Now What Do We Do – Employee Theft?

Here is a story that I tell in my Loss Prevention Workshops that grabs the attention of everyone in the room, even though it has nothing to do with shoplifting. In Loss Prevention Seminars, shoplifting is a sure attention getter, but there is more to retail theft than that.

Once upon a time, there was a charming silver haired granny that worked in a clothing store. She was kind and pleasant and loved her grandchildren very much. Not a day went by that you didn’t hear her talking about those little children with a glimmer in her eye and her heart swelling with pride.

She loved her job in the children’s department and would frequently pick up little items of clothing to give to them. Most of the items came from the clearance racks.

Several months later, I started to notice that there were major discounts on her employee purchases. These were not percentage off discounts for clearance items. These were discounts for brand new items.

I started snooping around, and one day as I was going through things; I stumbled across two brand new Halloween costumes out of place in a stockroom. The employee came to tell me what a shame it was that the zippers were broken on them and that she had set them aside to buy them later.

Coincidentally, these costumes just happened to be in her grandchildren’s sizes. They also happened to be the only two costumes with zipper issues we had all season. Did I mention store policy was 40% off for a broken zipper?

Well, my loss prevention training covered most cases of employee theft. However, my loss prevention training did not cover employee theft concerning intentionally damaging product to garner discounts by a 70 year old woman who simply loved two little children so much that she would do anything for them.

My mentor walked me through that one. Sad as it was, granny was let go for employee theft via discount abuse and vandalism.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

The New House Rule – A tale of Loss Prevention Training downfalls

If employee theft and shoplifting methodology were all that Loss Prevention Training was about, there would be no use for trainers. If you have ever taken Loss Prevention Seminars, you know differently.

I have a newfound love of cooking and baking. While it is a pastime I have always enjoyed, my family is not always better off for my new hobby. In fact, because of my hobby, we have a standing rule at the house that if I make anything inedible, we order out for pizza. No questions asked, and no ones feelings get hurt. There have definitely been several instances where the food was not anywhere close to the desired result.

Since I find most of the recipes online, it ends up being trial and error to figure most of them out. Written directions can often be misinterpreted. Without a basis to see the author’s meaning and techniques, directions can end up being inaccurate as a result.

The recipes that are more accurate the first time around are the concoctions that have a video attached. It is infinitely easier to be successful when you can see and have someone walk you step by step through a process, instead of trying to follow written directions with no one to assist you.

Reading a loss prevention manual, and going through a loss prevention workshop are two completely different ways of learning. A book can only take you so far. Having someone in front of you teaching you through a loss prevention workshop will greatly increase your chances of being successful.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia.

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems’ website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

No mentor, no problem – loss prevention training

When you spend a career in retail investigations, it is easy to sometimes forget how little you knew at the beginning. I remember being so convinced of an employee’s guilt that I was ready to bypass the judge and jury and send the employee directly to jail.

I know now that some of my decisions, while they may have been made out of good intentions, would have put my employers at risk. If I had had more training such loss prevention seminars, it would have enhanced my performance.

It took someone with years of experience and knowledge to show me the right way to conduct an investigation. I was also shown the ethical and legal way to deal with those outcomes.

I also know now that not every case of employee theft should be prosecuted.

It was only because I had the luxury of some really good mentors that helped me through the process, that I didn’t make some egregious errors.

I feel for those who don’t have a mentor to help them through the processes. I guess that is why it is important to take part in a loss prevention workshop that deals with employee theft.

You and your company can limit your risks associated with conducting a thorough employee theft investigation by getting some much needed loss prevention training. Loss Prevention Workshops can also help you understand the benefits, downsides, and potential liabilities associated with terminating and prosecuting an employee upon conclusion of an investigation. A loss prevention seminar can be worth its weight in gold.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia.

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars , Retail Loss Prevention Training , Retail Loss Prevention Seminar and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

A Blind Eye – Loss Prevention Workshops

Loss Prevention Workshops are a great way to gain perspective and to find someone who can remain objective when it comes to employee theft and shoplifting in your store.

A loss prevention seminar conducted by someone with objectivity, will open your eyes to details or methods of theft that you may have been blinded to. Knowing these details will help you more fully recover your losses and prevent them from happening in the future.

By attending a loss prevention workshop you gain access to a moderator who is not only objective, but is also a seasoned expert in their field. You can take their experiences and trials and errors and learn from them. Hopefully you will be able to take these lessons and apply them to your personal situations.

Loss prevention training provides one-on-one contact and brings the information to the level you need. If you are aware of the basic modes of theft, this is a chance to get a more in depth look at motives and preventative measures. If this is your first time dipping into the world of employee theft and shoplifting, the workshop can be geared towards more basic and introductory knowledge.

The workshop is the opportunity you need to have someone help you resolve your theft concerns and situations. It gives you alternate methods that you might have previously turned a blind eye to.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

What’s In Your Meeting – My Loss Prevention Workshops are fun

The only meetings I ever looked forward to, were the ones I presented at. I think it was because not only did I have control over the pace and quality of the meeting, but I had an exciting topic to present about, shoplifting and employee theft.

My husband, on the other hand, hates meetings. I always chuckle to myself anytime he has to go to any sort of meeting, regardless of what it is. I have to agree with him, though. For the most part, meetings generally are no fun. It is a full day of being stuck in a lightless room, with monotonous presenters and ill prepared presentations.

Giving a loss prevention workshop was fun for me because I could make it fun. I was passionate about my chosen field of work, but I was also passionate about helping people learn. You really need both.

Loss Prevention Training really is nothing more than any other boring meeting if you don’t have someone who has passion. They can get the attendees riled up and interested in what is being said. If your employees are interested in the meeting, you have a better chance of them actually retaining parts of the presentation.

It doesn’t matter how many times you say the words shoplifting or employee theft. Not having a passionate speaker negates everything interesting about your presentation topic. If your employees don’t retain the information then it was just a waste of time for all involved. That is why they are at the Loss Prevention Seminar to begin with.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Love The Dickens Out of Them – An Unfortunate Case of Employee Theft

If you have ever had to sit through loss prevention seminars or loss prevention workshop on employee theft, you would probably hear about stealing merchandise or cash. You may not have been taught about other types of employee caused losses.

I had the most charming, elderly grandmother working in one of my clothing stores. There were two things she loved above all sewing, and her grandchildren.

To a lesser degree, she loved her job in the children’s department too, and would frequently buy little items of clothing and trinkets for her grandkids. Most of the items came from the clearance racks, as she did not have a lot of disposable income.

Several months after she was with us, I started to notice that there were major discounts on her employee purchases. These were not the normal percentage off discounts for clearance items. These were major discounts being taken on brand new items.

I started snooping around, and one day, I stumbled across two brand new Halloween costumes out of place in a stockroom. As I picked the costumes up, the grandmother in question hurried to tell me what a shame it was that the zippers were broken on them. She had set them aside to buy them later, figuring she could just sew them up and fix them. She even showed me where there was a little rip in the seams of the zippers.

It was no coincidence that these costumes just happened to be in her grandchildren’s sizes. It was also no coincidence they were the only two costumes with zipper issues we had all season.

Did I mention our store policy was to take 40% off for a broken zipper?

Was grandmother shoplifting? No! My supervisor had to walk me through proper handling of that case. Sad as it was, granny was let go for employee theft via discount abuse and vandalism. Loss prevention training books alone can’t show you how to handle a case like this. This is a situation that having a mentor to talk you through makes all the difference.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Another Day of Meetings – Could Have Been Attending a Loss Prevention Workshop instead

My husband and I have spent years as retail managers. As a result, we have both spent our share of “wasted hours” in meetings where there was no useful information. We would inevitably walk away from those meetings feeling even more dejected about our jobs and the hours of productivity lost because we were stuck in a poorly planned and poorly articulated meeting. Our minds were wandering and thinking about employee theft and shoplifting. We could think of more ways to steal merchandise.

It was always unfortunate because there was a lot of good information that could be garnered from those meetings, if the presenter knew what they were doing.

All too often the presenter would shift through paperwork looking for answers to topics they were not fluent in. The “errs” and “umms” would be so distracting that by the time they actually started talking, our brains would have wandered off to what the lunch menu for the day would be. Kind of makes the price of well conducted Loss Prevention Seminars well worth the money.

