Petty Theft Is A Pretty Big Problem – Clothing Security Can Prevent Loss and Improve Profit

How much clothing do you think a shoplifter can steal from your store in one incident? A purse filled with items? Perhaps a shoplifter could get away with a large shopping bag full of merchandise? The reason I ask the questions is that if a store owner or manager isn’t thinking about it, the inclination can be to think of a shoplifter as a person stealing a couple of items and getting away with it. If people are only stealing a couple of items, addressing clothing security may not seem to be a significant problem. Sure, no one wants people stealing from them, but the solution seems to be more of a hassle than just letting a few items get out the store, right? Wrong, theft impacts a store a lot more than just the loss of a few items at a time. It’s also easier than you might think to prevent clothing theft by using clothing security tags.


Clothing security tags prevent theft through visual deterrence when they are placed in a location on an item that makes it visible. For example, Checkpoint tags hanging from the cuffs of shirt sleeves will be seen by the customer who walks up to the garment while it is on the rack. A tag hanging on the waistband of a pair of dress slacks will draw someone’s eyes to the security tag and they will recognize what it is. Checkpoint tags also activate electronic article surveillance alarm antennas if someone attempts to walk out of a store with a piece of merchandise which has the tag attached. This makes tags a physical deterrence to theft as well as a visual one. A shoplifter may try to roll up an item, place it in a purse or bag and walk out through the doors, but hidden or not the sensor can still read the tags. 


Another aspect of using clothing security tags that make them an easy theft prevention tool is that they are not difficult to use. The two piece design means they are quick to attach to garments and fasten. There are also options available for clothing to be source tagged by the vendor, saving your store time and payroll by not having to use store personnel to do the tagging process.  From a merchandise branding point of view, source tagging also ensures uniform placement of tags, making it easier for cashiers to not hunt for tags at the point of sale. Tags are also re-useable so you are not constantly purchasing new ones on a regular basis.


I mentioned previously that many store managers and owners only think about the shoplifter as a petty thief and therefore, while a pain in the neck, their impact to the bottom line is negligible. I would like to share one of my experiences from my years as a Loss Prevention Manager. I had two young ladies in our store pushing around shopping carts, one containing a baby stroller box, the other a diaper disposal box. They were shopping in children’s clothing and then the young misses department. I noticed that they were stopping every so often and then some of the clothes would be gone. Their activity continued so I turned my full attention to them and as I watched, I began to see they were filling the boxes with the clothes. It turned out they had removed the contents of the boxes and left them somewhere else in the store and were box stuffing. How much did my petty shoplifters have stuffed in their boxes? The two had filled over $500 in clothing in one box and $300 in the second box. Some of the merchandise was tagged, but most was not since we did not use Checkpoint tags on clothes as much as I would have liked. The system did work and the alarm did activate, however we already were watching so the two were apprehended. Smaller stores probably cannot afford store security so clothing security may be the only way to have an opportunity to recover merchandise from thieves.


Shoplifting is no joke and it frequently involves more that an item or two in a bag or worn under clothing. Clothing security should be taken seriously and investing in Checkpoint tags can help make a significant improvement to store profitability.


Clothing security is important and we can help you with it.  Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.




Don’t Chase Shortage – Use Checkpoint Tags


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Don’t Chase Shortage – Use Checkpoint Tags
      The use of clothing security tags in department stores and clothing specialty retail stores has expanded significantly since my early days in loss prevention.  When I started working as a Loss Prevention officer for a department store we did not use much in the way of clothing security.  The store used some tags on high end coats and jackets and a few designer dresses but for the most part clothing security was in the form of closed circuit television surveillance and customer service.  Had we used Checkpoint tags on more items they would have made a big difference in our shortage results.  On those pieces of clothing to which they were applied, we saw a significant reduction in theft and attempted theft. 
     Checkpoint tags prevent shoplifting when attached to clothing.  When pinned on to a piece of merchandise they are extremely difficult to remove without a removal device, and if tampered with can result in damage to the garment.  Placing the device in a highly visible location on an item provides a visible deterrent to potential shoplifters.  The Checkpoint tags are designed to activate an electronic article surveillance system if someone tries to leave with tagged clothing.  When properly trained, store employees can react to alarms and tactfully recover unpaid merchandise and save a store from incurring a loss. Tags may be ordered to work with radio frequency or acoustic magnetic systems, depending on what type of system a store has in place.      
     As I mentioned previously, when I worked for a department store as a Loss Prevention officer, we had very few items that we used Checkpoint tags on and as a result we experienced a lot of theft.  This also led to some funny shoplifting cases.  In those days we had very few rules for catching shoplifters and we were able to chase shoplifters in order to recover merchandise and place the culprit in jail.  I would like to mention that most stores today do not permit security personnel to pursue shoplifters for a number of valid reasons.  One being the danger posed to the security officer, the shoplifter who is fleeing, and possible by-standers who could be injured in the course of a pursuit.  Another reason is the liability incurred by a store should someone be injured during a pursuit, whether it is the security officer or yes, even the shoplifter.  That being said, we did pursue shoplifters and we had some doozies! 
     One particular incident that stands out in my mind was a young man I was observing on our camera system.  It was a warm, sunny day and this “customer” was wearing a nylon wind suit (very popular in the day).  The young man selected a number of Levi jeans and entered the fitting room.  Knowing exactly how many pair he entered with, I knew when he finally exited the fitting room how many pair he should have had.  The customer had no jeans in his possession but he certainly looked a lot bigger when he exited than when he went in.  After a quick inspection of the fitting room revealed there was no merchandise inside I knew where the jeans went.  I stopped the shoplifter as he exited the store and he ran.  The young man made it a couple of blocks and was stopped at a construction site by a couple of workmen who saw me chasing him.  At that point the shoplifter was totally winded and flopped on the ground and simply gave up.  Wearing several pair of jeans under a wind suit was not good planning on his part.  The merchandise was recovered and the shoplifter went to jail.  We did not use clothing security devices on this merchandise and the point of my telling this story is that had we used clothing security tags this incident might not have taken place.
     Using clothing security tags will reduce the theft in your store and that in turn will increase your profits.  Invest in Checkpoint tags and enjoy the benefits of not ‘chasing’ after shortage.
For more information on Checkpoint Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

The use of clothing security tags in department stores and clothing specialty retail stores has expanded significantly since my early days in loss prevention. When I started working as a Loss Prevention officer for a department store we did not use much in the way of clothing security. The store used some tags on high end coats and jackets and a few designer dresses but for the most part clothing security was in the form of closed circuit television surveillance and customer service. Had we used Checkpoint tags on more items they would have made a big difference in our shortage results. On those pieces of clothing to which they were applied, we saw a significant reduction in theft and attempted theft.    


Checkpoint tags prevent shoplifting when attached to clothing.  When pinned on to a piece of merchandise they are extremely difficult to remove without a removal device, and if tampered with can result in damage to the garment. Placing the device in a highly visible location on an item provides a visible deterrent to potential shoplifters. The Checkpoint tags are designed to activate an electronic article surveillance system if someone tries to leave with tagged clothing. When properly trained, store employees can react to alarms and tactfully recover unpaid merchandise and save a store from incurring a loss. Tags may be ordered to work with radio frequency or acoustic magnetic systems, depending on what type of system a store has in place.      

As I mentioned previously, when I worked for a department store as a Loss Prevention officer, we had very few items that we used Checkpoint tags on and as a result we experienced a lot of theft. This also led to some funny shoplifting cases. In those days we had very few rules for catching shoplifters and we were able to chase shoplifters in order to recover merchandise and place the culprit in jail. I would like to mention that most stores today do not permit security personnel to pursue shoplifters for a number of valid reasons. One being the danger posed to the security officer, the shoplifter who is fleeing, and possible by-standers who could be injured in the course of a pursuit. Another reason is the liability incurred by a store should someone be injured during a pursuit, whether it is the security officer or yes, even the shoplifter. That being said, we did pursue shoplifters and we had some doozies! 

One particular incident that stands out in my mind was a young man I was observing on our camera system. It was a warm, sunny day and this “customer” was wearing a nylon wind suit (very popular in the day). The young man selected a number of Levi jeans and entered the fitting room. Knowing exactly how many pair he entered with, I knew when he finally exited the fitting room how many pair he should have had. The customer had no jeans in his possession but he certainly looked a lot bigger when he exited than when he went in. After a quick inspection of the fitting room revealed there was no merchandise inside I knew where the jeans went.  I stopped the shoplifter as he exited the store and he ran. The young man made it a couple of blocks and was stopped at a construction site by a couple of workmen who saw me chasing him. At that point the shoplifter was totally winded and flopped on the ground and simply gave up. Wearing several pair of jeans under a wind suit was not good planning on his part. The merchandise was recovered and the shoplifter went to jail. We did not use clothing security devices on this merchandise and the point of my telling this story is that had we used clothing security tags this incident might not have taken place.

Using clothing security tags will reduce the theft in your store and that in turn will increase your profits. Invest in Checkpoint tags and enjoy the benefits of not ‘chasing’ after shortage.


For more information on Checkpoint Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.



You Can’t Always Count The Hangers


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You Can’t Always Count The Hangers
Whether you are in a big box store or in a compact store front, if you are in the clothing business, you need some type of clothing security to keep your inventory from walking out the door.  It doesn’t matter if it’s all new fashions, second hand vintage, or even a specialty boutique.  There are blogs dedicated to educating people on how to steal, and they are very popular online reads.  It amazes me when I read them and so many readers participate in the ongoing conversations about what they have gotten away with.  They post the names of the stores they pilfer from, so word spreads quickly on which stores are easiest to steal from.  They post pictures of their hauls and there are plenty of admirers and followers of these blogs.  Almost all of these threads teach people how to remove security tags on clothes while in the fitting rooms.  They are basically playing a game of cat and mouse, and daring one another to get the most merchandise.  This new alarming trend of daring and brazen clothing thefts are on the rise.  If your store gets named on one of  these blogs, you better get ready for an onslaught of shoplifting attempts.
My daughter was shopping in a couple clothing stores just yesterday.  This was a new small store that had just opened in a strip mall, and they had done a good job of making sure everything was protected.  I was impressed with their commitment to putting security tags on clothes.  We shopped several different little stores, just browsing and enjoying the day.  But, as always, I was on the prowl for new innovative ideas for asset protection methods.  It’s always good to steal and duplicate the best ideas at my own store, which is a small retail pharmacy.  There was one store in particular that I had to just chalk up as a fail though, for their complete lack of clothing security.  There were no signs of security tagging, very few staff on the sales floor, and very lax monitoring of the fitting rooms.  My daughter picked out a couple things to go try on and the guy letting people in back there counted her items and told her to make sure she brought the items back out on their hangers.   I thought that might be a good system.  But when she came back out, he was nowhere around to make sure she had the same number she went in with.  I’m sure it won’t be long before that store gets very popular on one of those blogs.
Clothing security really needs to be a priority, not an option.  Attaching security tags on clothes, like Checkpoint tags, is paramount.  They can be adhered to the price tag like stickers for an obvious presence.  Or they can be placed in seams and hidden in pockets.  Either way, if someone attempts to leave with clothing that still has active tags attached, the staff will be quickly alerted.   Checkpoint tags are also available in other options, like hard tags that can be pinned on or attached via lanyard.  The lanyard option is great for items like handbags, belts and shoes.  Also remember, if you offer fitting room services, you need to monitor their use.  Check on your shoppers going in and coming out.  If you can’t always be there to count the hangers though,  you can still count on Checkpoint tags to help deter thefts.  
For more information on Clothing Security, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

Whether you are in a big box store or in a compact store front, if you are in the clothing business, you need some type of clothing security to keep your inventory from walking out the door. It doesn’t matter if it’s all new fashions, second hand vintage, or even a specialty boutique. There are blogs dedicated to educating people on how to steal, and they are very popular online reads. It amazes me when I read them and so many readers participate in the ongoing conversations about what they have gotten away with. They post the names of the stores they pilfer from, so word spreads quickly on which stores are easiest to steal from. They post pictures of their hauls and there are plenty of admirers and followers of these blogs. Almost all of these threads teach people how to remove security tags on clothes while in the fitting rooms. They are basically playing a game of cat and mouse, and daring one another to get the most merchandise. This new alarming trend of daring and brazen clothing thefts are on the rise. If your store gets named on one of  these blogs, you better get ready for an onslaught of shoplifting attempts.


My daughter was shopping in a couple clothing stores just yesterday. This was a new small store that had just opened in a strip mall, and they had done a good job of making sure everything was protected. I was impressed with their commitment to putting security tags on clothes. We shopped several different little stores, just browsing and enjoying the day. But, as always, I was on the prowl for new innovative ideas for asset protection methods. It’s always good to steal and duplicate the best ideas at my own store, which is a small retail pharmacy. There was one store in particular that I had to just chalk up as a fail though, for their complete lack of clothing security. There were no signs of security tagging, very few staff on the sales floor, and very lax monitoring of the fitting rooms. My daughter picked out a couple things to go try on and the guy letting people in back there counted her items and told her to make sure she brought the items back out on their hangers. I thought that might be a good system. But when she came back out, he was nowhere around to make sure she had the same number she went in with. I’m sure it won’t be long before that store gets very popular on one of those blogs.

Clothing security really needs to be a priority, not an option. Attaching security tags on clothes, like Checkpoint tags, is paramount. They can be adhered to the price tag like stickers for an obvious presence. Or they can be placed in seams and hidden in pockets. Either way, if someone attempts to leave with clothing that still has active tags attached, the staff will be quickly alerted.  Checkpoint tags are also available in other options, like hard tags that can be pinned on or attached via lanyard. The lanyard option is great for items like handbags, belts and shoes. Also remember, if you offer fitting room services, you need to monitor their use. Check on your shoppers going in and coming out. If you can’t always be there to count the hangers though,  you can still count on Checkpoint tags to help deter thefts.  


For more information on Clothing Security, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547



Clothing Security Tags – A Hard Or Soft Approach To Preventing Theft, The Choice Is Yours

Have you ever had a problem with clothing theft and found yourself frustrated by empty clothes hangers on the sales floor rack or lying in a fitting room? Maybe you found price tags and manufacturer labels lying on the floor and you are at your wits end trying to combat the shoplifting you know is taking place but can’t seem to prevent. I remember the frustration of finding multiple hangers in the fitting room of one department store I worked for and wishing there was a solution that would deter more of the theft activity. I liked the satisfaction of catching shoplifters, but I was also aware we were only able to scratch the surface of the theft that was taking place.  When we did use security tags on clothing, it was limited to placing hard tags on high end coats and jackets we carried.


Several years later I worked for a big box retailer and we did use a combination of clothing security tags. In some instances we placed soft Checkpoint tags on clothing hang tags and went as far as to hide the tags in the pockets of items to try to keep the tags from being found and removed. In other situations when we had a higher priced item, or when we saw a theft trend on merchandise such as denim jeans, we began enhancing clothing security with hard tags. The hard tags were extremely difficult for shoplifters to defeat, requiring them to damage the merchandise the majority of the time in their efforts to remove the tags. Both styles of tags were compatible with the store Electronic Article Surveillance system. Any attempt to exit the store with security tags on clothing that had not been deactivated or removed would activate the alarm.    


Over the years I have seen changes in the industry as electronic article surveillance tags have been embedded in manufacturer hang tags and UPC codes have been printed on the EAS tags themselves. Shoplifters were becoming adept at identifying the soft clothing security tags and were removing them more frequently. Others who were in a position to make changes were seeing the same problem we faced in the field. They figured out that if we could identify clothing security tags, so could the shoplifters and they were determined to find new ways to disguise tags. Steps were taken in the clothing security business to stay one step ahead of the bad guys. The results are seen in the current styles of soft tags and hard tags on the market today.

