Catching the bad guy – A Loss Prevention Agent at Work – Atlanta

Employing a loss prevention agent reduces loss from shoplifters in your business.  We would like to think that the individuals that choose to shop in our business would be honest, hardworking folks looking to spend their money on our quality products.  But, unfortunately, there are those that would prefer to have the “five finger discount” on items they’d like to own but do not want to pay for – your items.

A loss prevention agent is an employee that can be trained to survey your sales floor, watching for shoplifters.  Your business should have a reliable loss prevention policy in place before creating this type of program.  A loss prevention agent can dress like your average shopper, but can watch for any type of suspicious activity, so that activity can be reported to management.  Or, in the case of a shoplifter within your business, the loss prevention agent can make a shoplifter apprehension and seek prosecution of the thief.

Loss prevention consultants can be brought into your business to help you create a good loss prevention/asset protection policy.  These experts are invaluable, and years of experience as well as in depth knowledge can work for a business, in order to implement a viable and worthwhile program.

A business owner may notice that his or her business is experiencing a significant loss of profit due to lost merchandise.  This is a wake-up call to the business owner – a loss prevention program needs to be implemented.  Loss prevention consultants or a loss prevention agent can do the job.

For more information about loss prevention agent contact us at: loss prevention consultants or call 1.770.426.0547.

What can a Loss Prevention Agent do for your business? – Atlanta

A loss prevention agent can be a very valuable tool for any retailer. Specializing in the apprehension of shoplifters, an agent can dramatically impact shrink and protect profits.

In the world of retail, shoplifters are an everyday occurrence. The average retailer is unaware of what a shoplifter looks like and may focus their efforts in the wrong areas. As an example, I worked for a retailer that automatically assumed all the homeless or “gang” member types entering his store were taking merchandise. His efforts of monitoring these customers proved nothing. In the meanwhile, the average looking, regular customer and the customer in the three piece suit were the ones really taking his business to the cleaners. He was stereotyping, a sometime critical mistake when addressing shoplifting activity in a store.

It is the responsibility of the professional loss prevention agent to identify and apprehend the shoplifter. He/she will do this by systematically working the store. At the start of their shift, the loss prevention agent will walk the sales floor, looking for empty packages and other signs of customer theft. Planning their shift around the aisles where the empty packages originated, working to catch the shoplifter.

Now, once the apprehension of the shoplifter has taken place, the agent will need to make the decision to prosecute or issue a civil demand based on the needs of the business. Is there a benefit to prosecuting? Would the business be better suited to issue a civil demand? What is best? Decisions like these can really affect several aspects of the business. Sending shoplifters out with the local authorities can benefit a business where shoplift activity and employee theft is a problem. However, issuing a civil demand can get the agent back out onto the sales floor and on the hunt for the next shoplifter.

None of these decisions should be taken lightly, and with the right agent, your store or business will remain profitable.

So, what can a loss prevention agent do for your business?

For more information about loss prevention consultants or loss prevention investigator contact us at loss prevention agent or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta


Combating loss with the help of a Loss Prevention Agent

A loss prevention agent  is a trained professional who can assist businesses in identifying the cause of a loss of profit (which is a result of loss of inventory, cash, adminstrative errors etc…).  When a business experiences a loss, figuring out the source can prove challenging and time consuming.  And if the cause ends up being employee theft, then this can be especially frustrating for the business owner.

A business owner or manager identifies that there is an issue in their organization, and loss of profit is resulting.  When all indications point to employee theft, the business owner can feel betrayed by his or her trusted employee.  However, a business must protect their assets, so an unbiased and experienced person such as a  loss prevention agent can be brought in to assist.

A loss prevention agent can help businesses identify the cause of a loss of profit, and also help secure restitution in situations of employee theft. Also referred to as a loss prevention investigator or loss prevention consultants, these professionals are trained to create cases worthy of successful prosecution if that is desired.  They are also trained in conducting employee interviews of both witnesses and suspects.  This is necessary so that the most accurate information can be obtained during an investigation.

We all want to trust those that work for us – but it is inevitable that your business will one day be the victim of employee theft.  Considering employee theft accounts for more loss than shoplifting, it is critical that these losses be identified and handled as soon as possible.  A loss prevention investigator has specialized skills honed specifically for a retail environment.

For more information contact us: loss prevention agent  or call 1.770.426.0547.


What can a Loss Prevention Agent do for your business?

A loss prevention agent can offer a wide variety of services for any business. Their main role or typical job duties involve the apprehension of shoplifters.

Apprehending shoplifters is an important function of the retail environment, especially in areas where instances of customer theft is high. Metro areas, low income high crime areas and the type of retailer can all indicate customer theft trends. Identifying the best fit for your business can make the difference.

