One of the biggest ‘no-no’s in most every company handbook I have ever read is that employees are not allowed to cohabitate, date, sleep with, or be related to any superiors or subordinates within their home store. When such an event occurs, it usually results in the transferring of one member of the party to another department or location if not outright termination. However I have noticed quite a few companies turning a blind eye to violations of this policy and all I can say is that it spells trouble.
In one of my stores I have five employees who are all inter-related through blood or marriage. Two are supervisors and directly oversee the work of the other three. The company is aware of this and has done nothing to correct the issue. I myself have scrutinized all their actions closely as their working together provides the whole group ample opportunity to commit internal theft. With the supervisors in play they could circumvent LP schedules and systems to allow for untold amounts of internal theft and without a carefully and discreetly implemented employee theft investigation I would be none the wiser to any wrongdoing.
As of this writing their situation has not bore any fruit of the employee theft tree but just because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it won’t happen. As with any other employee theft investigation, if the warning signs are there, no matter how long you may have to watch the subjects you are better off doing so than letting them go without being observed.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase CCTV Systems that can help you stop Internal Theft and Employee Theft problems and help with your Employee Theft Investigation.
For more information on internal theft, employee theft investigation or employee theft contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia