promise to enhance convenience for customers. In-store Wi-Fi, dressing room tablets, RFID, and augmented reality capabilities aim to enhance engagement and customer service capabilities.

Connected devices that monitor heating and cooling, on-shelf inventory, and interactive digital signage are transforming operations and optimizing the way stores are managed. To the customer, these changes and technology implementations should appear seamless. But to the retailer, adopting these capabilities creates many challenges and represents a radically different way of doing business within the store environment.

Yes, even though Walmart is a dumpster you usually can’t beat their prices which is why people continue to go there. Even though they have dead bodies in their restroom and tons of fights, people still enjoy dealing with trash in order to get a good bargain. And you know what else? Sometimes a loss prevention officer will accuse you of stealing even if you haven’t stolen a thing. And that’s what happened to one Minnesota woman.

It all kicked off when 45-year-old Gina Lescarbeau began to shoot on Facebook Live when two loss prevention officers, Kenny Swanson-Peck and Thomas Ewalt at the Burnsville Walmart stopped her and accused her of stealing a Lion King Disney Junior toy.

‘”You know the lion isn’t on the receipt’ Swanson-Peck says on video.  “You could record me all you want…The lion isn’t on the receipt. I don’t see anything on there for 15 dollars.”

Interview and Interrogation Training: Assumptive Questions, Part I

WZ / IAI Interviewing Tip of the Week

This week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip, provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, has Wayne Hoover, CFI looking at the Soft Accusation Assumptive Question during an interview.

Watch the video, then let us know what topics you’d like to hear more about in upcoming Tips of the Week: Take the survey.

“What was the most amount of…” is the structure of this interviewing question. When you ask a suspect this question, you can expect three different responses. They could deny, they could admit, or they could hesitate. After one of these three responses, the interviewer needs to have their three transitional statements ready to react to their response.

If a denial is coming, the interviewer is prepared to stop the denial from occurring. Should they admit the interviewer is ready with a transition to development using “Great, I am glad you are trying to be honest with me.”


Can Your Shelving Prevent Shoplifting? Oh Yeah!!!

Retail shelving along with store design has a huge impact on shoplifting losses. Typically a shoplifter likes and needs privacy even if only for a moment. So why not keep that in mind when designing or remodeling your store. Your shelving and isles can work for you by simply considering several factors.

Shelving height can be critical. It may be tempting to have shelves go all the way to the ceiling. However, this creates cover for shoplifters. They feel more secure when they cannot be seen. Shelving that allows your staff to see over and keep track of customers make a shoplifter uncomfortable.

Do not create dead sports. Shoplifters will pick up your merchandise and head for “dark areas” of your store. Areas when they can remove packaging, pricing… and have time to conceal it.

Speaking of lighting. Make sure that you align lighting with your isles. Not only will that encourage sales but again, adequate lighting will not allow shoplifters to get comfortable.

You should also put some thought into your end cap displays. Move small or high value merchandise to end caps that are easily seen by your staff. Likewise place merchandise that is larger and lesser value on end caps that face away from staff.

When designing your stores’ layout consider the foot traffic of staff, customers and shoplifters. We want retail staff and even back office personnel to routinely visit all areas of the store. It may be tempting to have a single direct path but that could leave a number of areas rarely visited by staff throughout the day. That is a gold mine for shoplifters. They watch staff traffic and will naturally migrate to areas less traveled.

Likewise you want your good customers to assist you with shoplifting prevention. They can do this in two ways. If your store is laid out in such a way that keeps legitimate customers spread out and in all areas of the store not just focused in one or two places, then they help you with removing privacy from the shoplifter.

Another technique to shut off shoplifters is to make your legitimate customers into your store security, without the customer even knowing it. You can use a PA system or even radios that can be heard by the public (not on a headset) for this.

To do this make a “ghost call”. If you suspect that shoplifters are in the store then on the PA system say “security to section 3…,” then watch what happens! Legitimate customers will not care, they are not in the mindset to steal. They are focused on what they are looking at. At most they may look up and around, then simply go back to what they were doing. Shoplifters on the other hand will react differently. By calling security to an “area” that is not marked or corresponds to anything such as isle number… the shoplifter does not know what is going on. And that legitimate customer that then happens to come into the isle or area they are in now becomes an undercover store detective regardless of age, gender…. You can even assign ghost calls to staff as a responsibility to be made randomly every hour or so.

