goodsThis is the best time for retailers. We make a good chunk of our profits during the last 3 months of our fiscal year. Walk into any major retailer right now and you’ll already see a litany of holiday themed gifts, home décor and all things red and green. We also tend to beef up our staff this time of year as well. Some of us hire part-time works, some may even add a full-time position or two and a great many of us will employ temporary workers. The threat of employee theft also peaks around this time as well.

I caught a local news story this evening regarding a local store’s employee theft problem. The owner had discovered that one of his part-time employees had been stealing thousands of dollars from him in the form of bogus cash refunds and missing cash sales. So much money was missing, the store was literally on the verge of shutting down. How scary is that thought? One employee had single-handedly brought this man’s business to the verge of collapse. Why? A gambling addiction. So, what can you do to avoid this happening to you? Let’s take a look at this particular fraud scheme, shall we?

Missing cash sales

A dishonest employee can do this in two ways. First, they could legitimately ring up a customer and pocket the cash. They could also fail to ring it through the point of sale and simply accept the exact change from the customer, which would also allow them to pocket the customer’s money, instead of it going into the drawer. So how do you prevent this? First, make sure to reconcile your daily sales with the cash in the drawer. In essence, your POS should be smart enough to tell you how much cash you SHOULD have in the drawer at the end of the night. You count the cash, and it should match up +/-a dollar or two, at most. My dad runs a restaurant with a 10 years old cash register and it has this ability. The only excuse for not doing this is laziness on the manager part. Never assume anything when it comes to your money!

Now, that dishonest employee can take it a step further and never record the sale in the register, just opting to take “exact change” from your customer. Granted, this is very hard to track. Even working for a multi-billion dollar a year corporation with a large LP department with endless resources at my disposal, I still don’t have a magic button that I can press that shows me this fraud. This is where you have to install cameras at your POS. If you think something is suspicious about your sales, or your employee, those cameras can make your case every single time.

Bogus refunds

If you allow refunds, you can open yourself up to “ghost refunds” by your cashiers. This is where the dishonest cashier can simply conduct “refunds” when no one is around, pocketing the cash. On paper, it looks completely legitimate. You know that every day, you generally process x number of refunds, so if the dishonest employee keeps the number of returns they do in line with what’s average, you’ll never suspect a thing. That is until you start realizing that your profits are a lot lower that what they should be. How do you stop it? If your register allows it, require a manger key/password for any return transaction. That way, you, or another manager, has to be involved at the point of sale for any refund. A dishonest employee will not try this route if they know you will scrutinize every refund by physically having to be present.

If your register isn’t that smart, but still allows a refund to be processed, have a policy that states that the cashier must always call a manger for approval. Even if you can’t physically prevent it with a password/key, if you have any refunds on the POS at the end of the night, you’ll be able to see them. If you have a refund where you weren’t called, you can always question the cashier, or look at the transaction on camera, provided you have some installed (which you should) to ensure it was legitimate.

This is just two of the ways that your employees could possibly steal cash from you; there are dozens. Like most LP practices, just a little due-diligence and some common-sense best practices can help save you money and stress if they are implemented. While this isn’t meant to be a comprehensive list, or training guide, it should give you a baseline of where to start, especially if loss prevention isn’t your strongest suit.


store-doorEver given any thought to your receiving area and your back door? How often do you open it and walk away? Do you require a manager be present when it’s open, or do you “trust” your warehouse crew with a key? Have you ever considered that an unattended back door could not only cause shrink, but also compromise the safety of your customer and employees? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you may have a problem.

Last year around Thanksgiving, I was scheduled to receive a pallet of television sets for Black Friday.  Three days before the big day and they were nowhere to be found, only my inventory system said they were received on a truck that had already been processed. That pallet was worth $7,500 so I started to panic; checking the few outside containers I had, both warehouses, the sales floor, anywhere I could think of. When I couldn’t locate them, I went to the camera system on the day that I should have received them. Sure as I’m sitting here, I saw my employee roll a pallet of TVs off the truck after watching for a little while. I saw the employee place the pallet where it should have gone, but then a few hours later, I saw another employee wheel them out the back door.

