The Five Steps- Shoplifting

In the retail environment, there are five steps associates with stopping shoplifting in progress. While they may not correlate directly to a legal apprehension made by local law enforcement, these five steps are designed to keep a retail establishment in the clear from wrongful detainments.
If you are going to allow employees, whether it might be a manager, or a dedicated loss prevention employee (if you are so lucky to afford one), to make an apprehension, you need ensure these steps are followed to a T.
Loss prevention training is extremely important as the elimination of even one step can create a huge lawsuit and liability for your business.
The steps are as follows: First, you need to see the subject enter the store. The point is to see what they have, what they are wearing or carrying, so you can conversely know what merchandise they are stealing from you.
Next you need to see them enter the area where the merchandise is sold. You absolutely need to see them select (pick up) the merchandise in question. Again, this ensures you can verify the merchandise is absolutely your property and not theirs.
At this point you need to see them conceal the product or otherwise demonstrate that they are intending to steal.
Maintain constant observation of the merchandise. If you loose contact, can you be sure they did not discard the merchandise somewhere along the way? Some shoplifting suspects do get spooked and drop the product.
Finally they need to exit the store and pass the last point of sales. Loss prevention seminars are out there that can further expound on these steps, and explain the subtle nuances that can arise during an actual shoplifting stop.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

In the retail environment, there are five steps associated with stopping shoplifting in progress. While they may not correlate directly to a legal apprehension made by local law enforcement, these five steps are designed to keep a retail establishment in the clear from wrongful detainments.

If you are going to allow employees, whether it might be a manager, or a dedicated loss prevention employee (if you are so lucky to afford one), to make an apprehension, you need ensure these steps are followed to a T.

Loss prevention training is extremely important as the elimination of even one step can create a huge lawsuit and liability for your business.

The steps are as follows: First, you need to see the subject enter the store. The point is to see what they have, what they are wearing or carrying, so you can conversely know what merchandise they are stealing from you.

Next you need to see them enter the area where the merchandise is sold. You absolutely need to see them select (pick up) the merchandise in question. Again, this ensures you can verify the merchandise is absolutely your property and not theirs.

At this point you need to see them conceal the product or otherwise demonstrate that they are intending to steal.

Maintain constant observation of the merchandise. If you loose contact, can you be sure they did not discard the merchandise somewhere along the way? Some shoplifting suspects do get spooked and drop the product.

Finally they need to exit the store and pass the last point of sales. Loss prevention seminars are out there that can further expound on these steps, and explain the subtle nuances that can arise during an actual shoplifting stop.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Deviate From The Policy- Employee Theft

If you suspect that employee theft will happen, or is about to happen, you need to be more prepared than having a sign that says, “shoplifting will be prosecuted”. You have to train your employees that you are aware of different methods, and tactics used in employee theft. You have to be able to train the other employees to be eyes and ears when you are not there.
Loss prevention seminars help you have the information to guide your employees toward making better decisions. Employees who see the heightened awareness level in a store are less likely to steal. They are less likely to spend their energy coming up with ways to work around your systems.
The stores that have a blanket statement, but no training or awareness, are more likely to have theft issues. Without a clear understanding of how deep the awareness and prevention goes in a store, the more likely employees are to abuse the system.
When an employee is unaware of all of the different levels of security and protection you have in place, they think it is easy to get away with employee theft. Using loss prevention seminars shows the employees that policies and procedures are already in place to combat the theft. If they start to deviate from those policies, a red flag will go up and they will be caught.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

If you suspect that employee theft will happen, or is about to happen, you need to be more prepared than having a sign that says, “shoplifting will be prosecuted”. You have to train your employees that you are aware of different methods, and tactics used in employee theft. You have to be able to train the other employees to be eyes and ears when you are not there.

Loss prevention seminars help you have the information to guide your employees toward making better decisions. Employees who see the heightened awareness level in a store are less likely to steal. They are less likely to spend their energy coming up with ways to work around your systems.

The stores that have a blanket statement, but no training or awareness, are more likely to have theft issues. Without a clear understanding of how deep the awareness and prevention goes in a store, the more likely employees are to abuse the system.

When an employee is unaware of all of the different levels of security and protection you have in place, they think it is easy to get away with employee theft. Using loss prevention seminars shows the employees that policies and procedures are already in place to combat the theft. If they start to deviate from those policies, a red flag will go up and they will be caught.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.


Loss Prevention Certification- Loss Prevention Training

Currently there is a big push for Loss Prevention Employees to be certified through the Loss Prevention Foundation. They have two levels of certification- one for those beginning their careers and another for those who have been around longer. The point is to standardize loss prevention training throughout the industry.
This formalized loss prevention training and certification is expensive, too expensive for most small businesses to certify more than one or two mangers within the organization. That doesn’t mean that it is not beneficial to have this kind of information available for all of your employees.
By attending a more affordable loss prevention workshop, you can get your entire team involved and educated. Benefits to this kind of training include better job performance by providing awareness of methods and kinds of losses that retailer’s incur. They can improve competencies needed to resolve shrink losses and implications. They can also improve the perception of your company or business within the community.
When businesses take a stand against shoplifting losses within their walls, the community takes notice. It is not just the shoplifting that begins to go elsewhere, it is also the customers who have a better perception of your attentive employees. Instead of going somewhere else, they come to you. They begin to share a positive message of your stores, thus growing your business as more customers come to you for their shopping needs.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Currently there is a big push for Loss Prevention Employees to be certified through the Loss Prevention Foundation. They have two levels of certification- one for those beginning their careers and another for those who have been around longer. The point is to standardize loss prevention training throughout the industry.

This formalized loss prevention training and certification is expensive, too expensive for most small businesses to certify more than one or two mangers within the organization. That doesn’t mean that it is not beneficial to have this kind of information available for all of your employees.

By attending a more affordable loss prevention workshop, you can get your entire team involved and educated. Benefits to this kind of training include better job performance by providing awareness of methods and kinds of losses that retailer’s incur. They can improve competencies needed to resolve shrink losses and implications. They can also improve the perception of your company or business within the community.

When businesses take a stand against shoplifting losses within their walls, the community takes notice. It is not just the shoplifting that begins to go elsewhere, it is also the customers who have a better perception of your attentive employees. Instead of going somewhere else, they come to you. They begin to share a positive message of your stores, thus growing your business as more customers come to you for their shopping needs.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Shoplifting Flash Mobs and Other News

theft (5)How do you protect yourself from a mob of shoplifters? Is there a solution? Calling the police will eventually get things going, but rarely do they arrive in time to stop the shoplifting. Even an individual shoplifter can get away many times before he gets caught, and the loses your store or business suffers is big. Prevention and investing in shoplifting devices can be a helpful method for your store to prevent shrinkage and a deterrent to employees and other shoplifters from stealing from your store.

The Future Of Shopping In Three Trends

Back in 2012, I wrote a piece titled, Five Trends Driving Traditional Retail Towards Extinction. Looking back, I’m generally happy to see that the trends I examined are still valid, though “extinction” might be a little strong.

But the retail and e-commerce industries still interest me and living in New York provides a firsthand view into the petri dish that many of these companies use to experiment. So almost two years later, I’ve revisited the space to focus on three more trends that are changing the way we shop. (I’m leaving out an exploration of mobile for the moment, since it’s probably worth its own post.)

The Macro View

First, a brief look at the bigger picture.

Last month marked Amazon’s 20th anniversary, which is kind of amazing to think about since e-commerce seems both very new and indispensable at the same time. Either way, the world has had plenty of time to digest the trend.

Local Fox Anchor Arrested for Shoplifting; Fiancé Arrested for Arson

CBS 13 in Sacramento reports that a local news anchor was arrested for theft while in an unrelated case her fiancé was arrested for arson. Fox 40 news anchor Sabrina Rodriguez was arrested and charged with three felony counts of shoplifting while her fiancé, Nicholas Gray, is in jail on drug and arson charges.

On May 6, 2014, Rodriguez and Gray’s Sacramento home was ablaze; in the ensuing attempts by firefighters, one fire fighter was injured. The couple told authorities at the time that the cause of the fire was a stove exploding.

According to file footage from CBS 13, fire battalion Chris Ortiz said at the time: “The occupants were extremely lucky to get out. If they would have hesitated probably a minute or so they might be crawling out the back windows or we might be extricating them from the home.”

Gray was booked Thursday into the Sacramento County jail on charges of arson, battery, manufacturing meth, and possession of marijuana or hashish for sale. Investigators would not confirm the charges were related to the fire at his home, CBS 13 reports.

Police: Shoplifting flash mobs storm convenience stores


Police in Washington state are looking for a group of about 40 teens who allegedly stormed a Shell service station in Federal Way early last Sunday, KIRO-TV in Seattle reported.

“It’s pretty bad. … When 30, 40 people come into the store, I don’t think even cops can do anything right away,” said Ranji Rai, who owns the store. He said his clerk was alone at the time and couldn’t do anything to stop the crowd.

The clerk, Sukhvinder Singh, said that at first, he tried to stop the teens at the door, but they pushed through. Then Singh tried to grab one of the teens’ jackets, but another person threw a soda at him and just missed, Singh said.

>> VIDEO: Shoplifting flash mobs storm convenience stores, police say

According to Federal Way police, another group targeted a 7-Eleven about a mile away, only an hour and a half after the incident at the Shell station. KIRO-TV included portions of the surveillance videos in their newscast.

How To Approach a Shoplifter- Loss Prevention Training

If you have a customer suspected of shoplifting in your store, what do you do? For some the answer is simple- you walk up to them accuse them of shoplifting and demand to search their bags to find the stolen items.
For others, the answer is to not confront them and to call the police to have them arrested. As for the rest of your employees, the best approach is one of denial- “He was a shoplifter? Really? I didn’t notice.”
While all of these approaches make sense depending on the type of person you or your employees are, none of them are the best way to go.
If you accuse a shoplifter directly, you open yourself up to a variety of scenarios. The first is an open/ aggressive confrontation can escalate into a potentially dangerous situation. The shoplifter might be armed, or prepared to fight his way out. If you do not have any proof, you might open yourself and your business up to a wrongful detainment/ accusation lawsuit. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars and potentially negative press. Same thing goes for calling the police without actual proof.
A passive/ non-existent approach can lead to shoplifters coming back because they do not fear getting caught. The best way is to learn the five steps retailers’ use and how to legally approach a shoplifter. Loss prevention seminars can walk you through the steps and answer most of the legal questions you might have.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

If you have a customer suspected of shoplifting in your store, what do you do? For some the answer is simple- you walk up to them accuse them of shoplifting and demand to search their bags to find the stolen items.

For others, the answer is to not confront them and to call the police to have them arrested. As for the rest of your employees, the best approach is one of denial- “He was a shoplifter? Really? I didn’t notice.”

While all of these approaches make sense depending on the type of person you or your employees are, none of them are the best way to go.

If you accuse a shoplifter directly, you open yourself up to a variety of scenarios. The first is an open/ aggressive confrontation can escalate into a potentially dangerous situation. The shoplifter might be armed, or prepared to fight his way out. If you do not have any proof, you might open yourself and your business up to a wrongful detainment/ accusation lawsuit. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars and potentially negative press. Same thing goes for calling the police without actual proof.

A passive/ non-existent approach can lead to shoplifters coming back because they do not fear getting caught. The best way is to learn the five steps retailers’ use and how to legally approach a shoplifter. Loss prevention seminars can walk you through the steps and answer most of the legal questions you might have.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Loose the Battle, Win the War

theft (1)I read a horrifying news article about a man, who had been convicted of shoplifting, winning a lawsuit to the tune of $500,000. That’s right- half a million dollars paid out to a man who was convicted of shoplifting from a store. The report was horrifying for two reasons.

The first, because he was a shoplifter who might never have to work a day in his life again, basically was paid out to steal. Two, because the reason he won his suit was because he was injured during the course of the apprehension as a result of his shoplifting.

It raises a very important question of where do we, as retailers and business owners, draw the line? Where do we say we will allow this particular loss to happen to avoid an even worse loss? In essence, how do we loose the battle to win the war?

As the news report goes on, this particular man seems to have made a habit of bringing up (and winning) lawsuits stemming from his alleged shoplifting incidents. When the businesses could not win their cases against this man to convict him of shoplifting, he turned around and sued for slander, liable, and wrongful apprehensions.

While this particular situation is probably one of the more extreme examples of how a shoplifting stop can go horrifically wrong, this is not an unrealistic topic for businesses to be aware of.

Any time a shoplifter is stopped, or even approached, we have a responsibility to be right- 100% right. We also have to be able to prove it in a court of law. The days of acting on gut feelings or suspicions are long gone.

We have a right to protect our stores and to make shoplifting stops. We need to do so in a way that is also fair and legal to the suspected shoplifter- lest we also incur a half million dollar settlement at our expense.

Beyond An Apprehension- Loss Prevention Workshop

Going to a loss prevention workshop isn’t only about learning how to apprehend a shoplifter. It is about finding ways to identify your store’s vulnerable areas and finding plausible, financially sound, and effective solutions for them. Some store’s do not want to make apprehensions, but do not realize there are other ways to prevent shoplifting.
The reality is most shoplifting is preventable. Some of them might be easy fixes, and some of them might require a more complex system to keep the shrink losses at bay. 
The more training and education you have, the better your chances of reducing your overall shrink losses. The key is in knowing what your specific store vulnerabilities are and how they happen. 
Maybe you have inattentive employees on the weekends. Perhaps your high theft merchandise would benefit from being placed at the front of the store where employees can watch it better. 
Can you use EAS and other retail anti theft devices to keep your desirable products on the sales floor for customers, but deterring theft at the same time?
Does your shoplifting happen at a certain time of day or week? What are your biggest loss items? Have you found evidence that the shoplifting seems to happen in the same location of the store (fitting room, back corner)?
By identifying the key areas, the information from a loss prevention workshop can be applied to how to deter shoplifting, saving you and your employees from actually having to apprehend a shoplifter. By deterring the theft ahead of time, you reduce your inventory losses without putting your employees at risk.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Going to a loss prevention workshop isn’t only about learning how to apprehend a shoplifter. It is about finding ways to identify your store’s vulnerable areas and finding plausible, financially sound, and effective solutions for them. Some store’s do not want to make apprehensions, but do not realize there are other ways to prevent shoplifting.

The reality is most shoplifting is preventable. Some of them might be easy fixes, and some of them might require a more complex system to keep the shrink losses at bay.

The more training and education you have, the better your chances of reducing your overall shrink losses. The key is in knowing what your specific store vulnerabilities are and how they happen.

Maybe you have inattentive employees on the weekends. Perhaps your high theft merchandise would benefit from being placed at the front of the store where employees can watch it better. 

Can you use EAS and other retail anti theft devices to keep your desirable products on the sales floor for customers, but deterring theft at the same time?

Does your shoplifting happen at a certain time of day or week? What are your biggest loss items? Have you found evidence that the shoplifting seems to happen in the same location of the store (fitting room, back corner)?

By identifying the key areas, the information from a loss prevention workshop can be applied to how to deter shoplifting, saving you and your employees from actually having to apprehend a shoplifter. By deterring the theft ahead of time, you reduce your inventory losses without putting your employees at risk.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Why Your Employees Need to Know The Shoplifting Policies in your Store

law-3A shoplifting case in any state can run from an infraction or a misdemeanor to a felony charge. Many communities across the United States are urging government officials to make a shoplifting case charge into something serious to deterred shoplifters from entering their stores and getting away with stolen merchandise.

Policies across the retail industry vary tremendously. Regardless of the policies you want your employees to adhere to, those policies have to be understood and follow through regardless of the situation. Law suits against retail stores are prevalent and costly, educating your security employees about the policies and laws in the state and your store can prevent expenses your business can do without.

Follow more stories about shoplifting by following the links below.

Target security officer fired after reporting shoplifting

Dallas Northington spent nearly eight years working for Target in loss prevention, roaming the stores and scanning the surveillance cameras. In an episode at the Leesburg Target store in May that he said was typical, a man was allegedly captured twice on video shoplifting, and Northington responded as he said he always did: He called the Leesburg police, made a report and provided them the videos of the two incidents.

But the man in the video may have been a Fairfax County sheriff’s deputy, Northington said he soon learned. And within days, two things happened: The deputy retired from the sheriff’s office and Target fired Northington, 29, a married father of two with a third child on the way.

Northington said Target officials told him that he had violated procedure by not filling out the proper paperwork before contacting the police, though he said his office had operated the same way for years. He said he also was told that he had been insubordinate for not seeking approval before calling police, though he said the standard practice was for him to act as needed.

Va. sheriff’s employee to be charged in shoplifting

WASHINGTON (AP) – Leesburg police say a Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office employee will be charged with shoplifting in a case that drew attention after the Target security guard who reported the alleged crime was fired.

The sheriff’s office employee has not been identified, and formal charges have yet to be filed.

Leesburg police say they identified a suspect a few days after the theft in late May and were awaiting word from Target on whether to proceed with charges. Police say they got that word from Target on Monday.

Police say the decision to fire the security guard was a corporate decision made by Target. Dallas Northington told The Washington Post that he was fired after Target told him he violated procedure by filling out paperwork before calling police.

Man wanted for shoplifting at Suffolk Walmart

Suffolk, Va. – Suffolk police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a man involved in a shoplifting incident at Walmart.

It happened on July 12 shortly after midnight at the Walmart located in the 6200 block of College Drive.

The suspect is described as a black male in his late teens or early 20’s wearing a dark tank top, camouflage shorts, a dark do-rag, flip flops and dark socks.

Surveillance cameras captured the suspect pulling a plastic Walmart bag from his pocket and placing several items in the bag and then proceeding past the register.

A loss prevention officer saw the suspect driving off in a tan colored Ford SUV.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Line at 1-888-Lock-U-Up.

When calling Crime Line, callers do not have to give their names or appear in court.

Employees and Business Longevity- Loss Prevention Training

For the companies being sold to investment firms, many will not be around in five to ten years. They will be sold, or may go under completely after all of the assets have been striped of any redeeming value. As far as an investment firm is concerned, the longevity of the company is not important, the short-term profits are.
To fulfill these profit goals, the investment firms will make massive staffing and payroll reductions. They reduce the employee hours to about as minimum as what they can get away with. Employee benefits are next to go. What you are left with are employees who are viewed as disposable assets, instead of valuable ones. Needless to say, employee training and development whether it is in the form of computer based learning, seminars, workshops, or one on one development is non existent.
Depending upon which side of the coin you are on, this is either a completely brilliant or completely inane business strategy. The deciding factor falls within what you want the longevity of your business to be.
For companies who are looking for longevity, treating employees as assets to be nurtured and developed is essential.
The more training employees have, they more they will feel in control, and valued. They are more willing to go the extra mile for the business, and want to further their own growth and development as an employee. This makes your business profitable for the long haul.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

For the companies being sold to investment firms, many will not be around in five to ten years. They will be sold, or may go under completely after all of the assets have been striped of any redeeming value. As far as an investment firm is concerned, the longevity of the company is not important, the short-term profits are.

To fulfill these profit goals, the investment firms will make massive staffing and payroll reductions. They reduce the employee hours to about as minimum as what they can get away with. Employee benefits are next to go. What you are left with are employees who are viewed as disposable assets, instead of valuable ones. Needless to say, employee training and development whether it is in the form of computer based learning, seminars, workshops, or one on one development is non existent.

Depending upon which side of the coin you are on, this is either a completely brilliant or completely inane business strategy. The deciding factor falls within what you want the longevity of your business to be.
For companies who are looking for longevity, treating employees as assets to be nurtured and developed is essential.

