I have bottle security – take your shoplifting elsewhere

I am thirsty and need a drink.  Not just a drink of water…but a drink of liquor.  So I go into the nearest store and help myself.  The clerk is busy and does not notice me sampling several different types of liquor.  Then I leave, not paying for what I have just ruined.

What is liquor bottle security?  Some business owners may not even realize such a thing exists.  But there is bottle security available for business owners that sell liquor and wine.  By investing in bottle locks, for example, the above mentioned shoplifter would have to quench his thirst elsewhere, at someone else’s expense instead of yours.

Bottle security, such as the EASy bottle cap from Alpha Security, are bottle locks that fit onto your high end or high theft liquors.  They are removed at the time of purchase by employees using a key.  The bottle lock fits over the top of the bottle and prevents a thief from opening the bottle.  By having bottle locks, you can prevent the thefts by people that just walk into your business for a free drink.  You can also deter the thieves that are looking to steal your liquor and wines, because it will be a struggle to get the bottle open, if at all.

I am thirsty and need a drink so I’d like to steal some liquor.  However, if I walk into your business and see that you have bottle security, I’m likely to take my shoplifting elsewhere.

Investing in bottle locks for your high end wine and liquors makes the products available to those who really matter – your honest customers.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for the best in liquor bottle security for your bottle lock program .

For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or liquor bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

Distract the thieves with bottle security

I recently read about a theft that occurred at a liquor store in which an accomplice to the thief distracted the clerk while the thief concealed several bottles of expensive liquor.  The thieves did this several times during an evening, stealing $1000 worth of liquor.

This type of theft could happen anywhere.  When a business is being operated by only one or two clerks at a time, it is not difficult to distract them while another one steals sight unseen.  There is a way to deter this type of theft, by having bottle security.

Bottle security, such as the EASy bottle cap from Alpha Security, can help prevent theft.  These bottle locks fit on the top of the liquor or wine bottles, and are removed by using a special key when the bottle is sold.  Businesses using this type of bottle lock can display their high end liquor so that the honest customers can browse, handle, and read labels before purchasing.  The bottle locks do not take away from the look of the bottle, but they significantly reduce the opportunity for the liquor to be stolen.
Bottle security is a good visual deterrent to the shoplifter as well.

Shoplifters would like to steal a bottle of liquor and actually be able to drink it.  They do not want to have to struggle for hours to try and figure out how to remove a bottle lock.  Considering that these shoplifters are having to resort to theft to obtain liquor, they are probably not the types of people that can quickly figure out how to outsmart a security device such as a bottle lock.

Liquors and wines can be stolen, but by investing in bottle security your risk of theft can be greatly reduced.  In stock and profits will increase while loss will decrease.  That’s a good way to do business.

Alpha Security is the innovator in the market. Starting with EASy bottle and now with the latest and greatest release, EASy Guarde.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

Bottle Locks Say – “No Openings!”

Bottle locks by Alpha Security aren’t talking about the job market; they’re talking about the benefit denial features of liquor bottle security.

Install bottle security on liquor openly displayed for sale and greatly reduce the likelihood that your merchandise is going to walk out the door concealed in some shoplifter’s trousers or handbag.  Nothing will ever prevent shoplifting entirely, but the benefits of bottle security are three fold:

All bottle locks by Alpha Security contain an RFID device that is compatible with anti shoplifting EAS systems by Checkpoint Systems.  If the cashier using a special key does not remove the bottle lock at the point of sale, the alarm will sound as the merchandise exits through the door, an obvious deterrent to shoplifters, since it gets the attention of store staff who are trained to deal with an alarm.

The bottle lock that fits over the cap of the bottle (and is reusable over and over again) prevents the shoplifter from opening the bottle, even if he is able to get it out the door, say in a snatch and run type of theft, denying its use and negating its value to sell on the street or for personal use.

Since the cap can’t be easily removed without the key, it prevents sampling, smelling, or tasting of the product on the sales floor by customers, which breaks the seal and ruins the merchandise.

Bottle security can be more than locking merchandise in cabinets or keeping it behind the counter.  Use of bottle locks actually increases sales and improves profit, since merchandise can be openly displayed without the worry of constant pilfering.  The use of Alpha Security tags and Checkpoint Systems anti shoplifting technology, while it can’t prevent shoplifting entirely, (nothing can) it will no doubt lower the rate of theft and increase sales and profit.

Call 770-426-0547 or click here for more information on Alpha Security, Checkpoint Systems, and bottle locks.  Visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store here.

Bottle security out of control at local retailer

Here’s a case of a shoplifter taking advantage of a store with no bottle security.

As the rain poured down outside, the shoplifter looked for a little something extra to take the bite out of the cold. Entering the store, he heads straight for the liquor aisle. Bottle security is nonexistent in this store and he knows it. Heading for the high end, top shelf bottles, he grabs two. Looking in all directions, he stuffs one in his waistband and the other in the inside pocket of his coat. He heads for the front of the store.

Later, two young males enter the store. In the liquor aisle, they point out the brands they like, paying special attention to the lack of bottle security. One of the males pulls out his cellphone. As he has the phone to his ear, he points to the top shelf and counts bottles. He hangs up. He and his partner leave the store.  Minutes later, two females enter the liquor aisle pushing a shopping cart with a baby car seat cover by a blanket. Checking for any form of bottle lock, the females start removing the bottles of liquor pointed out by the two males. As each grabs a bottle without a bottle lock, they place them inside of the covered baby car seat. The two females take their fill of liquor, and head straight for the exit. Completing their deed in less than 3 minutes, the ladies take a large haul.

Attaching a simple bottle lock to many of these bottles could have prevented this store from losing thousands of dollars in liquor and provided better bottle security. This happened in a store where the manager/owner knew of the potential theft and was advised of the risk, yet chose to merchandise the items without any bottle lock. This wasn’t the first time these females were seen in the store, a stockroom associate claims to have seen the ladies earlier in the day and on several other times before.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information abouy Alpha Security or bottle locks or liquor bottle security contact us at bottle security or call us at 1.770.426.0547

Drive out shoplifters with bottle security

No matter what type of merchandise you sell, there is always a shoplifter willing to steal it.  You, as a business owner, do not have to sit back and watch your merchandise (along with your sales and profits) walk out of door.  This is even true if you sell liquor and wine.

Liquor bottle security is not just a dream; it can be a reality with products like the EASy Bottle device from Alpha Security.  You can place a bottle lock on your high theft merchandise, which protects it while it is displayed on your shelf but is easily removed when the bottle is purchased.  Bottle locks only cover the top of the bottle, so they do not deter from the look of the merchandise.  Who would have thought that bottle security could be so simple?

Whether your business has been the victim of “grab and go” thefts, shoplifters who conceal bottles, or even those who hide in the corner of your business to get a quick drink of your liquor or wine, bottle locks can be a great benefit.  Shoplifters do not want to have to try and figure out how to remove a bottle lock before they can take that drink.  It is simply not worth their time.  They will move on to the next business that sells liquor and wine without bottle security.

You do not want to be that “next business” that the shoplifter decides to frequent.  Proudly display your liquors and wines for your honest customers, while deterring the dishonest thieves.  There is less worry for you and more profits for your business when you invest in bottle security.

For the best in liquor bottle security visit our Retail Loss Prevention Store for Alpha Security products

For more information about liquor bottle security or Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

End Frustration Over Liquor Bottle Security

Liquor stores have enough problems with crime without having to worry about shoplifters and bottle security.  But although shoplifting is not in the news like the more noteworthy crimes like robbery, burglary, vandalism, bad checks and credit card fraud, the fact is that economically, shoplifting has an impact that is at least equal to any and all of the other crimes.  That’s part of the frustration of shoplifting, which happens every day, in just about every liquor store.

The frustration comes when the owner knows that he should have six bottles of Grey Goose on display and there are only two.  What should be a full case of wine displayed near the entrance has a couple of bottles missing that aren’t accounted for by sales.  Frustration comes at inventory time when the owner sees the unacceptable inventory loss for the preceding period, or does a cycle count and is short more inventory than he can afford to lose and still make a profit.

The pain is even worse with the expensive bottles of liquor that seem to be the frequent target of thieves, even after CCTV systems have been installed.

Help may come in the form of liquor bottle security from Alpha Security.  Bottle locks are hard plastic devices that come in several styles and models and are designed to keep the product in the store until it is paid for, but still allow it to be openly displayed and handled by legitimate customers before purchase.  The bottle locks work in two ways.  The device fits over the top of the bottle and fits in such a way that the bottle cap can’t be removed without a key supplied only by Alpha Security, and is used by the cashier at the point of sale to remove the bottle lock.  The second way is that the bottle locks, even those that only fit around the neck of the bottle contain an RFID device that is detectable by retail anti theft devices provided by Checkpoint Systems, a leader in the manufacture of anti shoplifting solutions.  When the bottle lock passes through the field, the alarm sounds.

Ease the frustration of shoplifting and liquor sampling with liquor bottle security from Alpha Security.

Call 770-426-0547 for more information, or click here: Bottle Locks.  Visit our Online Retail Loss Prevention Store here.

EASy bottle locks are EASY

EASy bottle locks offer retailers great security. Liquor sales in most areas of the country can be very profitable. It’s imperative to have some form of bottle security, and EASy bottle locks provide the solution for that need.

Bottle security in one form or another has always been a concern for the business owner and manager. However, many are simply uninformed as to the bottle security products available on the market today. Most look back to the old methods of restricting stock, or merchandising bottles behind a manned counter or checkstand. Really, what type customer service is that, let alone bottle security.

Retailers need to be creative and up to date when looking to protect their merchandise and assets. A simple bottle lock placed on the top of most any liquor bottle will prevent the “everyday” thief from simply concealing the bottle or walking off with it.  EASy bottle are the most productive and beneficial form of bottle lock I have seen and used. Deploy this bottle lock program will not only save your business money in the long run; you protect your assets as well.

Over the years, conducting investigations at retail locations that have issues with liquor theft has always given the same result. The thefts happened because of a lack of bottle security. A simple bottle lock attached to the tops of the exposed liquor would have saved many stores literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions in lost merchandise as sales.