All of this because of a little forethought on your part and shelving design help.

Bill Bregar is a 30+ year loss prevention expert. Bill was the Director of Loss Prevention for several major retailers and is now the President of Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. LPSI specializes in Checkpoint Systems anti-shoplifting equipment. He has personally apprehended many shoplifters and over 2300 employees stealing from their employers. Bill can be reached at: [email protected] or at 770-426-0547

How Loss Prevention Managers Can Help Store Managers Improve Store Sales

Loss Prevention Officers and Managers catch shoplifters and dishonest employees. That is a common perception and in some stores it may be a true picture of what Loss Prevention departments do, with the additional caveat that they may have uniformed people who conduct receipt checks. If this is all that the department does it can be hard to sell store managers on the value of having them on staff if the budget for them comes directly from the store. It is even more difficult for small, independent retailers to justify hiring a Loss Prevention Officer although if the store is in a high crime area they may contract a security guard. There was a time when there was an “us versus them” mindset between store managers and Loss Prevention teams. Over time some larger companies have focused their Loss Prevention teams more on operational issues. For example, I worked for a company that had Loss Prevention conduct food product out of date audits. Their position was that this was a safety issue so it fell to the Loss Prevention team. I had no problem doing the audits, but as I looked at the amount of out of date items I was finding I had to question what the freight team was doing when they were stocking. Who was auditing their work because there were a lot of FIFO (First In First Out) issues I was identifying that were causing out of date problems.

     The solution is for a partnership where Loss Prevention can help store managers and owners improve sales and operations and store management provides administrative support for L.P. What is it that Loss Prevention can offer a store in addition to improved profitability by stopping employee theft or preventing shoplifting? As a Loss Prevention Manager I assisted the store managers in conducting prospective employee interviews. I was already interviewing my own applicants when I had job openings so helping the store fill their positions was not a big deal. L.P. can audit out of stock spaces on shelves. Certainly the focus of the L.P. Officer is on empty shelf space due to theft but if it is determined that merchandise is not being pushed properly by a stocking team then that information can be shared with management. The impact of not properly stocking merchandise results in missed sales and negatively affects profits.

     Loss Prevention departments can also support stores by applying electronic article surveillance anti-theft devices to merchandise. I have personally spent significant amounts of my time placing Checkpoint tags on CD’s, DVD’s, and electronics merchandise. I have also placed security tags on clothes, thwarting would-be shoplifters and keeping shortage down. You may be thinking that this should be a Loss Prevention job anyway but that isn’t necessarily the case. There are stores where tagging is left to a freight unload team or even delegated taggers. It saves the store money in these situations when L.P. jumps in and assists in tagging allowing the hours saved to be put to use somewhere else.

     Is it important to maintain some delineation between L.P. and stores? I believe there should be some dividing line and it may not always be clear. I have seen some managers give direction to L.P. Officers which began to interfere with their primary responsibility of catching shoplifters. I have also seen department managers start entering the Loss Prevention office when no one from L.P. was present and move cameras to watch their cashiers or employees to see if they were being productive. This potentially causes issues with ongoing investigations when cameras are not where they are expected to be. A partnership between L.P. and stores requires a mutual respect for areas of responsibility.  Likewise I have seen instances of L.P. Managers telling store employees were not doing a job properly rather than acting in partnership and mentioning an observation to the department manager.

     In a partnership, store managers may provide a store employee as a witness for L.P. when a shoplifting suspect is in the office. They may also provide a witness for a L.P. Manager when they are going to conduct a dishonest employee interview. Managers may also offer to purchase additional security equipment such as cameras when L.P. teams have been strong partners and have helped to keep merchandise on the floor and prevented shoplifting.

     There are many ways that stores and L.P. can be partners in making a store profitable. All it takes is thinking outside the box and building a relationship based on respect. Strong partners make a winning combination.



Setting Goals In L.P. Vs. Setting Quotas, What Are The Benefits And Costs?

Police hear it all the time when issuing tickets, “Need to make your quota for the month?” Usually it is a false question with a false premise that has been perpetuated over time. While there may be some police departments that set quotas they are the exception rather than the rule. Loss Prevention departments go through similar problems. Some people think that Loss Prevention staffs are out to rack up numbers any way they can get them. Most L.P. professionals are simply trying to catch shoplifters who are stealing and they want to apprehend dishonest employees to stop theft, prevent shrinkage and it can serve as a notice to other employees that theft won’t be tolerated. For some L.P. personnel there is a perceived pressure to “get more shoplifters” and in other cases it is real. For the retailer that is not able to pay for a Loss Prevention Staff, their concern is simply to drive the bad guys somewhere else and get rid of a crooked employee before they cause too much damage. Sometimes this is done using electronic article surveillance equipment from a company like Checkpoint Systems. They don’t feel the same pressure to “apprehend” but there is a sense of urgency in minimizing theft opportunities (how to do that becomes another matter).

     There are stores with a Loss Prevention hierarchy that sets “expectations” or “goals” for the apprehension of dishonest employees or shoplifters. The message that seems to get down to the store level is that there is always theft in a building, all the time. I have seen this lead to a requirement that stores have a minimum number of open internal investigations at all times. No pressure there, right? Wrong, the words may not be spoken but the message that is heard (correctly or incorrectly) is that cases will be successfully closed. And that implies that not doing so will impact an annual review. For most people, integrity will ensure they do not try to manipulate a case or make a shaky apprehension say for a single incident of grazing or snacking but do such cases exist? I suspected such activity was taking place at other stores but could not prove it.

     The same type of pressure can be felt by Loss Prevention Officers. They get on a cold streak and can’t seem to make an apprehension and the L.P. Manager starts to get questioned about low shoplifter numbers. No one says a specific number have to be caught but “guidelines” are established that say on average, x number of shoplifters should be apprehended for every x number of hours an Officer works. The Associate then begins taking more risks, focusing attention on high theft areas that carry more risk for making stops like in cosmetics and costume jewelry. The theft is taking place there but following all of the apprehension steps for such small pieces of merchandise can be very difficult. A suspect puts down an item without the Officer seeing it and a bad stop is made. Yes, it can happen with almost any piece of merchandise but those types of merchandise are extremely risky to make stops on. But, harder still is that the same L.P. Associate while told that apprehensions should be higher is also told to avoid risky stops on items like cosmetics or jewelry unless it is stolen along with other merchandise. This sends a mixed message to the Associate.

     None of this is to say that goals should not be set. Working without a goal is like running a race with no clear finish line. Goals can be set based on historical data or on the season of the year. Allowing an L.P. Associate to be part of the goal setting is also important. It is up to the Manager to make sure the goal is reasonable. A goal set too high can frustrate an Associate if they don’t achieve it. Setting reasonable goals also gives a boost to one’s self-esteem if they achieve it. A good Associate will also want to beat their last achievement but not at the risk of a bad stop.

     For L.P. Managers, setting internal apprehension goals is fine, but the bigger picture should be on achieving improved shortage results. Identifying and focusing on the core issues for the store, whether they are operational or theft related. An L.P. Manager engaged with the store team will be able to educate and train while picking up on suspicious employees who may need to be investigated. Don’t assume that low shortage results means no theft, it may mean L.P. knows where and when to focus its’ time and energy.

Social Media and Shoplifting

Social media has brought many changes to businesses around the world.  One of the biggest changes that many businesses take advantage of with social media platforms, is the ability to market their business without spending thousands of dollars doing so. Marketing is not only for the big 500 companies, now the small mom and pop shop can and does market their business using social media as well.

It is no wonder then, that business owners are using social media to protect themselves, and warn other businesses  of potential shoplifters.  By posting video and written posts using Facebook and other mediums, businesses are taking security in their own hands.

Home Depot responds after firing Pearland employee who chased shoplifters

A former Pearland Home Depot employee who tried to stop three shoplifters was fired because his actions could have endangered employees or the general public, a Home Depot spokesman said Monday.

According to an interview given by former employee Jim Tinney to KTRK, Tinney saw three men attempting to leave the store in June, with tool sets they had not paid for. Tinney attempted to stop them by throwing an object at their feet.