Another major advancement in checkpoint tags is the development of the “Gen 3” Hard Tag. This tag is round and is more pleasing to the eye than the “Gen 2” Hard Tag, and yet has the same capabilities as the “Gen 2” model. The previous version is effective and provides a strong visual deterrent effect but the “Gen 3” has a look that is more upscale and sleek in my opinion. Security tags on clothing can also be source tagged so that a store owner does not need to have staff take the time to do the work. Payroll is used to run the store so staff can focus on customer service and other tasks. These advancements in clothing security should be reason enough to encourage businesses to invest in these security devices.  

Checkpoint tags have become versatile enough that they are no longer easy to identify on merchandise. With soft tags embedded in hang tags or having printed information on them, shoplifters fail to realize a tag is a security tag, and are more prone to leaving tags on when they attempt to steal. Hard tags make both a visual deterrent and strong defense against shoplifting. Using security tags on clothing will go a long way in preventing those empty hangers and torn tags from cluttering your floors.        


For more information on clothing security tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547                


Identify Your Thief-Use Clothing Security Tags Effectively

I talk about boosters a lot in my posts; that is the type of thief I deal with the most, and the ones that drive me the craziest.  They constantly change their methods and targets, so my entire staff has to be on alert at all times.  In the drug store business, we know our over-the-counter health and beauty products are the most commonly stolen items.  If you are in the clothing and accessory business, you have a whole different line of merchandise, but you still likely battle the same groups I do.  Whether or not to utilize clothing security tags on your products can be a big decision.   In the small clothing business world, you have to keep costs down, both for your own bottom line and for the customer.  If you are having a problem with theft, you either have to sell more to make up for it, or raise your prices.   In the long run, putting security tags on clothes can make a big impact in stopping the losses you incur, and you will see the return on your investment.  Let’s take a look at some of the more common types of shoplifters.
First there are the boosters or professionals, of course.  These people steal for a living.  They are usually very skilled at avoiding detection.  They take great pains to fit in with your normal customer base.  Their targets are generally high retail, high demand, and easy to resell.  So they will go after the most trendy styles.  They hate excellent customer service.  They do not want to be seen or recognized, so they generally avoid eye contact with associates.  They also hate to see any type of clothing security tags attached in prominent places on the garments.  They know that at the resale point, they will receive less money for the merchandise because now the buyer will need to “clean” the items.  The best way to defeat boosters is to deter them.  Highly visible clothing security is a very effective way to encourage them to go somewhere else.
Next up you have the juveniles and minors.  They are actually responsible for a large part of theft in this country.  They may not really know the consequences for their actions, or they think they will get off easy if they are caught.  They may attempt the theft on a dare, or they may just do it because they think they can get away with it.  I dealt with a couple of middle school girls last summer that were stealing cosmetics.  These two thought they slick.  They gathered up arm loads of lipsticks, fake nails, and other items and took turns going into the restroom.  We found the empty packages in the garbage later that evening.  They returned the following week.  We let them “shop” while we waited on the police to arrive, and when we went to approach them, their eyes got huge and they knew their goose was cooked.  They said they stole from us because they didn’t think we had cameras.  (We do.)  Again, the best way to deter juveniles is to have your clothing security tags  and any other anti-shoplifting measures in plain sight.  You want them to see there is a risk of being caught.  
The last group is the regular customer.  I mean you see these people in your store on a frequent basis, and you never give them a second thought.  Their first time is usually on impulse, meaning they just see an opportunity and go for it.  They will usually steal something they would not normally buy for themselves.  Clothing security measures are paramount for this group.  If your “regulars” start successfully stealing from you, it will happen over and over again and regular theft means your business cannot survive.  Whether you go with the obvious ones on the outside of the garment, or even the ones sewn into hidden pockets and seams, clothing security tags are the best way to stop this group.  These are members of your community and their biggest fear is being caught stealing and ultimately recognized by their neighbors for their crime.
Identify whether your store is experiencing loss, what exactly you are losing, and who is responsible for it.  Then take a look at what clothing security tags can do for you.
For more information contact us 1.770.426.0547 or

I talk about boosters a lot in my posts; that is the type of thief I deal with the most, and the ones that drive me the craziest.  They constantly change their methods and targets, so my entire staff has to be on alert at all times.  In the drug store business, we know our over-the-counter health and beauty products are the most commonly stolen items.  If you are in the clothing and accessory business, you have a whole different line of merchandise, but you still likely battle the same groups I do.  Whether or not to utilize clothing security tags on your products can be a big decision.   In the small clothing business world, you have to keep costs down, both for your own bottom line and for the customer.  If you are having a problem with theft, you either have to sell more to make up for it, or raise your prices.   In the long run, putting security tags on clothes can make a big impact in stopping the losses you incur, and you will see the return on your investment.  Let’s take a look at some of the more common types of shoplifters.

First there are the boosters or professionals, of course.  These people steal for a living.  They are usually very skilled at avoiding detection.  They take great pains to fit in with your normal customer base.  Their targets are generally high retail, high demand, and easy to resell.  So they will go after the most trendy styles.  They hate excellent customer service.  They do not want to be seen or recognized, so they generally avoid eye contact with associates.  They also hate to see any type of clothing security tags attached in prominent places on the garments.  They know that at the resale point, they will receive less money for the merchandise because now the buyer will need to “clean” the items.  The best way to defeat boosters is to deter them.  Highly visible clothing security is a very effective way to encourage them to go somewhere else.

Next up you have the juveniles and minors.  They are actually responsible for a large part of theft in this country.  They may not really know the consequences for their actions, or they think they will get off easy if they are caught.  They may attempt the theft on a dare, or they may just do it because they think they can get away with it.  I dealt with a couple of middle school girls last summer that were stealing cosmetics.  These two thought they were slick.  They gathered up arm loads of lipsticks, fake nails, and other items and took turns going into the restroom.  We found the empty packages in the garbage later that evening.  They returned the following week.  We let them “shop” while we waited on the police to arrive, and when we went to approach them, their eyes got huge and they knew their goose was cooked.  They said they stole from us because they didn’t think we had cameras.  (We do.)  Again, the best way to deter juveniles is to have your clothing security tags  and any other anti-shoplifting measures in plain sight.  You want them to see there is a risk of being caught.

The last group is the regular customer.  I mean you see these people in your store on a frequent basis, and you never give them a second thought.  Their first time is usually on impulse, meaning they just see an opportunity and go for it.  They will usually steal something they would not normally buy for themselves.  Clothing security measures are paramount for this group.  If your “regulars” start successfully stealing from you, it will happen over and over again and regular theft means your business cannot survive.  Whether you go with the obvious ones on the outside of the garment, or even the ones sewn into hidden pockets and seams, clothing security tags are the best way to stop this group.  These are members of your community and their biggest fear is being caught stealing and ultimately recognized by their neighbors for their crime.

Identify whether your store is experiencing loss, what exactly you are losing, and who is responsible for it.  Then take a look at what clothing security tags can do for you.

For more information contact us at Clothing Security or call 1.770.426.0547 


Stop Jacket And Coat Thefts With Clothing Security Tags

Keeping your clothing secure may seem like a challenging endeavor for stores with limited staff and financial resources, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.  There are affordable solutions to help you prevent shoplifting in your store, like Checkpoint tags.  One of the stores I previously worked for at the time only carried leather jackets and other coats seasonally, so as soon as they arrived at the store, we got to work making sure they were all protected with clothing security tags. We knew that when the weather started to get cold, the jacket thieves weren’t going to be far behind.  The previous year, we lost several jackets, so we were going to do everything in our power to stop the same thing from happening this time.  This meant we had to keep a close eye on the merchandise.  
We started by facing a camera directly on the clothing racks and counting the coats every couple hours.  We did this so if we lost any of them, it wouldn’t be too difficult to narrow down who had stolen them when we looked at the video. We put a big obvious hard tag on the jacket where you could see it, but we also dropped some soft Checkpoint tags into the inside pocket of the jacket.  We did this so if the thieves were able to somehow remove the larger obvious tag, they probably wouldn’t expect there to be an extra soft tag hidden on the inside of the jacket, and the alarm would go off at the door when they exited with the merchandise.  For some reason, these particular thieves would leave the empty hangers on the rack, so we would always know when they had stolen a jacket.  I don’t know why they would leave it on the rack and not put it down somewhere else, but I don’t know why shoplifters do half the things they do.  
After we reviewed video of the area, we figured out who was stealing the clothing, which was two different people that were working together. A man and woman would come into the store and try on the jackets separately.  One tried on the clothing while the other would keep a look out for anyone in the area.  They would then casually walk around the store without a care in the world, and walk right out the door wearing the jacket.  It didn’t look suspicious at the time because it was cold outside, and the thieves tucked the clothing security tags that were on the end of the sleeve in the pocket of the jacket.  These shoplifters didn’t care that the EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) alarm went off as they exited the door, because as soon as they exited, there was a car waiting for them right off the sidewalk, and they were gone quickly.  
Their luck finally ran out the day we caught them with help from local law enforcement, who were able to apprehend them after fleeing following a theft at our store.  When the police stopped the shoplifters, the clothing security tags were still attached to the jackets.  Also, the video we had saved of the same thieves setting off the flashing door alarms on the other occasions helped make it easy to seek charges on the shoplifters for previous jacket thefts.  
For more information contact us: (clothing security tags) or call 1.770.426.0547

Keeping your clothing secure may seem like a challenging endeavor for stores with limited staff and financial resources, but it doesn’t have to be anymore.  There are affordable solutions to help you prevent shoplifting in your store, like Checkpoint tags.  One of the stores I previously worked for at the time only carried leather jackets and other coats seasonally, so as soon as they arrived at the store, we got to work making sure they were all protected with clothing security tags. We knew that when the weather started to get cold, the jacket thieves weren’t going to be far behind.  The previous year, we lost several jackets, so we were going to do everything in our power to stop the same thing from happening this time.  This meant we had to keep a close eye on the merchandise.  

We started by facing a camera directly on the clothing racks and counting the coats every couple hours.  We did this so if we lost any of them, it wouldn’t be too difficult to narrow down who had stolen them when we looked at the video. We put a big obvious hard tag on the jacket where you could see it, but we also dropped some soft Checkpoint Tags into the inside pocket of the jacket.  We did this so if the thieves were able to somehow remove the larger obvious tag, they probably wouldn’t expect there to be an extra soft tag hidden on the inside of the jacket, and the alarm would go off at the door when they exited with the merchandise.  For some reason, these particular thieves would leave the empty hangers on the rack, so we would always know when they had stolen a jacket.  I don’t know why they would leave it on the rack and not put it down somewhere else, but I don’t know why shoplifters do half the things they do.  

After we reviewed video of the area, we figured out who was stealing the clothing, which was two different people that were working together. A man and woman would come into the store and try on the jackets separately.  One tried on the clothing while the other would keep a look out for anyone in the area.  They would then casually walk around the store without a care in the world, and walk right out the door wearing the jacket.  It didn’t look suspicious at the time because it was cold outside, and the thieves tucked the clothing security tags that were on the end of the sleeve in the pocket of the jacket.  These shoplifters didn’t care that the EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) alarm went off as they exited the door, because as soon as they exited, there was a car waiting for them right off the sidewalk, and they were gone quickly.  

Their luck finally ran out the day we caught them with help from local law enforcement, who were able to apprehend them after fleeing following a theft at our store.  When the police stopped the shoplifters, the clothing security tags were still attached to the jackets.  Also, the video we had saved of the same thieves setting off the flashing door alarms on the other occasions helped make it easy to seek charges on the shoplifters for previous jacket thefts.  

For more information contact us: or call 1.770.426.0547


S-Tag Gives A More Classy Look

I never really thought about the look of a Clothing Security tag and what it says about the store.  That is until yesterday.  Hard tags attached to clothing and accessories come in different shapes, colors, and sizes, but the newest offering from Checkpoint stands out the most.  It is called the S-Tag, and it’s sleek design and ease of use should definitely put it at the top of the list to check into if you are looking for Clothing Security solutions.  
My daughter and I went shopping at a big local mall yesterday, and since she is a teenager, she is into a different fad and style every other week.  Of course, these stores can keep up with her desires better than me, so the easiest thing to do is give her a gift card and set her free.  I hang out in the store, and she clears the choices with me before going to the checkout.  So while I walk around and browse, I take a look at what the stores are using for the Clothing Security.  In one particularly popular store, I was actually surprised at the one tool they utilize, and these people tag everything.  Purses, bracelets, lingerie, shoes, makeup bags, and every piece of clothing in the store had a tag on it.  These things were huge, round, and were pinned on even the most delicate of fabrics and skimpiest of attire.  They were some no-name brand, and although the idea is deterrence for sure, these things really brought down the whole high-end atmosphere of the store.  You want customers to know the garments are secured, but you never want to detract from the appearance of the product you are trying to sell.  
I would have expected a better choice from a big name store in a big popular mall like this.  In a small clothing business you do not want to turn your customers off like this.  And if you sell accessories you do not want to put giant pins into them.  They may leave a crease or other marks on the products. 
That is the beauty of the new S-Tag.  It has a great sleek design and can be attached in a couple different ways.  First of all, they are made to be pinned into the seam of a garment, so there is no need to put it right on the front or at the collar.  The S-Tag is still very visible, but the focus is kept on the item, not the Clothing Security.  As far as accessories, there is the lanyard option.  The items are kept safe and secure, and the customer can still admire the product.  
There is a need for a clear visual symbol to deter shoplifters and keep your clothing safe until purchased.  But after yesterday, I can definitely say there is a big difference in the available Clothing Security tags.  Your shoppers will also notice and your store could benefit from the more classy looking choice.
For more information contact us at 1.770.426.0547 or

I never really thought about the look of a Clothing Security tag and what it says about the store.  That is until yesterday.  Hard tags attached to clothing and accessories come in different shapes, colors, and sizes, but the newest offering from Checkpoint stands out the most.  It is called the S-Tag, and it’s sleek design and ease of use should definitely put it at the top of the list to check into if you are looking for Clothing Security solutions.  

My daughter and I went shopping at a big local mall yesterday, and since she is a teenager, she is into a different fad and style every other week.  Of course, these stores can keep up with her desires better than me, so the easiest thing to do is give her a gift card and set her free.  I hang out in the store, and she clears the choices with me before going to the checkout.  So while I walk around and browse, I take a look at what the stores are using for the Clothing Security.  In one particularly popular store, I was actually surprised at the one tool they utilize, and these people tag everything.  Purses, bracelets, lingerie, shoes, makeup bags, and every piece of clothing in the store had a tag on it.  These things were huge, round, and were pinned on even the most delicate of fabrics and skimpiest of attire.  They were some no-name brand, and although the idea is deterrence for sure, these things really brought down the whole high-end atmosphere of the store.  You want customers to know the garments are secured, but you never want to detract from the appearance of the product you are trying to sell.  I would have expected a better choice from a big name store in a big popular mall like this.  In a small clothing business you do not want to turn your customers off like this.  And if you sell accessories you do not want to put giant pins into them.  They may leave a crease or other marks on the products. That is the beauty of the new S-Tag.  It has a great sleek design and can be attached in a couple different ways.  First of all, they are made to be pinned into the seam of a garment, so there is no need to put it right on the front or at the collar.  The S-Tag is still very visible, but the focus is kept on the item, not the Clothing Security.  As far as accessories, there is the lanyard option.  The items are kept safe and secure, and the customer can still admire the product.  

There is a need for a clear visual symbol to deter shoplifters and keep your clothing safe until purchased.  But after yesterday, I can definitely say there is a big difference in the available Clothing Security tags.  Your shoppers will also notice and your store could benefit from the more classy looking choice.

For more information contact us at 1.770.426.0547 or


Beauty Out The Door

Just like in big box stores, small businesses need to protect their inventory from shoplifters.  Without the bulk buying power of a large chain, it is even more dire to protect your profit margin.  The truth is though, it is just as important when you are dealing in used as well as new clothing.  Many of today’s trendy thrift stores and consignment shops offer high end brands at lower than retail prices.   Clothing Security is still important in this setting, if not more.  A Checkpoint System could quickly stop your merchandise from walking out the door unpaid.   
In a consignment setting, you are sharing the profit for the sale with the owner of the clothing.  If you haven’t got any Clothing Security measures put in place, you are risking more than losing the garment to a thief.  You lose the money you would have earned, plus you will likely lose the return business of that seller if they find out your store is a regular victim of theft.  
Several small businesses have opened up shops in our small downtown area, in the old brick buildings, doors opening right onto the sidewalks.  There is a decent amount of cars and pedestrians most times of the day.  One store in particular is a specialty boutique.  The offer manicures and other spa services, plus they sell purses, scarves, some jewelry, and a few high end dresses.  As I was driving by this morning I saw the cutest purse in the window, next to a table full of jewelry.  This is all right inside the front door, not actually up in the big display window.  Potentially, a person could open the front door, grab up a big armful of items, and either run for it or jump into a waiting car.  If the owners noticed the this hypothetical theft when it actually happened, I would be surprised.  The more likely scenario is that they would see the empty table after it was much too late.  Clothing Security is obviously not high up on this store’s priority list.  
There are different ways to attach Checkpoint Labels to garments, purses and other accessories, and even jewelry.  As you have probably seen in many cases, the tags can be attached directly to the clothing in obvious places like the price tag, or even sewn into a hidden pocket.  The same process can be used for purses, and there are specially designed tags for jewelry.  Alpha products are compatible with the Checkpoint System as well, so there are many options to choose from if your business decides to go with those instead of labels.  Many Alpha products can be attached via lanyard, so the methods for protection are exponential.  Even in a setting where a store is dealing in used clothing, trends come and go, but so do shoplifters.  All the signs in the world threatening prosecution will not stop a determined thief.  Real Clothing Security tools are paramount in stopping you inventory from disappearing.
For more information contact us at: or call 1.770.426.0547

Just like in big box stores, small businesses need to protect their inventory from shoplifters.  Without the bulk buying power of a large chain, it is even more dire to protect your profit margin.  The truth is though, it is just as important when you are dealing in used as well as new clothing.  Many of today’s trendy thrift stores and consignment shops offer high end brands at lower than retail prices.   Clothing Security is still important in this setting, if not more.  A Checkpoint System could quickly stop your merchandise from walking out the door unpaid.   

In a consignment setting, you are sharing the profit for the sale with the owner of the clothing.  If you haven’t got any Clothing Security measures put in place, you are risking more than losing the garment to a thief.  You lose the money you would have earned, plus you will likely lose the return business of that seller if they find out your store is a regular victim of theft.  

Several small businesses have opened up shops in our small downtown area, in the old brick buildings, doors opening right onto the sidewalks.  There is a decent amount of cars and pedestrians most times of the day.  One store in particular is a specialty boutique.  The offer manicures and other spa services, plus they sell purses, scarves, some jewelry, and a few high end dresses.  As I was driving by this morning I saw the cutest purse in the window, next to a table full of jewelry.  This is all right inside the front door, not actually up in the big display window.  Potentially, a person could open the front door, grab up a big armful of items, and either run for it or jump into a waiting car.  If the owners noticed this hypothetical theft when it actually happened, I would be surprised.  The more likely scenario is that they would see the empty table after it was much too late.  Clothing Security is obviously not high up on this store’s priority list.

There are different ways to attach Checkpoint Tags to garments, purses and other accessories, and even jewelry.  As you have probably seen in many cases, the tags can be attached directly to the clothing in obvious places like the price tag, or even sewn into a hidden pocket.  The same process can be used for purses, and there are specially designed tags for jewelry.  Alpha products are compatible with the Checkpoint System as well, so there are many options to choose from if your business decides to go with those instead of labels.  Many Alpha products can be attached via lanyard, so the methods for protection are exponential.  Even in a setting where a store is dealing in used clothing, trends come and go, but so do shoplifters.  All the signs in the world threatening prosecution will not stop a determined thief.  Real Clothing Security tools are paramount in stopping you inventory from disappearing.

For more information contact us at: or call 1.770.426.0547


The Wheel-Chair Bandit and Checkpoint Tags!

I remember my training as a new loss prevention officer about 10 years ago. My trainer, who I still talk to today, told me that I should never judge a potential shoplifter based on their appearance. Whether they look homeless, hopped up on drugs, or dressed in their Sunday best, you should never profile. That stuck with me for the past decade and is something I train all my new agents on. You look at product and behavior. Normally, a legitimate shopper won’t try to remove the security tags on clothes. 
Just last week, I was working with one of my agents at a high theft store. It was a weekday, but had already been a busy morning. It wasn’t lunch time yet and we had already made 4 shoplifting stops. I think there were some solar flares, or something that had people thinking it was a good day to come out and shoplift. As we’re walking the sales floor, an older gentleman in a wheel chair caught my eye. He was being pushed around by a younger, attractive female. I figured it was a nurse and went on with my routine. I failed to recognize that the gentleman had a dozen high end articles of clothing in his lap. (I failed the first step that I train so vigorously on). 
A few minutes later, my agent calls out over the radio that he’s watching an individual removing the clothing security devices from some apparel. He said it was an older male wearing a white shirt and jeans. I began walking towards the front of the store in order to wait outside and my agent continued relaying what he was observing. He stated that once the checkpoint tags were removed, a female accomplice opened her purse and the male placed the merchandise inside. He warned me that the pair was approaching the exit and to make the stop. 
The older gentleman and his assumed nurse were exiting the store as I was waiting outside. I spoke to them briefly and thanked them for coming in. I didn’t see the shoplifter though. Moments later, my agent comes bursting through the doors, questioning why I let the shoplifter go!! It was in that moment, I realized the shoplifter was the customer in the wheelchair! They were only a few steps away and we attempted to make contact. Out of nowhere, the female began running at a sprinters pace through the parking lot… pushing the wheel chair right along with her. The old man’s arms and legs were flailing side to side and I could hear him yelling “Faster, faster! I’m not going back to jail!!”
The police caught up to them sprinting down the highway and brought them back to the store. In their possession was over $1,000 worth of my store’s merchandise. Turns out that it was all planned. The gentleman was a wealthy man who stated that he wanted a little excitement. He told me that he researched how to remove the clothing alarms and that he had no desire for the product he was taking. The female was his nurse and she said that at the salary he was paying her, she just did whatever made him happy. I swear, I wish this was fiction…
For more information, contact us: Clothing Security, or call 1.770.426.0547

I remember my training as a new loss prevention officer about 10 years ago. My trainer, who I still talk to today, told me that I should never judge a potential shoplifter based on their appearance. Whether they look homeless, hopped up on drugs, or dressed in their Sunday best, you should never profile. That stuck with me for the past decade and is something I train all my new agents on. You look at product and behavior. Normally, a legitimate shopper won’t try to remove the security tags on clothes. 

 Just last week, I was working with one of my agents at a high theft store. It was a weekday, but had already been a busy morning. It wasn’t lunch time yet and we had already made 4 shoplifting stops. I think there were some solar flares, or something that had people thinking it was a good day to come out and shoplift. As we’re walking the sales floor, an older gentleman in a wheel chair caught my eye. He was being pushed around by a younger, attractive female. I figured it was a nurse and went on with my routine. I failed to recognize that the gentleman had a dozen high end articles of clothing in his lap. (I failed the first step that I train so vigorously on). 

 A few minutes later, my agent calls out over the radio that he’s watching an individual removing the clothing security devices from some apparel. He said it was an older male wearing a white shirt and jeans. I began walking towards the front of the store in order to wait outside and my agent continued relaying what he was observing. He stated that once the Checkpoint Tags were removed, a female accomplice opened her purse and the male placed the merchandise inside. He warned me that the pair was approaching the exit and to make the stop. 

 The older gentleman and his assumed nurse were exiting the store as I was waiting outside. I spoke to them briefly and thanked them for coming in. I didn’t see the shoplifter though. Moments later, my agent comes bursting through the doors, questioning why I let the shoplifter go!! It was in that moment, I realized the shoplifter was the customer in the wheelchair! They were only a few steps away and we attempted to make contact. Out of nowhere, the female began running at a sprinters pace through the parking lot… pushing the wheel chair right along with her. The old man’s arms and legs were flailing side to side and I could hear him yelling “Faster, faster! I’m not going back to jail!!”

 The police caught up to them sprinting down the highway and brought them back to the store. In their possession was over $1,000 worth of my store’s merchandise. Turns out that it was all planned. The gentleman was a wealthy man who stated that he wanted a little excitement. He told me that he researched how to remove the clothing alarms and that he had no desire for the product he was taking. The female was his nurse and she said that at the salary he was paying her, she just did whatever made him happy. I swear, I wish this was fiction…

For more information, contact us: Clothing Security, or call 1.770.426.0547


Point Them In The Right Direction- Clothing Security

When retailers merchandise arms of clothing the hangers typically face in one direction. Did you know that alternating the direction of your hangers is actually an effective clothing security method?
If your store is prone to large-scale thefts, such as ones from push outs, grab and runs, or booster bags, it might be partly due to the ease that they can pick up large quantities of merchandise.
Make it harder for your criminals to quickly access your merchandise.  When you alternate the direction of the hangers the shoplifters have to stop and put in some extra effort to get all of the items, instead of just a few at a time.
This method keeps your sales floor stocked at levels that allow customers to quickly find what they are looking for- in the sizes they need- while reducing your risk of a large scale theft.
The key is to not let your presentation standards fall short, just to accommodate this method of clothing security. By setting a standard for the direction the hangers need to face, you can keep your merchandising racks looking neat and organized. 
Try to start with the hangers holding the smallest size facing right, the mediums facing left, larges facing back towards the right, etc. This provides a visual pattern to the hangers and eliminates a haphazard look and feel to your store.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547 

When retailers merchandise arms of clothing the hangers typically face in one direction. Did you know that alternating the direction of your hangers is actually an effective clothing security method?

If your store is prone to large-scale thefts, such as ones from push outs, grab and runs, or booster bags, it might be partly due to the ease that they can pick up large quantities of merchandise.

Make it harder for your criminals to quickly access your merchandise.  When you alternate the direction of the hangers the shoplifters have to stop and put in some extra effort to get all of the items, instead of just a few at a time.

This method keeps your sales floor stocked at levels that allow customers to quickly find what they are looking for- in the sizes they need- while reducing your risk of a large scale theft.

The key is to not let your presentation standards fall short, just to accommodate this method of clothing security. By setting a standard for the direction the hangers need to face, you can keep your merchandising racks looking neat and organized. 

Try to start with the hangers holding the smallest size facing right, the mediums facing left, larges facing back towards the right, etc. This provides a visual pattern to the hangers and eliminates a haphazard look and feel to your store.

Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.

For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm, or clothing security tags how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547