This is not the way to run a meeting. When you send your employees and managers through Loss Prevention Training, it is critical to your success that the moderator is fluent in the topic at hand. A Loss Prevention Workshop should be informative and educational. It is a chance for everyone to understand how to be eyes and ears in the workplace.

If your trainer looses their audience, you loose out on the information given and the hours of misplaced productivity.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Don’t Go Alone – Doing your own Loss Prevention Seminars

As a rookie LP agent, I had several manuals and study guides to memorize regarding shoplifting. It was several months worth of loss prevention training through self conducted Loss Prevention Seminars that had to be completed before I was released to detain a shoplifter.

Since I had no previous military or law enforcement training or experience, this was a whole new world for me. When I had completed my loss prevention training, I thought I was ready for any shoplifting scenario that would come my way or even dealing with employee theft.

The only thing left was to start detaining shoplifters with an experienced LP agent, and then I could go out on my own. I was itching to not only prove that I had learned everything I needed to from the manuals, but also prove I was just as good as the seasoned agent was.

It didn’t take me long to figure out how lucky I was to have someone else with me on that first shoplifting apprehension. I wasn’t prepared for what my loss prevention training manuals didn’t tell me. They didn’t tell me how nervous I would be. How my adrenaline kicked in wondering if there would be a fight, or if the shoplifter might pull a weapon on me. I wished I could have attended a loss prevention workshop and asked questions.

The manuals also didn’t train me on the emotional reaction I would have, because this shoplifter that I was so worried about, was a woman putting merchandise under her six-month-old baby because she couldn’t afford the clothes. Sad.

Having a trained and seasoned agent standing with me for back up helped me to remain calm and consistent with our store policies and procedures.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Pizza Tonight? – Advantages of Loss Prevention Training

There doesn’t seem to be a direct correlation between employee theft, shoplifting and Loss Prevention Seminars, unless someone is shoplifting a pizza- at least not a first glance.

I have a newfound love of cooking and baking. While it is a pastime I have always enjoyed, I have recently started to take it more seriously by experimenting with more difficult recipes and techniques.

While I have been enjoying the challenge, my family is not always better off. In fact, we have a standing rule at the house that if I make anything inedible, we order out for pizza. No questions asked, and no ones feelings get hurt.

While there have only been a few times the Pizza Rule has been called into play, there have definitely been several instances where the food was not anywhere close to the desired result. Runny Pudding and Biscuit Pucks and Crazy Spicy BBQ sauce were only a few of the mistakes in execution. Since I find most of the recipes online, it ends up being trial and error to figure most of them out.

The ones that are more accurate the first time around are the concoctions that have a video attached. It is infinitely easier to be successful when you can see and have someone walk you step by step through a process, instead of trying to follow written directions with no one to assist you.

It is the same thing as reading a loss prevention manual, and having actual loss prevention training. A book can only take you so far. Having someone offer verbal and visual loss prevention training greatly increases your chances of being successful. Cooking classes are like a loss prevention workshop.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems’ website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.


One Proud Moment – Direct Result of Loss Prevention Training

One of my most successful moments in my career came from a Loss Prevention Training that I did with all of the store’s new hires. I spoke of shoplifting, employee theft and credit card fraud.

There was a lady who was very clear that the only reason she was working there was to get the employee discount. She spent more time shopping on the clock than she did working. Policy and procedure were nothing to her, no matter how many conversations were had. One day she came running into my office with a huge smile on her face. She had in her hand a form that I had implemented to help curb credit card fraud with phone orders.

As she burst through my door, she proudly waved the form and said, “This is fraud I know it!! All the signs are there and I remembered you said this in our new hire class!!!” Wow. The woman that no one could reach and no one expected anything from, remembered what I had said. More importantly, she did something she never thought in her life that she would do and she was proud because of it. I was proud of her.

Without my passion and that Loss Prevention Training, she never would have stopped that fraudulent phone order. She never would have had that moment to be better than what she or anyone else ever believed she could be. Loss Prevention Seminars or a Loss Prevention Workshop don’t always have to be about shoplifting.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.