Tinney did not immediately return calls to the Chronicle for information.

Home Depot’s policy prevents employees from attempting to stop shoplifters, said Stephen Holmes, director of corporate communications

Washington’s New Biometric Privacy Law: What Businesses Need to Know

With the rise in hackings and data breaches, companies and government agencies are looking for ways to protect their data that offer more security than passwords. Because passwords are easily lost, stolen, guessed, and cracked by hackers, companies are shifting to the use of biological characteristics that uniquely identify you, called biometric identifiers. For example, financial institutions and online retailers are developing ways to authenticate a purchase by requiring a user to take a selfie and smile, wink, or make another gesture. A stolen password could be easily reused, but faking a user’s arbitrary facial expression is more complicated.

But along with the strength of biometric identifiers comes new risks. When hackers steal your password, you change it. But when hackers acquire your fingerprint or facial scan, you can’t change either. Indeed, biometric identifiers are often selected for their permanence. For example, many companies are investing in scanners that identify a person based on the pattern of veins in their fingertip, rather than their fingerprint. A person’s vascular identity is harder to forge than a fingerprint and it changes less over time.

Recent rash of shoplifting infuriates business owners

Juneau store owners turn to social media to ID suspects

A recent rash of shoplifters has caused local business owners to take to social media, posting surveillance video screenshots in the hopes of identifying the perpetrators and warning other storekeepers.

In one suspect’s case, she was quickly identified as having hit two different businesses in one week — and the same woman has been charged in a shoplifting at downtown store Shoefly a little more than a month ago.

With the exception of the woman charged in connection with the shoplifting incident at Shoefly, the Empire is not printing the names of the suspects as identified on social media, because they have not been arrested or charged.


Safety And Shoplifting

As a retail business, shoplifting, employee theft and lawsuits come hand in hand.  Preventing shoplifting and employee theft are somewhat under control by you or the management of the store, while  lawsuits are-although preventable-not under strict control. 

A shoplifting incident can become something of a life or death situation very quickly. Here, the rules and regulations set by the owner or management of the store and that employees must abide by become too important to ignore. 

As an owner or manager of a store, safety must be your number one priority.  Safety not only for your employees, but for your customers as well. An employee chasing after a shoplifter when they have left the premises is dangerous and should never be encouraged. Lawsuits and deaths lost due to chasing after a shoplifter have been numerous.  The resulting death of a shoplifter have landed people  in jail and in the courthouse. Safety should be your number one priority at all times.

Family of slain Chicago area Uber driver sues Walmart

CHICAGO — Relatives of a suburban Chicago Uber driver who was fatally attacked while on the job has sued Walmart, where authorities say the driver’s teenage attacker stole weapons just before the killing.

The family of Grant Nelson filed a wrongful death lawsuit Monday in Cook County against the retailer and two other companies overseeing its security.

Authorities have charged 16-year-old Eliza Wasni in Nelson’s death, saying she stole a machete and knife from Walmart early on May 30 and then got into Nelson’s car and brutally attacked him.

The lawsuit claims two Walmart employees or contractors stood near the door as Wasni exited. The lawsuit alleges they were negligent because they failed to stop the teen and ask her any questions.

Guard at CVS Pharmacy chases down, kills shoplifter in Dallas, police say

A loss-prevention staffer at a CVS Pharmacy store shot and killed a suspected shoplifter after chasing down his getaway car Sunday afternoon in southeast Dallas, police say. 

Police arrested 36-year-old Julio Ruvalcaba Monday on a murder charge.

Officers were dispatched to the shooting about 3 p.m. Sunday and found 31-year-old Christopher Geddes lying on the curb on the eastbound C.F. Hawn Freeway service road and Elam Road, police said.

He was taken to a hospital, where he died from his injuries.

Surveillance video showed Geddes shoplifting from the CVS on South Buckner Boulevard and running to a Toyota Camry in the parking lot, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.

Footage from several minutes later shows another person leaving the store and getting into a Chevy Camaro parked outside. CVS employees identified that person as Ruvalcaba, a loss-prevention staffer tasked with reducing shoplifting.


