The benefits of a loss prevention investigator or consultant – Atlanta Georgia

A loss prevention investigator can help out at your business if you have an issue with employee theft.  Statistics prove that businesses have the potential of losing more merchandise, cash or assets to employee theft than they do by customers who choose to shoplift.  However, when an investigation needs to be conducted involving employees, this can be a time consuming and daunting task.

I investigated an internal theft issue involving the theft of electronics merchandise at a major retailer.  The employees were also under-ringing for each other, which means that whoever was acting as cashier did not ring up all of the merchandise that they put into the sack.  By the time the investigation was complete, I had spent over a month investigating, there were eight involved employees, and the loss was identified at about $8000 by the time the suspects were interviewed and turned over to the police.

Loss prevention consultants are experts in this field of investigations.  Their expertise can be utilized to help you conduct an employee investigation, collect evidence, and do employee interviews. A loss prevention investigator is trained in interview and interrogation techniques geared towards the retail environment.  This is an additional benefit so that a complete case, including the statements of the suspected employee, can be turned over to the police for prosecution if so desired.

If you’d like to take proactive measures to prevent customer theft as well, loss prevention consultants can come into your business and take a look at your sales floor.  They will look for ways to improve your layout, for example, to reduce the opportunity for shoplifting.  They can also recommend various security measures that might be beneficial to your corporation.

For more information contact us: loss prevention consultants or loss prevention investigator or call 1.770.426.0547. Atlanta Georgia

Loss Prevention Consultants, experts in boosting profits – Atlanta Georgia

Loss prevention consultants offer a variety of services, but most importantly they provide a piece of mind.

A business in the southwest was experiencing numerous problems hitting their bottom line. Shoplifters had taken over the store, employees were stealing, and accidents were on the rise. The management felt helpless and the corporate office was uninformed. They were on the brink of collapse.
The company decided they needed help and looked into loss prevention consultants . Over the next few weeks, the loss prevention consultants reviewed the business. Identifying the main areas of concern and executing their plan of action, the outcome looked hopeful.

First, they worked internal investigations and identified several dishonest employees at multiple locations. Interviews of these dishonest employees lead to the recovery of several thousands of dollars in merchandise. While the investigations continued, the consultants recommended the hiring and placement of a loss prevention agent. The loss prevention agent worked different hours and spent most of his time in hardest hit parts of the store. Over the next several weeks, he made several apprehensions. An additional loss prevention agent was hired and the apprehensions of shoplifters continued.

Over the next few weeks the team of loss prevention professionals working the stores were able to significantly impact losses and provide the business with what it had been lacking over the last few months and years,  ATTENTION.

The loss prevention consultants also looked at the rate of accidents in stores. Seeing a dramatic increase in employee injury cases and customer slip/trip and falls, the store was hurting. Quickly implementing new safety recommendations and training, the stores saw improvement. Workers compensation claims were down and positive employee attitudes were up.

Today, this chain of supermarkets has grown from 5 to 25 in the last 10 years and has a very positive outlook.

For more information about loss prevention agent or loss prevention investigator visit us at loss prevention consultants or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia


Catching the bad guy – A Loss Prevention Agent at Work – Atlanta

Employing a loss prevention agent reduces loss from shoplifters in your business.  We would like to think that the individuals that choose to shop in our business would be honest, hardworking folks looking to spend their money on our quality products.  But, unfortunately, there are those that would prefer to have the “five finger discount” on items they’d like to own but do not want to pay for – your items.

A loss prevention agent is an employee that can be trained to survey your sales floor, watching for shoplifters.  Your business should have a reliable loss prevention policy in place before creating this type of program.  A loss prevention agent can dress like your average shopper, but can watch for any type of suspicious activity, so that activity can be reported to management.  Or, in the case of a shoplifter within your business, the loss prevention agent can make a shoplifter apprehension and seek prosecution of the thief.

Loss prevention consultants can be brought into your business to help you create a good loss prevention/asset protection policy.  These experts are invaluable, and years of experience as well as in depth knowledge can work for a business, in order to implement a viable and worthwhile program.

A business owner may notice that his or her business is experiencing a significant loss of profit due to lost merchandise.  This is a wake-up call to the business owner – a loss prevention program needs to be implemented.  Loss prevention consultants or a loss prevention agent can do the job.

For more information about loss prevention agent contact us at: loss prevention consultants or call 1.770.426.0547.

What can a Loss Prevention Agent do for your business? – Atlanta

A loss prevention agent can be a very valuable tool for any retailer. Specializing in the apprehension of shoplifters, an agent can dramatically impact shrink and protect profits.

In the world of retail, shoplifters are an everyday occurrence. The average retailer is unaware of what a shoplifter looks like and may focus their efforts in the wrong areas. As an example, I worked for a retailer that automatically assumed all the homeless or “gang” member types entering his store were taking merchandise. His efforts of monitoring these customers proved nothing. In the meanwhile, the average looking, regular customer and the customer in the three piece suit were the ones really taking his business to the cleaners. He was stereotyping, a sometime critical mistake when addressing shoplifting activity in a store.

