It is about having all of the facts. The more information you have, the better qualified you will be to make the best possible decisions. Background check experts help give you those advantages. They help you discover if an applicant is telling the truth regarding their criminal activity.
Sometimes, an applicant may even admit to having a prior conviction, but they might down play what the actual conviction or offense was. That way they are being truthful about having a record, but are trying to make it sound better on paper than what it actually was. Ultimately you can now make that decision because you truly have all of the information to make that determination.
Maybe it’s just me, but if I was caught committing a crime that I was later convicted of, I would tell as few people as possible. In particular, if I were trying to get my life back on track, I would definitely try to avoid telling any potential new employer to try and get a better shot at being hired. That is why background check experts are a critical part of pre-employment screening.
These experts will conduct pre-employment screening on your applicants and determine if there is unreported criminal activity. They can tell you if this was something from the distant past, or recent repeat offenses.
Just because you find out (through the help of background check experts or the applicant’s honesty) that there was a conviction, does not mean you absolutely must reject that applicant. We built the correctional system based on the premise of rehabilitation. Some applicants will have learned their lesson and will not commit another crime.
To purchase Pre-Employment Screening Services or for more information on background check experts, background checks, criminal background checks, employee background checks or pre employment screening contact us at the background check company or call 1.770.426.0547