Negative On Hands

shoplifting2When you are conducting perpetual inventories, you are constantly assessing your stock levels. By maintaining accurate stock levels, you are ensuring your customers will have access to the merchandise they are looking for. This creates consistent customer service and maximizes your store’s sales potential. Having an accurate on hand inventory also helps you to reduce your cost of goods by eliminating erroneous inventory orders, as well as identifies potential theft issues more readily.

To have an accurate on hand inventory, you need to have a system in place that captures your inventory movement at the SKU level. This system should recognize any time an item comes in or goes out of your store. This should include receipt of product from the vendor, sales, customer returns, returns to vendors, and miscellaneous usage like damages or store use. You should also have a way to manually make inventory adjustments through processes like cycle counts or inventory replenishment audits.

By maintaining these counts and processes, you should be able to look at any given product and know exactly how many of this item you have. This helps you prepare for sales and special promotions, or to satisfy a larger than normal quantity purchase by a customer. Cycle counts are an invaluable tool in ensuring these counts are up to date and accurate.

A cycle count is a manual count done by a store employee to determine if what the store’s computer system says you should have on hand matches with what you actually have on hand. For example, you are preparing an end cap to be filled with “Item A” for an upcoming sale this weekend. Your on hand inventory says you should have 20 of the item, so you go and look to find all 20 pieces. After searching the sales floor, you discover that you can only find 15 pieces. So you take those 15 to the end cap and enter a cycle count adjustment into the computer system to subtract the missing 5 pieces. Your computer now says that you only have 15 pieces, and you have a shortage of five pieces.

After the weekend is over, all of “Item A” was sold. Your inventory tracking system shows that you have -5 on hand. Negative 5? That indicates that you sold more than what you physically had on hand. Hmm. Something is very clearly off.

One very likely possibility is that when the employee was looking to fill the end cap, they did not look in the back stock room to see if there was any merchandise there. During the weekend, another employee found the missing 5 pieces and restocked the end cap for the sale. Because the employee had cycle counted and adjusted the items out of the inventory, a negative was created when the “missing” five pieces were sold.

This is one example of why it is important to maintain an accurate inventory, even when a manual adjustment is made. When the employee made the adjustment, there was the potential to accidentally order more product than what was needed. If the computer system thought that there was less than what you actually had, an order could have been generated to get the stock levels back to where your store should be. Because the product was physically still in the store, you could have been left with extra product that you didn’t need.

Having a negative on hand of an item means that a recount should be made quickly to determine what the error was and have it fixed. Adjusting your inventory back up to the actual stock levels will not create an overage.

This is not extra product that you didn’t have before. Think of it like loosing a five-dollar bill and not knowing where it went. Then the next winter, you pull out your coat, reach into the pocket and find a five-dollar bill. That money did not magically appear. It was your money that you misplaced and later found.

Fixing your negative on hands does not add extra to your inventory, or your bottom line. It fixes your inventory where a shortage was previously created in error.

Ho Ho Hope Shoplifters Don’t Walk off with Your Merchandise?

shoplifting1Shoplifters love this time of year. There are more people in the stores to help conceal their nefarious activities. There is also great new merchandise and a wide selection, plenty of stock in depth helps them also. What can you do?

Many of you are our customers already and have Checkpoint Systems and also utilize Alpha High Theft Solutions’ products. Unlike your unprotected neighbors, you have a serious advantage to control the thieves. The advantage for you is that your neighbors’ unprotected store merchandise is like a magnet to the shoplifters. When presented with equal valued merchandise that is protected by Checkpoint and Alpha or not protected, the shoplifter will certainly go after the unprotected merchandise.

As a Loss Prevention Systems customer who has purchased your system through us, purchases labels or tags or have PM agreements, you are also eligible for ongoing LIVE training. Our “Shoplifting, because LOSS is a four letter word” training will prepare you and your staff to deal with the shoplifter. This training teaches you how to go on the offense with shoplifters while delighting your good customers.

Keep in mind that we suggest that you use this training for existing and new employees. Because it is live we make it interactive.  Therefore it is a great refresher or ideal for a new retail associate. We will conduct these sessions as reasonably often as you need them. Just call us to schedule.

If you are not a Loss Prevention Systems customer and are interested in this training, simply call us for pricing. We will be happy to assist you.

Shoplifting is simply a business problem that we help you deal with utilizing business proven, commercial grade solutions and techniques provided by professionals that know shoplifting. As the founder and CEO of Loss Prevention Systems, I have dealt with shoplifters all the way from apprehending them during my store detective days to the Board room. With a degree in Industrial Security and over 35 years of experience personally, we are there for our customers. LPSI’s commitment goes on long after the sale.
Our shoplifting training covers:
-The law in your state
-Who is the shoplifter?
-How to spot a shoplifter
-How to go on the offense with them while providing a great atmosphere for your good customers
-What to do and not to do, if you have to confront a shoplifter
-And much more.

It is not too late to get on the schedule. Call today!

Have a great and prosperous holiday selling season!

What You Should Be Auditing

theft (11)When you work for yourself, you often spend a lot of time inventing the wheel. There is no corporate policy already in place for your stores to adapt. No one is there looking over your shoulder and telling you what records to keep and for how long. Sure, you probably have an accountant somewhere helping you with some record retention requirements. There are other IRS and tax records that you keep for a certain period of time. Overall, it is up to you to make these decisions and have a standard in place.

One area that can be difficult to make your own standard is having an internal audit. While it is a chore to come up with the questions and audit points, the payoff of having a better standardization and in store accountability will far exceed the trouble you put into to establish an audit.

One of the best places to start is by researching Sarbanes- Oxley. The Sarbanes- Oxley act of 2002 is a set of legal requirements that all organizations, regardless of size, must comply with. It basically regulates financial practices, after several companies were found guilty of falsifying their own financial records. The company’s biggest fallout was that they ended up devastating thousands of their own employees financially.

The ultimate point of the act is that companies are required to provide accurate and truthful information as to the company’s financial status. Over inflating sales, inventory, amongst other practices, to give a deceitful impression of a company’s success is now illegal. Companies must retain records of their financial status to ensure accuracy at all levels.

The easiest way to do this is to perform self-audits in key areas. These audits should be done daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, depending upon the task. Hiring a consultant can provide you with the legal specifics to keep your company on the up and up. Understanding the basics ahead of time can help you decrease those consultation costs, as you will already have some practices in place.

The first place to start is with your inventory. Understanding a cradle to grave approach to your product will not only help you with accuracy in your auditing, but keeping a closer eye on your product will help you decrease your shrink over the long term. Your starting point is with your receipt of goods.

Each shipment of inventory you receive should be documented and a bill of lading retained and filed by month. On each BOL should be the signature of who received the items, the date and time received, and a check mark or tally of what was received- either by piece, box or pallet.

Next, you should maintain listings and reports of items that are taken out of your inventory for a specific reason. If they are damaged and thrown out, sent back to a vendor for credit, used in the store, stolen, etc. There needs to be a paper trail attached to where these items have gone and why. A signature, or employee ID or who reallocated the products disposition should be included with these document (also retained and filed by month).

If you are still using paper sales receipts, including paper journal tapes, those records need to be filed by date, and then month. This is your listing of what merchandise has left your stores and is your proof that these sales actually happened and were not fraudulently contrived. If you have an electronic sales tracking system, you still need to have paper documentation of these sales retained somewhere in case of a computer glitch, etc.

Finally, all returns must be retained and spot-checked for accuracy. Since returns are another way for inventory to come back into the store, it is an important process to verify that these returns are accurate. Look for multiple transactions of the same item, or significantly larger dollar transactions. These are the returns that are most likely to have been done in error (over inflating your actual inventory) or can point to an employee’s dishonest activities.

Social Media Helps Authorities Catch Criminals

law-3As of the first quarter 2014, Facebook had 1.28 billion monthly active users. This of course is only one social media site that people tend to gravitate to and one of the many sites authorities are using to capture criminals dumb enough to post selfies with stolen merchandise, or bragging about their crimes. Social media sites are playing many roles in the lives of people, from keeping them connected to friends to preying on victims.

For more about this and other stories follow the links below.

Facebook Led These Criminals To Face Time Behind Bars

Doing a crime is inherently stupid, but boasting about it on social media takes it to a whole new level of idiocy. Bidness Etc takes a look at some of these ‘criminal geniuses’ and how their addiction to social media got them caught.

They say social media is nothing but a waste of time and intelligence. While we agree with this notion to a certain extent, we believe that it is actually the horde of brain-dead, half-witted, below-average excuse for human beings that destroy social media’s reputation on a daily basis.

We believe that this epidemic (i.e. stupid people running rampant on social media) is because of the inherent nature of the internet. You see, everyone – even criminals – have access to it, can sign up for various sites, and are then free to express their worthless opinions there. Speaking of petty criminals, there have been many instances in the recent past where the criminal’s own stupidity on Facebook Inc (FB) helped the law catch them and put them behind bars for good. The law’s triumph not only restored our faith in the legal system, but it also gave us hope for the future of social media sites as well.

Criminals using social media sites to prey on victims

NEW ORLEANS —In the past three weeks, three similar crimes happened in the Crescent City – all with one common thread: social media.

Police said sites like Tagged, Tinder and Kik have been used to lure victims to potential danger, resulting in robberies and carjackings.

The first case happened in the 1600 block of Baronne Street, where police said a man met a woman and was later robbed by three men.

The second crime was committed in the 2100 block of Danneel Street by 10 men – four of whom had guns.

Digital Detectives: Social Media Helping Police Put Criminals Behind Bars

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — Anne Arundel County Police say social media is helping them put criminals behind bars.

Rochelle Ritchie explains how.

At the stroke of a keyboard, residents in Anne Arundel County are becoming digital detectives in helping Anne Arundel County Police solve crime.

“We’ve been able to solve crime based on social media tips,” said Lt. T.J. Smith, Anne Arundel County Police.

After one man’s photo was placed on their Facebook page, the comments began to pour in. It didn’t take long for the alleged ATM robber to be put behind bars.

“We have the opportunity to get the message out to tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people at the click of a button,” Smith said.

Loose the Battle, Win the War

theft (1)I read a horrifying news article about a man, who had been convicted of shoplifting, winning a lawsuit to the tune of $500,000. That’s right- half a million dollars paid out to a man who was convicted of shoplifting from a store. The report was horrifying for two reasons.

The first, because he was a shoplifter who might never have to work a day in his life again, basically was paid out to steal. Two, because the reason he won his suit was because he was injured during the course of the apprehension as a result of his shoplifting.

It raises a very important question of where do we, as retailers and business owners, draw the line? Where do we say we will allow this particular loss to happen to avoid an even worse loss? In essence, how do we loose the battle to win the war?

As the news report goes on, this particular man seems to have made a habit of bringing up (and winning) lawsuits stemming from his alleged shoplifting incidents. When the businesses could not win their cases against this man to convict him of shoplifting, he turned around and sued for slander, liable, and wrongful apprehensions.

While this particular situation is probably one of the more extreme examples of how a shoplifting stop can go horrifically wrong, this is not an unrealistic topic for businesses to be aware of.

Any time a shoplifter is stopped, or even approached, we have a responsibility to be right- 100% right. We also have to be able to prove it in a court of law. The days of acting on gut feelings or suspicions are long gone.

We have a right to protect our stores and to make shoplifting stops. We need to do so in a way that is also fair and legal to the suspected shoplifter- lest we also incur a half million dollar settlement at our expense.

Crime and Education

law-3It is unclear according to researches whether the United States can reduce the crime rates by increasing education. The clear notion about crime- and in this case shoplifting crime- is that the United States alone loses billions a dollar every year to this very expensive social issue and a solution is still to be seen. To read more about this follow this link.

To read more about other shoplifting issues follow the links below.

Are All Criminals Stupid?

Sane people are thrilled that those dimwitted criminals are in prison so they can’t add to the gene pool even more.

Are all criminals stupid or are all stupid people criminals? Evidently it is true that one has to be a little stupid to choose a life of crime. The following evidence seems to substantiate that fact.

James Elliot took his .38 caliber revolver with him to carry out a robbery in Long Beach, California, and the gun failed to fire leaving his intended victim wild-eyed in fear. James then did something that will guarantee his entrance into the Stupid Criminal Hall of Fame. He looked down the barrel and pulled the trigger again! This time it worked. Jimmy is no longer with us but then he never was!

Recently a man walked into a gun shop and tried to rob it with a baseball ball bat! The owner and customer used their guns to convince him that he was deficient in his planning. Just as an intelligent person does not take a knife to a gun fight, you don’t take a ball bat to rob a gun store.

Sears Holdings Support Communities, Fight Shoplifting with Restorative Justice Solutions  

Petty Theft Loss Prevention Program Success Leads to Expanded Adoption Nationwide.

SALT LAKE CITY – June 18, 2014 – Turning Point Justice (TPJ), the trusted provider of collaborative loss prevention solutions for retailers, and its partner the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), today announced that Sears Holdings Corp. is expanding TPJ loss prevention solutions at select Sears and Kmart locations nationwide. The Court Alternative Program (CAP) is an innovative restorative justice solution based upon the principle that cooperation between retailers, law enforcement and the justice system saves time and money for both retailers and communities while improving offender accountability and reducing recidivism.

“Sears Holdings continues to support progressive loss prevention practices, such as TPJ’s innovative restorative justice solutions, that further elevate our leadership position in this industry and support our communities’ law enforcement efforts,” said Scott Glenn, chief security officer, Sears Holdings. “In pilot testing, we experienced a more than 50 percent reduction in the need for police and prosecutor support for shoplifting incidents at stores, which helps local law enforcement focus their resources on more serious crimes than petty shoplifting.”

CAP enables loss prevention teams to quickly identify qualifying offenders who voluntarily admit to the theft and desire to resolve the incident without the need for an immediate law enforcement response. Offenders who choose to participate in CAP pay restitution to retailers and complete proven National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) shoplifting education programs that are used by justice systems across the United States. CAP is available at no cost to retailers.

Shoplifting Prevention For Retail Stores

If you’re the owner of a local retail store, there are many things that you can do to maximize profits. One thing that every retail store faces is loss due to theft, and some business owners just write theft off as something you can’t prevent. While you certainly can’t prevent theft with absolute certainty, there are certain things that you can do minimize it and prevent major losses. One major thing that you can do to combat theft is to invest in security cameras that you can place around your store. There are many ways that cameras can help you avoid theft as much as possible.

First, cameras act as a major deterrent to those who might otherwise try to shoplift in your store. The presence of cameras can be intimidating and make it discouraging for potential shoplifters. It’s one thing for an otherwise confident person to walk into a store he or she knows isn’t monitored by cameras, but it’s an entirely different thing to know that every move made will be recorded. This forces shoplifters to be extra careful, which many of them likely won’t really consider to be worth it.

Although cameras can reduce theft, they can’t prevent it entirely. In cases where theft does take place, having high performance cameras in place can help you ensure the responsible parties are brought to justice. Having high-resolution images to sort through as you’re attempting to find culprits in cases of theft can make it much easier to do so.

Shoplifting Laws and more News

theft (10)Shoplifting laws across the United States vary and some states can and will change the laws as they see fit. Laws in Arkansas, Georgia or Indiana may well be worded differently but the truth is shoplifting is a crime and shoplifters may face criminal charges or a misdemeanor. The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention has a page with the laws for every single state in the United States and the laws governing shoplifting and what it entails. Follow the links to see more about this topic.

Alleged shoplifter flees scene with kids in car, crashes

CABOT, Ark. (KTHV) – A man is charged with numerous felonies after allegedly fleeing the scene of a shoplifting at a Cabot Walmart with four children inside the vehicle.

Sgt. Keith Graham said officers responded to the Walmart on S. Rockwood June 16 just before 7:45 p.m. about a shoplifter fleeing the store. After chasing the suspect through the neighboring Dixie Café, the suspect then got into a gold Suburban and fled the area.

Officers began chasing the suspect from the Walmart to 67/167 southbound. Graham said the gold Suburban took exit 16 at a high rate of speed, then lost control of the vehicle and it flipped, coming to rest in a ditch long the roadway.

The driver, 28-year-old Christopher Carver, was taken into custody after the accident, and while searching the vehicle, officers found four small children inside. They were taken to Arkansas Children’s Hospital to be checked out.

