Clothing security is sometimes overlooked when finding ways to increase profits. Not surprisingly, managers and business owners can forget the importance of a well-functioning clothing security program.
Working in the retail environment over these past several years, I have come to understand that clothing security is a very important part of the clothing retail business. Specifically, clothing security tags help prevent the merchandise, aka profits, from walking out the door. Acting as a physical and visible deterrent, clothing security tags provide the necessary piece to increasing store profits through protection of merchandise. Now security tags on clothes work only as well as they are executed. Have a poorly executed plan and you’ll be not only wasting your money on clothing security tags but you’ll be losing your profits.
Security tags on clothes have been around for a few years now, and the technology has gotten much better. Clothing security tags have become more appealing and are not as imposing as once were. I remember seeing security tags on clothes for the first time and thinking, what a horrible sight. Cables, pins, and buttons sticking out everywhere from the merchandise, making it almost impossible to purchase and at times damaging the product, not the best when thinking of sales and customer service.
Look closely at your overall store performance when determining what types of clothing security you need. Will security tags on clothes work for you? If you are a clothing retailer, you need clothing security, and in my opinion, nothing works better than security tags on clothes to prevent theft and boost your profits.
The retailer I work for has a well-executed merchandise protection program and is seen daily when looking at sales and service records.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase clothing security tags.
For more information on Checkpoint tags, clothing security, clothing alarm or clothing security tags contact us at security tags on clothes or call 1.770.426.0547.