Does the Web Lead to Increased Shoplifting in Atlanta GA?
Are retailers anti shoplifting efforts being hurt by the Internet?
Consider the supply chain of pilfered merchandise from a store. A professional shoplifter – by that I mean one who makes money by stealing and selling shoplifted merchandise – is only the middle man in the chain. The stolen merchandise usually goes to a fence who has given the shoplifter an order for a particular product, brand, or type of goods.
The fence tries to turn the merchandise quickly, usually through illegitimate retailers, or flea markets. At one time, logistics limited the distribution of stolen property geographically to a more or less local area. But now cheap shipping and the Internet have broadened the thieves’ market. As a result, retailers have had to increase their anti shoplifting efforts.
Auction websites have proven to be a great outlet for stolen property. There is very little control over them and the merchandise sold through them is extremely hard to trace. It is simple to remain anonymous or set up a bogus identity to avoid detection. More and more people are using the Internet to purchase products legally, but the Internet is also becoming a prime outlet for disposing of stolen goods. E-fencing, according to CNBC News, is a $37 billion industry. Much of this property is shoplifted. And the actual thief only receives about 10% on the retail dollar. The fence stands to make a good profit by turning large amounts of merchandise, creating a need for more merchandise.
The retailer and his anti shoplifting program is the key to breaking a link in this supply chain. A merchant that takes steps in retail theft prevention can reduce or stop shoplifting at his business.
There are various ways to step up the anti shoplifting program at any retail business: CCTV, EAS measures such as Checkpoint Security Systems, awareness training, and even a vulnerability survey by loss prevention consultants are all methods to prevent retail theft.
Interested in breaking the supply chain of e-fencing and to stop shoplifting at your business? Call 770-426-0547 or click here: Anti Shoplifting. Visit our Online Store for more ideas in Atlanta GA.