It is the responsibility of the professional loss prevention agent to identify and apprehend the shoplifter. He/she will do this by systematically working the store. At the start of their shift, the loss prevention agent will walk the sales floor, looking for empty packages and other signs of customer theft. Planning their shift around the aisles where the empty packages originated, working to catch the shoplifter.

Now, once the apprehension of the shoplifter has taken place, the agent will need to make the decision to prosecute or issue a civil demand based on the needs of the business. Is there a benefit to prosecuting? Would the business be better suited to issue a civil demand? What is best? Decisions like these can really affect several aspects of the business. Sending shoplifters out with the local authorities can benefit a business where shoplift activity and employee theft is a problem. However, issuing a civil demand can get the agent back out onto the sales floor and on the hunt for the next shoplifter.

None of these decisions should be taken lightly, and with the right agent, your store or business will remain profitable.

So, what can a loss prevention agent do for your business?

For more information about loss prevention consultants or loss prevention investigator contact us at loss prevention agent or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta


Loss Prevention Investigator and Management Attitudes – Atlanta

I have been a loss prevention investigator for close to 30 years now. In the course of those years I have conducted over 2300 interviews and interrogations of employees suspected of theft.

There never seems to be a lack of people that feel like they can beat the system. Some do. Most do not, if management is not asleep at the switch. Many times business managers feel like they are “to busy” to consider employee theft. Many are afraid to even approach it. Employee theft is no different than any other business problem. You have to meet it head on and push your way through.

I remember a case where a store manager told me that he didn’t have any staff that would steal “from him”. He had convinced himself that everyone either loved him or were so afraid of him that they would not steal. What made this so incredible is that store paperwork clearly showed that something was really wrong in his refunds.

I conducted an investigation and at the end of two days six employees went to jail for felony theft. They stole through refund fraud, merchandise theft and outright cash theft. The manager who was of the “old school” didn’t last much after that.

My personal opinion is that at any given time one out of ten of your employees are stealing. Most credible studies clearly show that employee theft is higher than that.

But the real issue here is management. If the people in these positions are not qualified, trained or the company does not have enforced policy and procedures in place then there will be inventory shrinkage and theft.

When ever I am giving a talk at a regional or national conference or even for a client I will inevitably have some one come up to me and in an almost challenging fashion say that “I don’t have people that steal working for ME” As I am patiently listening I am thinking how naïve this person is and how long will it be before they need a loss prevention investigator ?

For more information about loss prevention consultants or employee theft contact us at loss prevention investigator or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta

Combating loss with the help of a Loss Prevention Agent

A loss prevention agent  is a trained professional who can assist businesses in identifying the cause of a loss of profit (which is a result of loss of inventory, cash, adminstrative errors etc…).  When a business experiences a loss, figuring out the source can prove challenging and time consuming.  And if the cause ends up being employee theft, then this can be especially frustrating for the business owner.

A business owner or manager identifies that there is an issue in their organization, and loss of profit is resulting.  When all indications point to employee theft, the business owner can feel betrayed by his or her trusted employee.  However, a business must protect their assets, so an unbiased and experienced person such as a  loss prevention agent can be brought in to assist.

A loss prevention agent can help businesses identify the cause of a loss of profit, and also help secure restitution in situations of employee theft. Also referred to as a loss prevention investigator or loss prevention consultants, these professionals are trained to create cases worthy of successful prosecution if that is desired.  They are also trained in conducting employee interviews of both witnesses and suspects.  This is necessary so that the most accurate information can be obtained during an investigation.

We all want to trust those that work for us – but it is inevitable that your business will one day be the victim of employee theft.  Considering employee theft accounts for more loss than shoplifting, it is critical that these losses be identified and handled as soon as possible.  A loss prevention investigator has specialized skills honed specifically for a retail environment.

For more information contact us: loss prevention agent  or call 1.770.426.0547.


Making the decision on Loss Prevention Consultants

Considering hiring loss prevention consultants? Here are a few good reasons why doing your research could make all the difference in the world.

Retailers and businesses alike face many of the same obstacles to making a profit. Employee theft, white collar crimes, physical security issues and many other avenues of loss are all factors in determining your business needs.

Here are a couple of things to consider when looking for Loss Prevention Consultants. In this example, we’ll use Company “A”.  Company A has identified merchandise loss during their inventory process. They are an emerging business with a growing customer base. After their inventory, the management was at a loss. They kept looking at all the wrong places for answers that were right in front of their faces. Merchandise in the liquor department and merchandise in the electronics section were missing in large numbers. The items are controlled stock on the salesfloor and are maintained in employee only area in the back of the store. At this point, it’d be well advised to bring in professionals, Loss Prevention Consultants. 