I knew instantly that they had been stolen. There’s no reason for them to go outside, and there was no reason for that particular employee to be in the warehouse. You know what else I saw? That my back door was wide open, and there wasn’t a manager anywhere to be found. Long story short, the employee confessed to stealing/reselling them. When asked how he’d known that he could get away with the crime, he stated that he always saw the back door open. Without a manager present, it became common knowledge amongst a certain group of employees that you could just walk whatever you wanted right out the back door.

Outside of basic employee theft, an unattended back door could also be an invitation to a robbery. Think about this for a minute; you’re a desperate criminal and you’ve decided that you plan to rob Store X. You’ve cased the place for a week now and learned that the safe is in the rear office, in close proximity to the warehouse. You’ve also noticed that the back door is constantly left wide-open with no one (witnesses) around. So would you:  a) walk through the front door and announce a robbery for all the customers, employees cameras to see, or b) park in the rear of the store, enter through the open warehouse door and possibly catch the manager alone in the cash room? I’m no criminal, but I’d probably go with the second option.

Perhaps that is the worst-case scenario. Perhaps instead of robbing you of cash, a thief just sees an easy way to slip out of the store with large quantities of merchandise undetected? If your back door in constantly open with no one around, your regular thieves will absolutely take notice, and take advantage of it. So the next time you see your back door open, be the voice of change and help secure your store, your product and guarantee the safety of people in it. 

Shoplifting And The Holiday Season

grandmaIt is not surprising that CVS is once again the recipient of a lawsuit.  The history of legal suits against the chain is not new.  Black and hispanic shoppers are regularly profiled by the chain according to this Daily news report, and now CVS is targeting the elderly.  During the holiday season, stores do hire more personnel for their store to offset shoplifting, but targeting a specific group is a violation of their constitutional rights as United States citizens.  Profiling has been an ineffective practice that stores and in this case CVS keep engaging in, and which brings them no solution to the problem.

For more about this and other stories, follow the links below.

10 bizarre things Americans steal during the holidays

Shoplifting ends up costing the average consumer an extra $50 during the holiday season.

Americans tend to get sticky fingers around holiday time.

Shoplifting is a major problem for retailers around the holidays, says Ernie Deyle, the co-author of the Checkpoint Systems’ Retail Holiday Season Global Forecastreleased in October, and an industry consultant. Indeed, 37% of a store’s annual shrink loss — shrink is the revenue companies should receive minus what they do receive, due in large part to a combination of losses from shoplifting, employee theft and fraud — happens during the holiday season.

There’s more theft during the holidays for a number of reasons: Increased store traffic leads to more shoplifting, and people tend to rationalize shoplifting around this time: “It’s much easier to do so when a child’s Christmas present is at stake rather than an extra bathing suit for the summer,” the report reveals. Plus, stores tend to carry pricier merchandise during the holidays, “so even if the same quantity of merchandise was stolen, the value of the merchandise stolen is higher,” the report reveals.

Grandma and Grandpa, shoplifters? CVS thinks so

Public enemy No. 1 at your local CVS: Grandma and Grandpa.

Seven discrimination lawsuits filed Monday against the pharmacy chain in courts across the city include the revelation that a CVS “Loss Prevention” handbook warns employees that senior citizens on a “fixed income” present a “special shoplifting concern.”

Attorneys from the Manhattan law firm Wigdor LLP brought the suits on behalf of former employees arguing that the policy is “tantamount to an admission of discrimination against older customers.”

The lawyers, Michael Willemin and David Gottlieb, have testimony from 16 whistleblower ex-staffers who claim that CVS stores across the city discriminate by profiling elderly shoppers, as well as blacks and Hispanics.

CVS’s 2014 “Loss Prevention” training guide says that “each store may have special shoplifting concerns based on it’s location, type of customer, etc.,” according to court papers. Sticky-fingered seniors are listed as one “special concern,” the suit says.

Rare to have older kids join adults in shoplifting

When it happens, officers must use discretion

Adult shoplifters employ all sorts of methods. Among the most insidious schemes are those that use children as decoys or unknowing partners.

Most times, the kids in cases like these are too young to understand, let alone participate in, the crime. They are infants or toddlers under whose clothing or strollers the stolen items are stashed.

But there also is a smaller subset: adults who use older kids as outright accomplices in shoplifting. This latter problem became an issue here locally this week when Ocala police accused a woman and her boyfriend of inducing the woman’s 12-year-old daughter to help them steal clothing from the Wal-Mart on Southwest 19th Avenue Road.

The girl had the unusual distinction of being both a suspect and a victim in one single criminal experience: Police arrested the girl and charged her with theft, and then charged her mother with both theft and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.


What’s Craving Got to Do with Shoplifting?

shoppingA good loss prevention plan starts with focusing on the basics.  One of the basics is to monitor high risk merchandise.  For a variety of reasons some items are stolen more often than others.  It makes sense that they should be given extra attention and protection.

But, simple as the idea sounds, the problem is in details.  Retailers can have difficulty identifying high risk goods and the reasons why they’re being stolen.  Ronald Clarke – a criminologist with Rutgers University – developed the acronym CRAVED to help them identify what kinds of goods are vulnerable to theft and why.

Concealable.  Items that are easily hidden (pockets, bags, purses, coats) are susceptible to theft, especially if they’re difficult to identify after concealment.  Once it’s in a purse, you’d better be very sure you can prove the customer didn’t come in with that lip gloss.  This is why cigarettes and baby formula are sold as they are now.  They used to be out in the open, easy to remove and conceal.

Removable.  For most shoplifters the item must be easy to remove and portable.  There’s a reason laptops are stolen more often than PCs.  It’s easier to take a T-shirt from the front of the store, rather than the back where the sales people always stand and talk.

Available.  These are goods that are easy to find and commonly available.  Christmas ornaments are stolen during the holidays more than any other time, including in stores that carry them year round.

Valuable.  The value of the product can be monetary or status driven.  Real diamond bracelets are kept in locked display cases, while the glass ones are on top.  That is until they are trendy, become a target for theft, and have to be moved behind the counter until the trend stops.

Enjoyable.  Many of the standard, frequently stolen products (i.e. tobacco, liquor, electronics, jewelry, make-up) are linked to personal satisfaction.  They’re usually the ones which are enjoyable to own or consume.  Or used for something that’s considered enjoyable to consume, such as ingredients used to manufacture methamphetamine. 

Disposable.  Getting rid of merchandise, without being caught, used to be a big problem for thieves.  Now with the ease of selling via the Internet professional shoplifters are targeting products which weren’t easy to get rid of in the past – no more selling out of a car trunk.   

Easily disposable isn’t just important for expensive items, disposable razors and batteries are some of the most frequently stolen products.  They can be quickly and easily sold or bartered to neighbors, friends and family.

Some goods will always be a target for theft, while others are just a passing consumer fancy.  Either way it makes employees’ and managers’ jobs easier if they know what to look for and why it’s happening.  People are more willing to commit to and follow loss prevention policies if they understand why they’re needed and what they hope to accomplish.

Nicole Abbott is a professional writer who’s had over 200 articles published.  She’s a business consultant and former psycho-therapist with over 20 years of experience in mental health, business and addiction.  She’s a coach, lecturer, trainer and facilitator.  She has conducted over 200 workshops, trainings, presentations, seminars and college classes. 

Is Your Checkpoint System Ready for the Holidays?

EASWe are getting ready for an increase in customer traffic. Is your Checkpoint System ready? Are you having false or phantom alarms? Is the system working properly? Have you had your system tuned or a Preventative Maintenance (PM) conducted in the last year or even 5 years?

Here are some things to check:

  • Checkpoint Systems do not generally like to be decorated. Anything with metal, foil, lights, electricity…. WILL cause trouble. Don’t decorate them.
  • Are the shopping carts, hand baskets pushed too close? Make sure they are at least 3 feet away.
  • Have you re-merchandised? Is tagged or labeled product too close?
  • Have you re-fixture in the area near the Checkpoint antennas? If so this could cause trouble. Again, you want to keep metal fixtures at least 3 feet away.
  • Have you added any other equipment in the vicinity of the system? CCTV, coolers, ice machines, vending machines, etc., all can make a huge difference in your system’s performance.
  • DO NOT put the Christmas tree next to the system. The lights and ornaments will cause problems.
  • Are you powering the Checkpoint system using an extension cord? Your Checkpoint Power Supply must be plugged directly into an outlet.

Check for these and other potential issues by simply standing back and looking your system over. Checkpoint Systems are commercial grade and made to last in a retail environment. But like any other systems and hardware, you have in your store, they need some TLC from time to time. Your car’s oil needs to be changed. Would you ignore that? Our systems need PM every once in a while.

If your system has not had a PM or service in some time or possibly never, then it is time. Besides checking the system over thoroughly, we will update the systems firm wear and tune it. You may see a substantial increase in performance.

Get a PM or service call scheduled now, before your attention is taken up with the selling season.

It’s Getting Darker Earlier, What LP Things Should I Be Doing?

outsidemall As a Loss Prevention Manager I always had three things I felt were my top priorities.  The safety of our store employees, the safety of our customers and the protection of store property.  Property in my mind always included the building (interior and exterior), equipment and merchandise. Planning and follow-up are the keys to keeping a store safe and secure.  I would mention that while I broke down my focus to three top priorities, my action plans always intersected. In other words, a plan for protecting a building from vandalism with adequate, working perimeter lights also made it safer for customers who walked to a housing area behind our store. With this in mind, it is important to create action plans that are relevant, sometimes adjusting for seasons such as holidays or being prepared for weather events such as hurricanes.  One change that is easily overlooked is the shortened daylight hours in the fall and winter.  With darkness descending upon us earlier there are steps Loss Prevention can take to keep stores safe.

Safety precautions to take as days get shorter:

  • Inspect parking lot lights.  If lights are burned out place a work order to have them repaired/replaced.  Dark parking lots make customers uncomfortable and they may choose not to shop in your store.
  • Inspect building exterior lighting.  These are the lights that are on the walls of the building and at the corners.  Criminals tend to prey on victims in areas with poor or no lighting.
  • Inspect the back of the store and loading dock areas.  Often this is the place where cardboard bales are kept, empty pallets are stacked and some stores maintain dumpsters.  If storage has to be kept here keep the area as neat and clean as possible.  Unkempt areas are attractive to drug and other illicit activities.
  • If your store has a storage trailer(s) located at the rear of the building, establish a time when employees are not allowed to leave the building to pull merchandise or store merchandise in the trailer.  This should be no later than dusk and that may be a flexible time as the days get shorter. 
  • Encourage employees who are leaving in the dusk to dark hours to leave with a partner.  It may be that they ask for a Loss Prevention partner to escort them to their vehicle if no one else is leaving at that time.  Always remember that a buddy system is the best method to prevent robberies of employees.
  •   Increase parking lot foot patrols.  Being visible makes customers feel safer and acts as a deterrent to those who may lurk in the parking lot waiting for an opportunity to grab a purse or commit a robbery.
  • Consider hiring a uniformed security officer or an employee to be present at the front door.  They can respond to EAS alarms and conduct receipt checks, but they can also offer escorts to customers leaving the building. They may also step outside the doors to do a visual inspection of the parking lot.  One store I worked at had a person who was hired to do just this and they were called a “Guest Ambassador”.  This person should not be used as a back-up cashier because the tendency is to keep them on a register and they lose their effectiveness at the front doors.
  • Employees will go on breaks and some are smokers.  If you are going to have a designated smoking area, be sure it is well lit and it should not be in a secluded area for the safety of those who may go out after dark.
  • Inspect any exterior closed circuit television cameras you may have on the building.  Make sure they are functioning, have clear pictures, and are retaining video for at least two weeks (preferably 30 days). 
  • Find ways to build a relationship with the police department responsible for the area where your store is located.  Contact a Crime Prevention Officer and offer to assist with Santa Helper events, children’s car seat safety events, or other activities that the department is helping for community outreach.  As you build a relationship, you may find more officers using your parking lot to stop and write reports or conducting ride by patrols.  The more police presence, the less likely crime will occur in or around your store.  This is always a bonus at night.

The tips are not exhaustive, there are other ideas you may think of as you create a plan specific to your store and location.  By being proactive and establishing a plan that will keep your store safe as the nights get longer, you will protect your business and your reputation and as a result drive up sales.

LP tips for hiring seasonal help

shopping2Hiring seasonal help for the holidays is much different from when a company hires to fill a position or two during the “regular” times of the year.  During what I have traditionally called the 4th quarter, seasonal help is being brought on board for the express purpose of having enough staff to meet increased customer traffic.  These employees are hired with the knowledge they will probably lose their jobs at a specific time.  During the rest of the year, an employee is hired with the expectation the position is a permanent job, in the sense it is long-term not necessarily part-time vs. full-time.  This means there are certain considerations that an employer must think about as they hire seasonal employees:

  • Do I have time to complete a background check or drug tests as I do with regular employees?
  • What date am I going to release my employees from service?
  • Do I tell the employee in advance what the termination date will be?

I am going to provide some guidance from a Loss Prevention perspective and hopefully make your decision making a little easier.

     As a Loss Prevention Manager I participated in the seasonal hiring process, both interviewing candidates for the store and conducting mass orientation for new hires. One of the issues I saw was that when hiring started early enough, background checks could be conducted.  This required the Human Resource Manager to begin the seasonal hiring ramp up in August, to prepare for a start date in mid-September to early October.  When the process was started too late, people were sporadically interviewed and hired in twos and threes.  I do not believe there was proper pre-employment screening done at those times.  This meant we brought in people who we really did not know. Yes, a criminal can slip through the cracks during regular hiring, however I saw many more thieves hired during the last quarter of the year.  I believe this was due, in part, to a less thorough screening process because the store needed “people”.   Drug tests were always conducted and we did not hire anyone who failed.  Do not compromise on this, even during the 4th quarter. 

     Should you set a release date for seasonal help in advance and should you tell your seasonal help what the exact dates of employment will be or should you leave it ambiguous?  There are two schools of thought on this.  One argument is that in fairness to the employee they should be told the starting and ending dates.  It allows them time to prepare to look for work as they near the end of the seasonal appointment.  The other argument and the one I prefer is to leave it a little vague, using an end date like “mid-January”.  This serves two purposes.  If you set a specific date of release, you are more or less obligated to end the employment then.  The issue is that if you lose too many employees before the end of the 4th quarter and you need time to recover the store and prepare for the coming year, will you have enough staff to do so?  Second, if your employee is a thief, and they know the exact end date they may use this as the day they are going to do the most damage and then be gone.  When there is not a clear cut deadline, you can release them in that date range and avoid the chance the employee will make that final “hit”.  I am not dogmatic on either philosophy, there are reasonable perspectives on both I just prefer to improve the odds for the employer.

     One other thing I used to see during the hiring of seasonal help was the use of the quasi-promise, “If you do a good job, we may keep you on at the end of the season.”  I saw many people hang onto this statement and become very discouraged when they were released.  You may very well make offers of continued employment to workers after the holidays and that is fine.  I believe in rewarding hard work.  You may even make it clear to a group of new hires that you tend to keep some people after the 4th quarter is over, but don’t offer it as a dangling carrot. 

     In closing, prepare early for the holidays.  Give yourself time to conduct pre-employment screenings, hire the right people and get them trained in time for your peak season.  They will better serve your customers and you will have more time to determine who the cream of the crop is that you would like to keep on your team.  You will also reduce the chance of hiring someone who will steal from your business.



Scary Shoplifting Stories

streetGhosts, goblins, zombies, it’s that time of the year again to dust off the spooky movies and scary tales meant to put a chill up your spine.  Hollywood always seems to have a batch of new releases ready about now to evoke nightmares and make us wake up in a cold sweat.  We are sure that we see a poltergeist lurking in the corner of the bedroom or in the closet after we watch one of these films.  Yes, I admit I am a big coward and have to put my hands over my face and peek out through my fingers to watch Freddy slash his next victim or Jason terrorize a group of kids at a camp in the middle of the woods.  But there are real scary stories of my own to share that don’t have anything to do with ghouls. Mine are real-life scary stories of shoplifters I have dealt with during my years in retail Loss Prevention.

     Scary movies always seem to be set in spooky locations.  I found myself in a different type of spooky setting while chasing a shoplifter.  The criminal had stolen some clothing, I believe they were expensive shirts and when I attempted to stop him, he ran.  At that time the store I worked for allowed us to pursue shoplifters.  I chased the suspect inside an old abandoned building about a mile from the store.  I did not go far before I stopped and realized this was no place for me to be alone.  The building was formerly an apartment building that had been torn apart on the inside and was turned into a crack house.   Old mattresses, clothing, and junk filled the areas that I could see.  Although I could hear the police car sirens of the officers responding to assist me in my pursuit, I decided that this was one shoplifter I was not going to continue chasing.  It may not have been Amityville Horror but it wasn’t a place I was going to stay and I quickly got out of there.

