In all my years, no employee walked out the door with an item of merchandise that had an RF tag on it. They stuck to the items that did not have any sort of tag or label. In fact, they went out of their way to find the items without them. Checkpoint tags and labels are a proactive solution to preventing employee theft from happening in your store.
One of the hardest parts of working is retail management, is dealing with internal theft- alternately referred to as employee theft. It’s a personal blow to think that someone you know, someone you trust, is stealing from you and your company.
During many employee theft investigation interviews, most employees said that they stole because they couldn’t afford the items. In my experiences dealing with these cases, it is often an unforeseen circumstance that makes these associates change their honest ways. It could be that a spouse lost their job, or medical bills came sneaking up on them.
While you can’t control the outside circumstances of every employee’s life, there are some steps you can take in preventing employee theft. By using anti theft devices like pedestals, hard tags and labels you can often keep your employees honest by making them realize how hard it will be to discreetly steal from your store. Providing visual cues like these retail anti theft devices, goes a long way to preventing internal theft.
For more information on employee theft, employee theft investigation or internal theft contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase CCTV Systems that can help you stop Employee Theft and Internal Theft problems and help with your Employee Theft Investigation.