Special occasion merchandise, like prom or cocktail dresses, is one of the biggest wardrobing targets. Next in line come accessories. You can’t have a gorgeous dress without being properly accessorized, you know. Finally comes work outfits and suiting. Job prospects will purchase a high quality suit for a job interview to impress the potential employer. Guess what happens if they don’t get the job?
You have the fashionista that is desperately trying to keep up with the latest trends, the high school prom go-er who wants a beautiful dress, but can’t afford it, and the ladies of society who wouldn’t be caught dead wearing the same thing twice.
Whether through society’s pressure or simply an internal desire to be better than the next, wardrobing is a way to stay ahead of the curb. In fact one in six women admit that they have done this before. One in eleven of those women do this on repeated occasions.
Many of these women will go to great lengths just to keep the merchandise in pristine condition so they can be assured of getting their full refund later. Since so few retailers use Alpha Shark Tags as a deterrent, it is easy to get away with. That just adds to these women’s ability to rationalize what they are doing and disregard that this is another form of refund fraud.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store for more information on or to purchase Wardrobing, Wardrobing Tags, Wardrobing Retail, Alpha Shark Tags, Checkpoint Tags, a Clothing Alarm, Clothing Security or Clothing Security Tags to put Security Tags on Clothes and an Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system.
For more information on Wardrobing tags, Alpha Shark Tags, Wardrobing, or Wardrobing Retail contact us or call 1.770.426.0547