Carver was taken to North Metro Hospital for minor injuries, and then transported to the Cabot Police Dept.

He is charged with shoplifting, fleeing, two counts kidnapping, second degree battery, and four counts of first degree endangering the welfare of a minor.

He is currently being held on $100,000 bond.

Local Stores Meet In An Effort To Prevent Shoplifting

Competitors are coming together to combat a big problem in Grand Island: shoplifting.

Grand Island Police brought local stores together for a second meeting Tuesday.

Shoplifting isn’t a huge problem at Carla Jensen’s store, but she knows the consequences if it becomes one.

“If there’s no money coming in, if it walks out the door, that means no money goes in my pocket or no money goes to the store,” said Jensen, owner of Royalty Boutique. “If there’s not enough in there to pay the bills then the store shuts down.”

G.I. Police Officer Butch Hurst said other local stores are being hit hard by thieves.

“It’s fairly severe,” Hurst said of the problem.

That’s why retailers – big and small – are coming together to swap information on the shoplifters they’re encountering.

“If they have photographs or digital, they show it to each other and say ‘hey, do you know this person,'” said Hurst.

Police want that information too.

Storeowners complain new shoplifting law in Indiana too lax

INDIANAPOLIS — Retailers are relieved that lawmakers have fixed an error in a new criminal law that would have made it tough to arrest shoplifters. Now they want a harsher penalty restored for thieves.
They contend the real problem with the new criminal code that goes into effect July 1 is a provision that drops theft from a felony to misdemeanor if the stolen goods are valued at less than $750.

“We’ve got a huge problem with that,” said Grant Monahan, head of the Indiana Retail Council, which represents thousands of store owners statewide.

On Tuesday, the General Assembly met in an unusual session to make “technical corrections” to the 400-plus page bill that overhauled crime and punishment in Indiana. While toughening penalties for violent crimes, the new law reduces punishments for some theft and drug possession crimes by making them into misdemeanors that are rarely punished with prison time.

What are your Loss Prevention Priorities for this year?

theft (11)The workforce in any retail store has to be aware of the policies and procedures that a company or retail store has to deterred shoplifting, and the steps to take when encountering a shoplifting incident. Your management team has to be the most knowledgeable about what to do and how to proceed during such incidents and the steps necessary to take to make certain the safety of the employees are not jeopardized. Shrinkage due to employee theft is very prevalent in retail and the amount they shoplift surpasses that of the amateur shoplifter, being aware of what is going on in your store can lead to less shrinkage and more profits for your store.

Read more news about shoplifting by following the links below.

Retail loss prevention team priorities for 2014

The challenges facing today’s retail loss prevention teams are increasingly complex and serious, from cyber security to active shooter to workforce training, compliance issues and – unfortunately – even armed gunmen inside stores or shopping malls. And with NRF’s annual Loss Prevention Conference and EXPO coming up in June, we wanted to know what’s top of mind for retail LP professionals. We asked a few of our LP Advisory Council members to weigh in on what their top priorities are for 2014. Three different retailers, three different answers. But in our unofficial small survey, we found one common theme — people.

Retailer Keeps Loss Prevention Low and Customer Satisfaction High with DigitalPersona Fingerprint Solution

DigitalPersona, Inc., a trusted partner for biometric identity verification solutions, today announced that  New Look, a leading China fashion retailer, has selected a Point-of-Sale (POS) system enabled with DigitalPersona® fingerprint technology. After a successful trial at six of the retailer’s stores in February 2014, New Look is set to expand their use of biometrics in 16 of its stores by the end of 2014 — with longer-range plans to equip 100 stores by 2017. The retailer initially selected biometric technology as an alternative to passwords for improving time and attendance accuracy, but found it also enhances loss prevention and customer service.

Stupid Criminal: Doomed robbery

Today’s Stupid Criminals were doomed from the beginning.

You would think if you are going to rob a store, you might want to first look into what that store sells.

Well these Stupid Criminals thought it would be a good idea to rob this store in Dallas, Texas but you see that wasn’t the smartest idea.


Because what does the store sell? Surveillance cameras of course.

The owner of the security business supply store caught both the criminals on no less than 17 cameras.