Do you and your business a favor, if you are in need of a bottle lock and haven’t really been paying attention to the changes in security products in the retail industry, look into EASy bottle locks. A small idea that will slow down any liquor theft you are having.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about EASy bottle or Alpha Security or bottle locks contact us at liquor bottle security or call 1.770.426.0547

Bottle locks for better business

Walk in, grab it, and walk out.  This is a way that some shoplifters steal.  Bold, yes, but not unheard of.  If you own or operate a business that sells liquor or wine, you have probably been victim to this type of theft, as well as more conventional shoplifting techniques.

Bottle security for your wine and liquor bottles does exist.  Options are available from Alpha Security, for example.  Bottle locks such as the EASy Bottle device are caps that fit around the neck of the bottle, preventing it from being opened.  When sold, the clerk can easily remove the bottle lock with a key.  The lock can then be reused on a new bottle placed on the shelf.

Honest customers may be surprised that there is a problem with liquor theft, but those of you in the business know otherwise.  It is frustrating to find an empty bottle hidden in a corner of your store or an empty place on the shelf where a bottle had been.  Especially when that empty shelf is not the result of a sale.

Just like there are theft prevention devices available for all kinds of merchandise, there are options available for stores that sell wine and liquor.  Bottle security is an excellent investment and will allow you to display your products in a manner in which customers can still browse them but where you do not have to worry about the theft of your higher end products.

Thieves do not want to walk out of your store with a stolen bottle of liquor only to have to spend hours figuring out how to get it open.  Shoplifters are intimidated by bottle security and will move on to another unprotected business if they want to still try to steal.

With bottle locks, theft will decrease and instock will increase, along with your sales and profit.  Alpha Security in your bottle lock program will put money on your bottom line.

Visit our Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about bottle security or Alpha security or bottle locks or retail EASy bottle or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

The underestimated benefit of bottle security

Bottle security in the retail world can seem a daunting task. Some may even say downright difficult. It doesn’t have to be. I still walk into liquor stores, convenience stores, and others and see the lack of security and the frustrations on the faces of the managers and owners. Yet, relatively cheaply, the proper protection can be afforded.

Once, while working the salesfloor of a grocery store, I observed a customer enter the liquor department. This guy was on the hunt for “free” liquor or liquor without any sort of bottle security. He walked up and down the aisle, observing closely, the brands of his choice. He made a couple of looks up towards the ceiling, then back and forth down the aisle. Section after section, he found no bottle lock. He chose his brand, stuffed two bottles in his waistband and was off. Obviously at this store, bottle security was the last issue management wanted to deal with.

This particular store had suffered a whopping 30% loss in liquor sales directly related to “missing product”. Absolutely no form of bottle security was present in this enormous store. I spoke with the manager and asked him if he knew of the issues his store was having with missing items, he said yeah and assumed it was a receiving issue or that the vendor was not supplying him with the product ordered. We went back and reviewed that, yet the shipments were correct. After a more analysis, we could be certain the loss was directly related to theft. No where it was customer or employee, we weren’t sure.  We discussed his opportunities in the liquor aisle and I explained to him the benefits of bottle security and how a simple program like EASy bottle locks would greatly impact his losses.

After we go the go ahead, EASy bottle locks were installed on various price points throughout the department. Over a period of 6 months, the store noticed a considerable reduction in loss directly related to EASy bottle locks and security program.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about Alpha Security or liquor bottle security contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547

Bottle security and the loss prevention agent.

Bottle security was on the mind of “Mike”, the loss prevention agent working this large store. Mike had just started his shift was he was confronted by the store manager. The manager told Mike that he felt bottle security in the store was lacking and he didn’t have enough payroll to execute the bottle security program as the company expected.

Mike is a well versed loss prevention agent. He enjoys his work and put all efforts into providing solid support for the store he works. Mike knew the store manager had a tight payroll budget but also knew the store manager was a little inexperienced in managing programs and staff. Bottle security was in the forefront of this manager mind, he was more concerned about the District Manager coming in and screaming about sales and his performance.

Liquor sales were suffering in this store. After looking at the recent performance and sales report, it was clear to Mike that the liquor dept suffered from poor sales.  Walking the liquor aisle, he immediately realized not one high theft liquor item had a bottle lock attached. A simple bottle lock would keep the item on the shelf longer than no bottle lock. Mike went in the back and grabbed a box of EASy bottle locks. EASy bottle locks and caps were designed specifically to help prevent and reduce theft and loss. Here, the manager was lacking in clearly explaining the need to his staff. Mike grabbed a store associate from the back and explained to him how to apply the EASy bottle locks and caps. The associate quickly understood the need and was able to cleanly install the appropriate EASy bottle locks onto the liquor bottles.

Mike brought the manager over to the liquor aisle and explained to him the program and showed him what his associate was able to do with EASy bottle locks, and what the store could expect from this form of bottle security.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information about Alpha Security or bottle lock or bottle locks or liquor bottle security contact us at Bottle security or call 1.770.426.0547