The more training employees have, they more they will feel in control, and valued. They are more willing to go the extra mile for the business, and want to further their own growth and development as an employee. This makes your business profitable for the long haul.

For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia

Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.

Crime and Education

law-3It is unclear according to researches whether the United States can reduce the crime rates by increasing education. The clear notion about crime- and in this case shoplifting crime- is that the United States alone loses billions a dollar every year to this very expensive social issue and a solution is still to be seen. To read more about this follow this link.

To read more about other shoplifting issues follow the links below.

Are All Criminals Stupid?

Sane people are thrilled that those dimwitted criminals are in prison so they can’t add to the gene pool even more.

Are all criminals stupid or are all stupid people criminals? Evidently it is true that one has to be a little stupid to choose a life of crime. The following evidence seems to substantiate that fact.

James Elliot took his .38 caliber revolver with him to carry out a robbery in Long Beach, California, and the gun failed to fire leaving his intended victim wild-eyed in fear. James then did something that will guarantee his entrance into the Stupid Criminal Hall of Fame. He looked down the barrel and pulled the trigger again! This time it worked. Jimmy is no longer with us but then he never was!

Recently a man walked into a gun shop and tried to rob it with a baseball ball bat! The owner and customer used their guns to convince him that he was deficient in his planning. Just as an intelligent person does not take a knife to a gun fight, you don’t take a ball bat to rob a gun store.

Sears Holdings Support Communities, Fight Shoplifting with Restorative Justice Solutions  

Petty Theft Loss Prevention Program Success Leads to Expanded Adoption Nationwide.

SALT LAKE CITY – June 18, 2014 – Turning Point Justice (TPJ), the trusted provider of collaborative loss prevention solutions for retailers, and its partner the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), today announced that Sears Holdings Corp. is expanding TPJ loss prevention solutions at select Sears and Kmart locations nationwide. The Court Alternative Program (CAP) is an innovative restorative justice solution based upon the principle that cooperation between retailers, law enforcement and the justice system saves time and money for both retailers and communities while improving offender accountability and reducing recidivism.

“Sears Holdings continues to support progressive loss prevention practices, such as TPJ’s innovative restorative justice solutions, that further elevate our leadership position in this industry and support our communities’ law enforcement efforts,” said Scott Glenn, chief security officer, Sears Holdings. “In pilot testing, we experienced a more than 50 percent reduction in the need for police and prosecutor support for shoplifting incidents at stores, which helps local law enforcement focus their resources on more serious crimes than petty shoplifting.”

CAP enables loss prevention teams to quickly identify qualifying offenders who voluntarily admit to the theft and desire to resolve the incident without the need for an immediate law enforcement response. Offenders who choose to participate in CAP pay restitution to retailers and complete proven National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) shoplifting education programs that are used by justice systems across the United States. CAP is available at no cost to retailers.

Shoplifting Prevention For Retail Stores

If you’re the owner of a local retail store, there are many things that you can do to maximize profits. One thing that every retail store faces is loss due to theft, and some business owners just write theft off as something you can’t prevent. While you certainly can’t prevent theft with absolute certainty, there are certain things that you can do minimize it and prevent major losses. One major thing that you can do to combat theft is to invest in security cameras that you can place around your store. There are many ways that cameras can help you avoid theft as much as possible.

First, cameras act as a major deterrent to those who might otherwise try to shoplift in your store. The presence of cameras can be intimidating and make it discouraging for potential shoplifters. It’s one thing for an otherwise confident person to walk into a store he or she knows isn’t monitored by cameras, but it’s an entirely different thing to know that every move made will be recorded. This forces shoplifters to be extra careful, which many of them likely won’t really consider to be worth it.

Although cameras can reduce theft, they can’t prevent it entirely. In cases where theft does take place, having high performance cameras in place can help you ensure the responsible parties are brought to justice. Having high-resolution images to sort through as you’re attempting to find culprits in cases of theft can make it much easier to do so.