As an example, when I worked as a loss prevention agent many years ago, a particular retailer was having a problem with shoplifters. Daily, the employees witnessed customers entering the store, selecting merchandise and simply walking out. The managers were too busy with their tasks, and the other associates were intimidated to approach these customers.

I was assigned to the store with the task of impacting customer theft. Immediately, I identified the “hot spots” or areas where customers left empty packages. I would then take notice the types of merchandise being taken and plot my day out from there. Usually, I would spend the greatest amount of time in the health and beauty section. Just like a customer, I’d dress the part and play the part. I read the backs of product packaging and at the same time I’d glance over and watch the various customers’ habits.

As a Loss Prevention Agent, working this store was fun. It took no time at all to identify the first shoplifter. As time went on, I was apprehending a lot of shoplifters and in a brief amount of time, the shoplift activity slowed.

A good Loss Prevention Agent can dramatically impact the shoplift activity in your stores and businesses. My recommendations for anyone looking to hire a loss prevention agent… do your research and find one that best suits your business needs.

For more information visit us at:  loss prevention agent or call us at 1.770.426.0547


Think you need a Loss Prevention Agent?

Retailers are in the same group as most businesses today having to cut back staff to be more cost competitive which has made subcontracting a  loss prevention agent an attractive alternative.

A loss prevention agent (loss prevention consultants, loss prevention investigator) can fill the gap that is generated when staff cuts make managing losses more difficult than ever.  Short sidebar- Organized Retail Crime (ORC) is on the rise, big time probably due to the combination of a down economy driving more people to desperation and what looks like (to the shoplifters) a prime opportunity of practically unmanned retail stores making shoplifting easier than ever.

A loss prevention agent will be able to conduct an audit taking a look at many different areas where losses can occur.  After the information is gathered a report will be generated outlining vulnerable areas/ risks for loss whether they be inventory shrinkage, administrative error potential, vendor fraud potential or cash losses.  Even the potential for fraudulent accident claims by visitor in the building…such as slip and fall claims that are very popular in supermarkets.

Also included in the report will be a recommended action plan to correct the issues found.  This allows the owner manager to work with the loss prevention agent to prioritize solutions in a way that will work with the budget.

Reducing inventory shrinkage or overall losses (shrink) by 50% or more is common.  Those numbers result in doubling net profit margins.

For more information go to: loss prevention agent or call 1-770-426-0547

What can a Loss Prevention Agent do for my business?

A loss prevention agent is an expert at reducing loss and increasing profits for a business owner. Any type of business can be the victim of theft from customers or employees: to what extent depends on what the business owner does to prevent and deter this activity.

For example, a business owner may not notice that a certain area of his store may attract shoplifters but a loss prevention agent is trained to spot these theft “hot spots.” Shoplifters tend to identify these comfort zones better than the employees themselves. A business does not want to help provide the opportunity for shoplifters to steal!

Businesses can also teach employees how to react to suspicious customers by having a consultant provide training. Employees can be taught how to identify a potential thief, and what to do to deter theft. Employees that do not receive such training when they are hired may not have any idea how to react should they notice that a theft is occurring or is about to occur. The resulting loss can be extremely frustrating for the business owner or manager.

Businesses might choose to bring in a loss prevention agent when they have a potential employee theft issue. Employee theft costs businesses more on average than customer thefts, and when this occurs it is an excellent time to bring in an expert. These experts are trained in retail fraud and conducting these types of investigations. Experts can also write or advise about policies and controls that should be implemented in order to help prevent future employee theft.

The possibilities are endless on how businesses can benefit from the expert advice of a loss prevention agent.

For more information contact us: loss prevention agent or call 1.770.426.0547.



Loss Prevention Agent – To catch a thief?

A  loss prevention agent, by industry standard, is a trained and well versed person working for the benefit of the retailer, restaurant or business owner. The primary mission of the loss prevention agent is to identify, observe and make the apprehension of customers suspected of theft.

Get to the point! A loss prevention agent has the responsibility of catching shoplifters. What a skill. I remember (as do most loss prevention professionals) spending countless hours on the sales floor, peeking around corners, under display shelves, using one way mirrors or in the rare event, using high tech CCTV equipment. I was undercover and the hunt was on.

Every day I came to work, I made it a point to show the business owner that shoplifters are in their store. I made it a point to blend in, become part of the local community shopping these stores. Pushing a shopping cart around the store and focusing on the “hard hit” areas like liquor, health and beauty or hardware. Sooner or later, one would arrive, a shoplifter. Your adrenaline kicks in, you try to remain calm. He selects 2 bottles of liquor and stuffs them into a backpack he has placed on the floor. Wow, I thought to myself, right in front of me. He stands up, as I read the label of the liquor bottle I’m holding, and heads down the aisle to the front of the store. I keep my distance, trying not to lose sight of him. He passes the opened and manned register and makes no attempt to pay for the merchandise. I gain on him. He exits, I follow. “Excuse me sir”, I say…

A common, everyday occurrence for retailers and small businesses alike, Customer Theft! More so a nuisance, but gone unchecked can ruin a business leading to employee layoffs and business closures. It wreaks havoc on the morale of other employees when they witness customer theft and nothing is done or can be done. It is said that roughly 30% of losses can be directly related to shoplift activity.

