Some business owners or managers would like to simply lock up all of the merchandise that they sell in order to keep it out of the hands of shoplifters. While that might be tempting in order to stop shoplifting, it is not, of course, practical.
A business could even lose sales by having their merchandise inaccessible to customers. Shoppers like to look at, touch and hold the items that they are thinking about purchasing. Staring at desired items through a locked case isn’t as appealing a way to shop.
Retail anti theft devices such as Checkpoint security systems are an option for those merchants wanting to combat shrink and loss but still offer desirable merchandise to their customers. Checkpoint tags or checkpoint labels can be placed on merchandise, which will then sound an alarm if it leaves your business without being paid for. And for some thieves, just the sight of anti shoplifting devices is enough to make them change their minds, and either pay for the items they desire or move on to the next unprotected business.
A leader in shrink management, Checkpoint systems provide security and peace of mind for the business owner wanting to protect his or her merchandise without sacrificing sales for security measures. A worthwhile investment, Checkpoint systems work for you to allow for your business to be at the top of its game. It allows for you to keep merchandise in-stock and available for the paying customers, all the while offering protection from sticky fingered thieves looking for the ultimate discount.
Fight back and stop shoplifting, not by locking everything you sell up, but by protecting it with anti shoplifting devices such as Checkpoint security systems. Remember retail anti theft devices , checkpoint labels and checkpoint tags put money on YOUR bottom line, not the shoplifters.
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For more information about anti shoplifting or checkpoint security systems or stop shoplifting or retail anti theft devices or checkpoint labels or checkpoint systems or contact us at checkpoint tags or call 1.770.426.0547.