Thinking of adding clothing security tags to your merchandise? I can offer some advice to help guide your decision.
I’ve worked in apparel retailers for years. I have the seen, first hand, the benefits of using security tags on clothes . Retailers for years have been wrestling with the many ways to protect their clothing. The reality of it is nothing works better for clothing security than a clothing security tags program.
In today’s society, groups of professional shoplifters will identify retailers with little to no security features on their clothing and do what’s called a grab and run. They simple walk a store, grab merchandise and run out of the store. If your clothing has no type of security devices, namely clothing security tags , you’ve just done yourself and the retail community a disservice. These thieves will back over and over until you put in place a security program or close your business forever.
As always, thieves prefer privacy, even the professionals. They want to get in and out of your store with as little recognition as possible. If your merchandise has security tags on clothes , thieves cannot get the privacy they want.
As an example, a retailer I worked for had been tossing the idea of putting security tags on clothes . They had been hit by thieves in the past but hadn’t really seen the true loss. One week, downtown area stores reported over 50 grab and run type incidents. These stores screamed for some sort of help. A small investment was made, and the store installed a clothing security program. Now, when these professional shoplifters entered the store again, and saw merchandise had the clothing security tags , they stopped their activities. Does this happen every time? No. Is there a guarantee? No. However, what are you doing to stop your losses and boost your profits?
For more information on clothing security tags , security tags on clothes or clothing alarm visit us at clothing security or call 1.770.426.0547