“I Can Out Sell My Theft & Inventory Shortage”….. Yeah Right

If you believe that you can outsell your cash or inventory losses due to theft, you probably won’t be in business for long. Or if you do survive, you are no way living up to the margins you deserve. In my 35+ years of loss prevention particularly helping medium to small retailers, I have heard this more times than I can believe.

Consider this, as an example, if you have a net 2% profit over all. In other words after taxes, rent, payroll, merchandise cost, insurance…. you clear 2 cents on the dollar. Then a $100 dollar loss will cost you $5000 (100÷.02). Yes, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. You will have to purchase, ship, receive, stock and sell another $5K just to BREAK EVEN on a $100 loss. I doubt even a drug dealer would make money that way.

Don’t delude yourself. 

Now on the flip side. I do not advocate that you turn your store into a six sided steel box to protect yourself from shoplifting, employee theft, vendor fraud and paperwork errors. Exactly the opposite. I want you to have an open, friendly and inviting environment for your legitimate customers and employees. What you can’t be is naive to your shrinkage and loss problems.

First, realize that you must do inventories at a minimum quarterly, more often if things are seriously out of whack. Cycle counts for individual SKU’s that seem to be loss problems are also important. Do not wait until the end of a quarter or heaven forbid end of year to find out you have a problem. You have to go on offense not defense. Theft and shrink are business problems. Nothing more, nothing less. We can easily show you how to do this. You do not have a retail LP issue that has not been seen and dealt with before.

In regard to employee theft what are your hiring practices. As an LP professional that has personally conducted over 2300 investigations and interrogations of employees involved in theft, I started looking up the drain pipe to see where it is all coming from.  It starts with the application and employment interviewing.

For shoplifting; Do you and your staff know really know how shoplifters act. Probably not. Shoplifters are easy to spot. You just need to know what to look for. Stopping them is incredibly easy. Again, you just need to apply the correct tools and training.

But all of this is for nothing, if your retail attitude is not straight.

Another problem is business apathy. The “oh I am so busy I do not have time”. You don’t have time to keep your profits on your bottom line and not the thief’s? Then why are you doing all this? Making a living for you, your family and employees is all what it is about.

I have had people steal from me. It doesn’t feel good and it makes me angry.  I work really hard and try to work smart to provide my family’s income and the income for my employees. But the thought of simply covering it up in my own mind is unthinkable. It should be for you also.

Go on the attack. Fix your loss problems before they happen. Remember, we can help you with that. We are simply an email or phone call away.

Have a super retail day!

Look For Red Flags When Reviewing Applications And Interviewing Job Candidates

How many of you have done IT? You know the IT I’m talking about. You looked at an application, interviewed the candidate, had a bit of an unsettled feeling about him or her but hired them anyway. IT may be a few days, a few weeks or a few months later but IT becomes a reality, buyer’s remorse. You hired someone who turns out to be a dud. It may be they are calling out of work on a regular basis or perhaps they aren’t following directions on tasks you are assigning them. It may be that you think they are stealing money or merchandise from you. Whatever the problem you just wish you hadn’t hired this person. It is frustrating to make those types of employment decisions, but don’t feel like your small retail store is all alone because you have to make these hiring choices yourself. It even happens to big companies that have Human Resources departments dedicated to trying to hire and retain the best employees.

There are things the smaller store owners and managers can do to try to improve their chances of hiring good applicants for their stores:

  • First and foremost, if you aren’t doing background checks consider hiring Loss Prevention Systems Inc. (LPSi) to do them for you. Their team can dig into a candidate’s past to verify they aren’t hiding important information from you. They can do criminal background checks, verify employment, validate driving records, and so much more. By having a background check company conduct pre-employment screenings on your candidates you also protect your business from potential liability lawsuits if your employee were to harm someone while acting as a representative of your business.
  • When you are reviewing applications look for red flags on the application itself. This could be a significant gap between jobs. While a month up to three months may be explained as just a difficult time finding employment, more than that may be a cause for concern but not necessarily a deal breaker on its own.
  • Look for brief periods of employment or a pattern of going from one job to another, sometimes known as job hopping. While some of this may be expected from a teenager or a college student who may have to find summer work between spring and Fall Semesters it should not be the case for someone out of school for a year or so. Job hopping could indicate someone who has problems at work either with the job itself or the manager. It could also indicate someone who has been stealing and quit before being caught.
  • If your application asks if a former employer may be contacted, look out when the applicant indicates “no” and/or leaves the former supervisor’s name off of the application. There could be a reason they don’t want you to contact that employer.
  • When conducting interviews look for the way the applicant dresses. Regardless of how casual the atmosphere of a business may be it should still be expected that an applicant will come to the interview in at least business casual attire. If an applicant does not care enough to make an attempt to impress the boss in an interview it is highly unlikely they will attempt to impress the boss in their job performance.
  • Look for eye contact from the applicant during an interview. Some people do not know how to interview, have been out of the workforce for a while or may just be nervous so some glancing around is to be expected. On the other hand, there should be some eye contact and if it seems the person is avoiding it, you should consider this a red flag.
  • Cell phones! While they seem to be a necessity of life, they do have an off button. If your candidate fails to mute a phone and it goes off during an interview let it raise a flag. If the applicant asks if you mind if they take the call, I suggest you end the interview at that point. Very few life and death matters take place during an interview. It is more a matter of poor planning. They didn’t take time to mute their phone, turn it off or tell someone where they would be at the time of the interview. If you aren’t more important than that phone during an interview you won’t be more important when they start working for you.

When you hire someone you invest a lot of time and money in them. When you have to get rid of them you start the whole process over and invest more money. Don’t throw good money after bad, recognize red flags and hire right the first time.

Smaller Retailers Retaining Talented Employees In An Improving Economy

I remember the days when I needed to fill a position on my Loss Prevention Team and we could post an advertisement and I could easily get a dozen applications or more. Some of these applicants were talented and had extensive Loss Prevention experience and some had very little work experience at all but were looking for a job. The same thing happened when our Human Resources Manager would post job ads for cashiers, flow team or just about any position in the store, people needed work and took the time to sit at our application kiosks and apply on the spot. I’m not implying it was easy to conduct all of the interviews and sometimes the pool of prospective employees did not seem very appealing but they wanted the work and we could be somewhat choosey. The upside to this was that from a disciplinary and retention perspective, if an employee was not doing the job expected of them or they had attendance issues it was easy to go through the corrective action process and correct them right out the door. We knew we had people chomping at the bit for those positions.

     Another benefit for the store in a struggling economy was that good employees were fairly easy to retain. There wasn’t a lot of competition looking to hire new area or department managers. Talented employees also knew that they were probably going to get the maximum available hours and were sure of their position within the store. Going to another business had risk associated with it since there was no guarantee they would be getting the same hours or enjoy the management. While the employee may not have cared for all of the managers in our store, the managers’ styles were a known quality to the employee.

     Today the economy is improving and it is getting harder to hire and retain talented staff. Many national retail chains are now starting their employees out at $9 and $10 an hour. It is difficult to compete with these kinds of wages for entry level positions and for a small retailer, the choice could be hire at the rate but the cost of doing so is a reduction in the total number of employees you can keep on your team. If you are successful at bringing on an employee at minimum wage, how do you retain the talented employee who may be drawn to greener pastures on the other side of the fence? What can the small, independent store owner do? Let us offer some tips that can help you keep the great employees you can’t afford to lose:

  • Show your appreciation. It may seem silly but people want to know they are pleasing their manager/boss. Your store may be too small to have an employee of the month, it doesn’t work well when you only have a small number of people working for you. That recognition loses its value fairly quickly. Buying a drink for someone from a soft drink machine or bringing in pizza or snacks is always well received. It shows you’re thinking of them.
  • Get to know your employees and even learn something about their family. If something happens with their family member that they are proud of, like a child graduating from high school, give them an opportunity to tell you about it. If they have a sick family member or even a pet express your sympathy, maybe even suggest they take a day or two off to care for that person or pet.
  • Consider buying a small gift card of $10 or $20 every once in a while to a fast food place or a movie theater. Don’t necessarily make it in conjunction with any specific activity the employee did for you or any special sale they made. Do it at randomly and maybe place it in a “thank you” card with a note letting them know you appreciate their hard work.
  • Speaking of “Thank You” cards, there aren’t a whole lot of things that mean more than a hand written note mailed to someone’s home expressing gratitude for the service they provide to a company.