A loss prevention agent can be that solution. Hired specifically to detect and catch shoplifters, the right agent can make a huge impact on the success of your business.

For more information contact us at loss prevention agent or call 1.770.426.0547

Loss Prevention Investigator – Your White Knight?

What is a Loss Prevention Investigator? A complex area of loss prevention, by far, can be the investigations related to employee theft, missing merchandise, poor inventory results or organized retail crime. The main job of the Loss Prevention Investigator is to, as the name claims, investigate. Gathering detailed information, contacting witnesses, investigating the area where the incidents occurred, correlating the information and working with law enforcement are some of what an investigator would do.

Even more so, the bread and butter, as it is said, comes down to the interview/interrogation of a suspected dishonest employee. In some cases, this part of the investigation can make or break the outcome.

Interviewing/Interrogating dishonest employees takes finesse. You may say, sure “How hard is it to talk with an employee about losses?” In fact, it’s tough, especially for a manager or business owner that has a vested interest in the employee in question. A seasoned investigator can be the difference between recovering your losses and hurting your business.

Generally speaking, a Loss Prevention Investigator starts out as an entry level Loss Prevention Agent. Usually he spends his time apprehending shoplifters and investigating external theft, or shoplifters. When he expresses interest to his supervisor or his supervisors believe the agent has what it takes to become an investigator, the transition begins. A Loss Prevention Agent can make great investigator. Most of us started as a Loss Prevention Agent 

All in all, investigators are an important part of any loss prevention program. Maintaining a profitable business is the goal of any business owner. Providing support, direction, recovery and closure is the goal of a Loss Prevention Investigator.

When the chips are down and you need help a Loss Prevention Investigator is the person who is on your side, fighting for you and your business.

For more information contact us at loss prevention investigator or call 1.770.426.0547

Subcontracting a loss prevention agent in Atlanta a great value at $399 per month


Many businesses are considering subcontracting a loss prevention agent as a solution to problems with short staffing.  The down economy has just about all businesses looking at lowering overhead costs.  Payroll is at the top of the list and often one of the first areas business leaders look at to get costs down.

Companies who have loss prevention staff have most likely not only let go of in store personnel but cut back on regional staff as well.  This means the loss prevention program is not being worked regularly at the store level.  Unfortunately since 43% of all inventory shrinkage is due to employee theft, and the em[ployees know when there are staffing cuts, they can see this as an opportunity to steal more and more often.

A loss prevention agent will start by simply observing the current daily practices, procedures and facility.  A loss prevention audit should then be performed to organize findings and develop a loss prevention plan.  This plan is then put into practice through employee training, supervision and reinforcement.

Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. of Atlanta offers an outsourced loss prevention agent plan for as little as $399 per month.  This will include the initial audit as well as random unannounced audits throughout the year.  An allowance for employee theft investigations is included as well as regular reports, loss prevention posters for employee areas and more.

To learn more go to: loss prevention agent 

Loss Prevention Agent…Want a new career path?

Loss Prevention is found in every company, especially retail, that is concerned about reducing losses from theft.   Loss prevention agents are involved in apprehending shoplifters, testifying in court, investigating employee theft, conducting interviews, and much more.

What type of person makes a great loss prevention agent ?  If you have prior military service, loss prevention is a great transition to the civilian job force.  Criminal justice majors in college are also great candidates for this type of career.  It will help get your foot in the door for later career opportunities. 

There are online courses as well as classroom style settings that will offer training for loss prevention agents .  Some of these courses can be completed in as little as 2-3 weeks.  Many individuals going into this career path do not have prior experience.  Companies who hire loss prevention agents are mainly retail but can include hotel chains, restaurants, super markets and distribution centers. 

It sounds kind of clandestine; however these people are not like security guards with a uniform and a night stick to attack you as you exit.  They quietly observe the shoppers, or shoplifters, and individuals in the retail setting, much like they are a customer themselves. Usually these types of careers are not dangerous.  Most companies will employ a non violent policy to protect their employees. 

You probably will not become rich taking a job of this nature.  The average national salary for loss prevention jobs is $20-$30K per year.  This total includes bonuses as well as benefits.  Retail, clothing and apparel stores seem to pay a higher price than say a restaurant or hotel.  On average, Macy’s is the top income provider coming in at $26K straight salary.  Kmart is the lowest at $18K.  This information was gained from

If you need additional information on training or hiring a loss prevention agent please contact us.