 As a Loss Prevention Officer, I had a woman I watched shoplifting multiple pieces of clothing.  This shoplifter was pulling off tags, hiding empty hangers after taking the clothes off and then stuffing her purse with the merchandise.  When I attempted to stop her, the subject ran from me.  I called on my radio to our store operator and requested police assistance.  As I chased the suspect we got across the road to a wooded area.  She stopped, turned around and put her hand in her purse and threatened me, telling me to leave her alone.  I told her to remove her hand from the purse but she refused, implying there could be a weapon but never brandishing one.  I did use some discretion and did not move any closer.  As we stood talking (yelling was more like it), local police officers arrived, drew their weapons and demanded she remove her hand and comply.  She did eventually remove her hand and was arrested.  I later learned my suspect had prior arrests for shoplifting but the one arrest on her record that concerned me was the “Involuntary Manslaughter” conviction.  The thought of an Involuntary Manslaughter conviction put a chill down my spine!

   One of my scariest encounters was with a shoplifter who was stealing purses in my store.  I thought the suspect had stolen one earlier in the day, and so when “she” returned later that evening and was wearing the same coat, I recognized her and began observing her.  She had her own purse she was carrying, so when she stole one of ours, she put it under her long trench coat.  I stopped her and brought her back to the store, keeping a grip on the suspect’s coat.  As we got near the security office, the suspect attempted to pull away, slipping out of the coat.  I held onto her purse and coat and retrieved our merchandise as the suspect fought to get away. Leaving the items in the store, I chased the suspect.  I lost her at the nearby convention center in a crowd of people.  When I returned to the store and searched the suspect’s purse I found a prison I.D. card and a butcher’s knife.  The suspect was a male, dressed as a female and was out on parole.  Fortunately this did not turn into a different slasher tale.

     Tricks and Treats are great for Halloween, but not for Loss Prevention personnel.  Remember that the person you think you are dealing with may be someone else in disguise.  Be careful out there!

Addressing Shoplifting Rings In The United States

theft (1)

Organized retail crime cost the retail industry billions of dollars every year.  And, while managers, loss prevention officers, and law enforcement agree is a rising problem, the solution to the problem is still absent. Some organized shoplifting rings are known to be extremely violent, and that jeopardizes the safety of your customers and employees alike.  Consecutively, hurting the profits of your store.

For more about this and other topics, follow the links below.

Former Coventry drug addict and shoplifter reveals how she has turned her back on a life of crime

West Midlands Police released the story of ‘Laura’ to highlight their work to stop people returning to prison.

One of Coventry’s most prolific shoplifters has turned her back on a life of crime and drugs – after being sent to prison while pregnant.

Laura – not her real name – had racked up 42 convictions for 124 offences in a bid to fuel her heroin addiction before being put behind bars in May 2015.

The 30-year-old was in the early stages of pregnancy when she was jailed for breaching a suspended sentence for theft.

Her story has been revealed by West Midlands Police who say their offender management work has prevented more than 8,000 offences in the last 12 months.

They say those crimes would have cost society nearly £30million.

How did the police help?

In Laura’s case, after she was imprisoned, Coventry Police’s offender management team sourced maternity wear from a clothes bank, visited prison to update her on child protection matters and, following her release in November, secured £150 from a charity to help buy baby clothes and accessories.

Addressing Organized Retail Crime: Law Enforcement and Retail Partnerships

Partnerships between law enforcement and LP can help in proactive retail crime prevention.

Following is an example of a successful partnership between retail loss prevention and local law enforcement that resulted in the dismantling of an organized retail crime (ORC) operation in one Florida county. While the details are specific to this particular 2011 investigation, what is important to the LP industry is that ORC is not just a discussion inside retail. Law enforcement is, in fact, interested in working with loss prevention organizations to proactively prevent crime in our stores and the communities we both serve.

Preparing for an Organized Retail Crime Blitz

As 2010 progressed, organized retail crime activity in Florida was high, resulting in significant losses for Luxottica Retail. Therefore, we decided to do a blitz in Florida to try to halt the losses. As usual, we sent invitations to other retailers to join us on this quest to identify and address ORC-related incidents. Macy’s then-ORC manager, John Morris, accepted the invitation to work with us.

Our second step was to solicit help from law enforcement. Our initial calls seemed to generate interest, but no commitments were reached. Time was passing quickly, and we couldn’t get the commitments we needed to secure a safe event. With only four days before the scheduled blitz, a call was made to a neighboring county to ask for suggestions on how to move forward with the blitz if we were not able to gain the necessary law enforcement assistance. That call was specifically made to Sergeant James Ostojic of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.



Members of a well-known San Francisco shoplifting ring are under arrest, charged in what prosecutors are calling an “unprecedented investigation.”

Union Square is considered a target rich environment for organized thieves because of all the high-end stores, so San Francisco’s District Attorney George Gascon is sending a message.

“If you’re intending to commit a crime in the Union Square area – don’t!” he said.

The D.A, police and the Union Square business community have formed a unique partnership that’s led to charges against 16 people who bum-rush stores and steal merchandise. The so-called “Rainbow Crew” has operated not just in San Francisco, but nationwide.

“They’ve travelled and travelled exclusively to commit crimes and to victimize people in other jurisdictions,” said Frank Carrubba with the D.A.’s office.

And recently, they became more brazen, using pepper spray, even knives. Police say it’s not ordinary shoplifting.


Using Technology And Training To Stop Shoplifting


It is evident that small businesses and  big retail chains have problems dealing with shoplifting and employee theft. Technology that helps them prevent shoplifting is an investment that their store cannot refuse.  But, having the technology that helps prevent shoplifting is only a small part of the solution.  Having employees trained and knowledgeable should be a big part of their strategy to prevent shoplifters.  Do they know the steps to take when apprehending a shoplifter? Are they knowledgeable about the rights, and store policies regarding shoplifters?  Technology can certainly help, but training your employees is a big part of the solution to stop shoplifting in your store.

Creepy Mickey Mouse arrested for shoplifting

That is one goofy mugshot.

A 22-year-old female tourist inside a Mickey Mouse outfit was busted in Germany for trying to steal nail clippers and a bottle of shampoo — and hiding the pilfered goods in her gigantic head, according to Central European News.

Police in the southwest city of Kaiserslautern released the suspect’s mugshot, erring on the side of hilarity and the woman’s privacy.

“The good news for Disney fans is that Mickey Mouse has been released from prison,” according to a spokesman for regional police in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

How to prevent shoplifting: 10 ways to protect your retail business

Every week there’s a new story – someone has tried to shoplift something in brazen or bizarre fashion.

Whether it’s the well-known trick of trying to secrete something away in a bag or under clothes, or something more devious, like the people who set up a fake company hiring ‘mystery shoppers’ and ordering them to steal, there are those out there who will try to pull a fast one on you.

With that in mind, these are our top 10 tips for preventing theft, and what to do if you do fall victim to it.

10 tips to prevent shoplifting

1. Know how to spot a shoplifter

One of the first things to prepare yourself and your employees for is how shoplifters are likely to behave. That way you’ll be able to spot them more easily and hopefully be able to stop them.

If someone is planning to shoplift from you, they may well display the following behaviours:

  • Attempting to avoid being noticed
  • Looking nervous, sweating or becoming flushed
  • Picking up and putting back the same items repeatedly
  • Paying more attention to what’s around them than the product in their hand or on the shelves in front of them
  • Wearing large coats, even in hot weather, or carrying large bags

Of course, this behaviour doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is planning to steal from you, but they’re signs worth looking out for.

Security Cameras with Facial Recognition: A Game-Changing Technology for Retailers

Retail security systems with facial-recognition technology are becoming more prevalent in stores.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is based on the experiences of a well-known retailer who implemented a facial-recognition security camera system. Because of the potential value of this technology to the retail industry as well as the critical issues surrounding its deployment, the executive who leads this initiative approached the magazine to offer his insights on the condition of anonymity. Therefore, the names of the individual and the company have been changed.

“We’re seeing shoplifters—known shoplifters—come up to us and ask permission to buy something.” Is this some kind of loss prevention Twilight Zone, or the delusions of a loss prevention associate who has spent too many hours watching surveillance video? No, this is everyday life in stores at a leading retailer who has recently deployed a facial-recognition system. And it’s just one of the changes that have led the company’s head of LP to call facial recognition a game-changing loss prevention technology.

“We now know within seconds of a person walking in the store if they’ve previously been caught stealing from us,” says Tom Smith, vice president of loss prevention for Store-Mart. “We now know which hours of the day see the most shoplifter activity. We now know that 26 percent of the people we detain, we see again in the brand within one month, on average 13 days later. We never had a way of knowing things like this before. This is stuff that LP associates will salivate over. It’s going to be a game changer.”