If a monetary bonus is in the budget following a successful inventory or prior to a holiday, like a Christmas bonus, it can go a long way to employee retention. A small bonus for someone making minimum wage can make a big difference for them.

It is hard for a small retailer to compete against the big companies, especially in retaining talent. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Demonstrate loyalty and appreciation for the people who make your company successful and they will return the favor.

Employee Theft and Shrinking

It is not surprising that employee theft and shoplifting increases every year.  With online “chat rooms” where shoplifters share their “methods” and the many ways they can get away with shoplifting, it is not surprising the losses across the globe are reaching staggering amounts. 

In 2013, the losses due to shoplifting amounted close to $16 billion globally, a 34% increased over the previous year.  The National Retail Security Survey revealed that in 2015 retail lost an approximate $45 billion due to shrinking, up by more than a billion from the previous year.

What are the expectations for 2016, and 2017? What will the losses amount to this year?

For more about this and other informational topics, follow the links below.

Employee Theft on the Rise According to Latest Retail Survey

Major retailers lost over $44 billion in thefts by customers and employees according to Jack L. Hayes International’s annual Retail Theft Survey.

Wesley Chapel, Fla. — Jack L. Hayes International, a leading loss prevention and inventory shrinkage control consulting firm, has released its 29th Annual Retail Theft Survey.

According to the survey, 438,000 shoplifters and dishonest employees were apprehended in 2016 by 23 large retailers who were able to recover over $120 million from the thieves.

“In 2016, dishonest employee apprehensions increased almost 10%, with the dollars recovered from these dishonest employees up nearly the same amount (9.3%). While shoplifting apprehensions and the dollars recovered from these shoplifters decreased ever so slightly, 0.2% and 0.9% respectively”, says Mark R. Doyle, president of Jack L. Hayes International.

According to the survey, one out of every 27 employees was apprehended for theft from their employer in 2016. The total number, 53,786, is an almost 10% increase compared to last year.

Over $42 million was recovered from dishonest employees in 2016, up 9.3% from 2015.

Survey participants apprehended 384,296 shoplifters in 2016, a slight decrease of 0.2% from the prior year. The average shoplifting case value in 2016 was $203.18, a slight decrease from 2015 when the value was $204.57.

C-stores may suffer from a bundle of cash-related issues, but tech-driven solutions are on the way.

One of the show-stopping numbers from the musical “Cabaret” includes the famous refrain, “Money makes the world go ’round.”

But money also makes the world of convenience retailing complicated. And problems such as cash miscounts, sticky-fingered employees and lack of data around dollars can stop the show for eager-to-perform operators who have to devote valuable time and resources to solving these snags.

To help shine a spotlight on the currency concerns c-store retailers face, CSP and Technomic conducted their seventh-annual cash-management report, commissioned by FireKing Security Group (complete results below). Finalized in March, the study surveyed 175 convenience operators who make or influence choices related to cash flow, banking and cash management in their stores. Thirty-seven percent of respondents operate one store, while 63% operate two or more locations.

Results from this year’s study reveal big concerns—and opportunities—for retailers’ cash-handling practices.

The Amazon Approach to Groceries Won’t Replace Stores

It’s a model that could thrive in dense, affluent areas. Most areas are neither dense nor affluent.

For a certain kind of urban professional, Amazon and Whole Foods are brands that define the consumption of staple goods: the weekly trip to pick up cheese, produce, maybe some pasture-raised organic beef; and the nice UPS man dropping off everything else, from toilet paper to truffle oil. On Friday, those folks learned that they are facing a future of truly one-stop shopping: Inc. plans to acquire Whole Foods Market Inc. for $13.7 billion.

But what about the rest of America? Well, if you happen to work for rival grocery chains, the news is not good. Competitors from Costco to Kroger to Dollar General saw significant chunks knocked off their market capitalization. Other casualties may include Walmart, the $15-an-hour minimum wage (Amazon is aggressively experimenting with cashierless stores), and the rather unique corporate culture that drives Whole Foods.