Clothes are necessities for everyone and clothing security tags protect the fashion or read-to-wear retailer from supplying these necessary items at no cost to the wearer.
Clothing is available at price points that are very economical all the way up to very expensive for quality designer fashion. There are always some shoppers who are going to try to upgrade at the retailers expense by shoplifting the merchandise.
Fortunately for the retailer, there is an excellent and economical way to prevent the theft of clothing by deterring and preventing theft through the use of clothing security and a clothing alarm.
An electronic article surveillance (EAS) system from Checkpoint Security Systems increases the risk of detection for thieves by making inventory virtually scream, “I’m being stolen!” as it leaves the store. Shoplifters realize that the threat of being detected and possibly prosecuted is too great in a store that uses any of the retail anti theft devices provided by Checkpoint Security Systems. Then a potential shoplifter becomes a customer and purchases clothing that is within his shopping budget.
Many merchants see the use of a device from Checkpoint Security Systems as a simple choice: Protect merchandise with clothing security tags or take the chance of losing goods to shoplifters. The chances of a shoplifter visiting a protected store is far less than choosing a store with minimal risk of being caught or detected.
Everybody has to wear clothes. Be sure that they won’t be wearing “free” clothes stolen from your store by using security tags on clothes for protection.
Learn more about clothing security tags here: Checkpoint tags, or call 770-426-0547. Take a look at our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store here.