Now the robbers did have plenty of warning before they tried to rob the store. There were at least four signs outside the store that told them they were being recorded.

They were able to get away with $10,000 worth of equipment.

No word yet if they’ve been caught.

Narcissistic Behaviors

theft (13)Employee theft is probably one of the hardest forms of theft to detect and resolve. The problem is that these employees have an advantage over you. They know your systems, they know who is observant, and they know when the best times to steal are. Employees also have access to different processes and assets that shoplifters do not have.

An employee who is embezzling money, instead of stealing merchandise, typically will not show indicators that would make you initially suspicious. What we have found over years of investigations and interviews is that these employees do show other behavioral patterns. When combined with certain access to accounts, billing, and cash processing, the behavior should be a red flag to their employers.

The first warning sign is the employee displaying any overtly narcissistic behaviors. The textbook definition is that a narcissistic personality is a person who is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process.

Typically these employees will build themselves, their position and their responsibilities up. They withdraw other employee access to their jobs, saying the other employees simply cannot perform the job functions satisfactorily. The other employees are under qualified, and the employee is the only one who can do the job right.

They will then validate and secure their positions by saying they are the only ones who can do their job. What would you do if I left? No one else can do this, I have to be here. They will often change the way processes are done, or have their own filing system. They will do anything they can to simultaneously confuse anyone who attempts to look in on what they are doing, and validate how complicated their job is; in essence creating their own job security.

What they are actually doing is finding ways to keep everyone else out of their paperwork. If they are embezzling, they are siphoning money by creating false invoices or payments, they can be creating write offs, even when a customer pays in full. They can be floating money from one account to another to cover up the cash they are taking.

The solution is to be wary of any employee who is displaying these narcissistic behaviors. They are building themselves up, while pushing blame onto those around them in an attempt to derail you from becoming suspicious of them. Next, make sure you have a check and balance system in place. There should be a standard way to handle all accounting practices. No one should create their own system. This system should also have a periodic audit to ensure compliance and integrity of your books.

Even though it makes more sense financially to hire only one person to do all of your paperwork and accounting, have a second person split the responsibilities. Accounts payable and accounts receivable (sales, receiving, cash management) functions should be split to lessen the likely hood of an employee embezzling money from you.

Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s Gone

theft (11)Inventory accuracy is absolutely critical to maximizing sales and customer satisfaction. In the most basic of terms, if you do not have product, you cannot make a sale. If you cannot make a sale, your customer will be dissatisfied and will go somewhere else to make their purchase.

There are two kinds of inventory tracking and processes: Periodic and perpetual inventories.

A periodic inventory is one where a business takes an inventory on an infrequent basis. It might be every six months, or even annually. At that time, all of the current merchandise/ assets are accounted for. Inventory numbers are then based off of the previous inventory.

Thanks to the accessibility of computers and other digital tools, perpetual inventory is more common. It tracks each movement that the inventory takes from receipt of the product, to sales, to returns. This allows for much more immediate reaction to stock levels, customer satisfaction, and theft concerns. Inventory levels can be determined immediately through a spot check called a cycle count.

A cycle count is an informal count of a specific item of merchandise. Say you are gearing up for a sale and want to know if you have enough merchandise to satisfy the demands of the sale. You can look at your perpetual inventory system and see “item X” should have a quantity of 10. You go throughout the store and look to find all 10 pieces of inventory. After looking on the sales floor, stock rooms, and wrap stands you find all 10 pieces and know your inventory on hand is accurate.

If you can only find 5 of the item, you would start by ordering in more of the product to satisfy your upcoming sale. Next you would want to investigate why you are missing 5 of “item X”. Did they break and get thrown into the garbage unaccounted for? Were they stolen? Is this a shipment from a vendor that is in transit? Did the vendor make a paperwork error and over charge you?

By upgrading your inventory systems to a perpetual inventory you can react faster to such shortages and then quickly resolve the losses.  You still want to have a periodic inventory, at a minimum once a year, to ensure your inventory is accurate. Cycle counts are good to spot check items, but simply cannot be done for the thousands of SKUs that most businesses carry on any given day.

Call us today at 1-770-426-0547 if you would like help fixing your loss Prevention problems.

Sell More, Lose Less!