Company A hired a loss prevention consultation firm and the investigations begun. Advisors arrived to the location and examined everything from forensic accounting to external theft investigations. Looking into the receiving practices proved the merchandise was received when it should have been. An even further look showed the possibility of a couple of associates taking merchandise out of the back roll-up door just after being received. The Loss Prevention Consultants brought in a  loss prevention investigator who gathered the investigation materials and arranged the interview/interrogation of the suspected employees.

The interrogations were performed, and the two employees admitted to the theft. Additionally, the Loss Prevention Investigator was able to get the two employees to agree to a search of their private homes. The local police department was contacted and a search of the employees’ home recovered over $100,000 in merchandise.

For more information contact us at loss prevention consultants or call 1.770.426.0547


Think you need a Loss Prevention Agent?

Retailers are in the same group as most businesses today having to cut back staff to be more cost competitive which has made subcontracting a  loss prevention agent an attractive alternative.

A loss prevention agent (loss prevention consultants, loss prevention investigator) can fill the gap that is generated when staff cuts make managing losses more difficult than ever.  Short sidebar- Organized Retail Crime (ORC) is on the rise, big time probably due to the combination of a down economy driving more people to desperation and what looks like (to the shoplifters) a prime opportunity of practically unmanned retail stores making shoplifting easier than ever.

A loss prevention agent will be able to conduct an audit taking a look at many different areas where losses can occur.  After the information is gathered a report will be generated outlining vulnerable areas/ risks for loss whether they be inventory shrinkage, administrative error potential, vendor fraud potential or cash losses.  Even the potential for fraudulent accident claims by visitor in the building…such as slip and fall claims that are very popular in supermarkets.

Also included in the report will be a recommended action plan to correct the issues found.  This allows the owner manager to work with the loss prevention agent to prioritize solutions in a way that will work with the budget.

Reducing inventory shrinkage or overall losses (shrink) by 50% or more is common.  Those numbers result in doubling net profit margins.

For more information go to: loss prevention agent or call 1-770-426-0547

Loss Prevention Consultants – Your Profitability

Loss prevention consultants offer a wide variety of experience and resources. Identifying opportunities for your business to be safe, secure and profitable are just a few of the benefits loss prevention consultants can offer.

Imagine this, you borrowed a lot of money and started your dream company. You have 1 to 5 retail locations and are doing pretty well. You have a great staff, merchandise flow is near perfect, and your customer base grows from month to month. Your business is booming!  How do you keep up the momentum? How do you protect your investments and profits? Loss prevention consultants can advise you on everything from shoplifting activity in your business to proper installation of alarms and alarm monitoring equipment. Is CCTV something you’d like to install in your business? How about Electronic Article Surveillance? Loss prevention consultants can build a solid plan for installation.

A number or businesses close every year, some due to issues that could have easily been corrected if identified sooner. Maybe the business did not realize the importance of protecting itself with the latest technology in alarm systems and monitoring. Maybe the company didn’t hire the best employees or didn’t properly conduct background screening and as a result, hired less than desirable employees. Or maybe the business plan only included the basics of business and didn’t plan for growth. Whatever the need, loss prevention consultants could be your answer.

As a professional in the Loss Prevention industry for the last several years, I have seen the huge benefit in having loss prevention consultants indentify potential issues and offer advice to sound business people. The benefit in most instances can be dramatic. A Loss Prevention Consultant should have a knack for the industry and truly enjoy advising companies on how to stay profitable.

Profitability!  The word alone is music to ears of the savvy business person. How to stay profitable can be more frightening of a sound. Don’t lose sleep over it. Profitability can be maintained by having an executable business plan, follow through and some smart advice.

For more information contact us at loss prevention consultants or call 1-770-426-0547


Loss Prevention Consultants offer a fresh view of your business

Hiring loss prevention consultants can be a real eye opener for businesses looking for opportunities to tighten up operations and boost profits. The old saying that you can’t see the forest for the trees as well as the reverse can be true.  Often there are big picture issues that business owners and managers overlook because of the daily routine getting in the way…but more often that that it can be a small detail that is overlooked and costing profits.

For example a “no sale”…a common employee theft we see is fraudulent voids or refunds.  A detail we look for that usually precedes and follows the fraudulent act is a no sale.  The preceding no sale is where the employee gets an idea of what is in the cash till and this info guides the fraud.  Then the fraudulent refund or void is conducted but the cash is typically not taken out at that time because the time involved to do all of that is too long and it is more easily noticed.  So later that day or even right before close there will be another no sale and that is when the cash is stolen from the till.

We recommend all our clients set up a policy that for no reason should there be a no sale.  If a customer want change send them elsewhere.  Some POS systems even offer the feature to not allow no sales or require a printed “no sale” ticket that would need to be completed and accounted for.

For more information contact Loss Preventoin Systems in Atlanta or go to: loss prevention consultants