For as long as retail anti shoplifting devices have been around, I am still surprised by the number of times I hear people say they expect to use Checkpoint security tags to catch shoplifters. For those who may have that mindset, let me share some thoughts with you. The goal of Checkpoint systems and in particular Checkpoint security tags is retail theft prevention. Not to “catch” shoplifters.
One of the key principles I have learned in business is that it is much better to be proactive than reactive. To this end we use anti shoplifting devices in hopes of deterring theft. I often joke when teaching new hire orientation classes that you will never see a sensor tag throw a suspect to the ground. You will never see a sensor tag put handcuffs on anyone and you will never see it take someone to jail. The reason is that is not its intended purpose.
Shoplifters, amateur to professional, know about Checkpoint systems. When they see the anti shoplifting devices on your product they expect the Checkpoint security system at the door to alarm if they try to steal product. Our job is to make sure that when the Checkpoint security system does sound that we react. Now I caution everyone about reacting with the assumption of theft. Most false alarms are due to cashiers not removing a tag on a purchase as opposed to theft. With that said, we need to show would be shoplifters that we are going to stop them and require a receipt or investigate to find out what caused the alarm. This is where the prevention comes in.
Make sure to train your associates how to properly respond to the activations as this is what retail theft prevention should look like.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase retail anti shoplifting devices from Checkpoint Systems.
For more information on Anti Shoplifting , Checkpoint Security System or Checkpoint Security Tags contact us at Retail theft prevention or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia