Bottle Security Prevents Lost Profits

Bottle security really does prevent lost profits. Traditionally, companies rely mostly on personnel to provide bottle security, not really understanding the need for additional bottle security.

Over the years, I have seen some retailers make simple mistakes that lead to bigger gaps in profitability. Looking specifically at the liquor sales, the margin from profit can be very good. Yet there are still some out there that either don’t update their bottle security or choose to not use some form of bottle lock. Even more negative impact, some still lock their merchandise up in cages of glass cabinets. Is this the best form of bottle security? I don’t know, but it certainly does not help sales.

One of the best and easiest to use bottle lock, in my opinion, has to be the EASy bottle lock. From a shoplifter’s viewpoint, this bottle lock is a nuisance. EASy bottle locks are simple to install and offer the best open shelf security solution I have seen. This bottle lock is tough. Fitting over the top of the liquor bottle, this bottle lock prevents the thief from opening the bottle while in the store, and activates the Checkpoint Security system as the thief tries to flee.

Visiting one of my stores, the manager somewhat new, felt he did not have the payroll to install the EASy bottle locks on the entire required product. This excuse left him a little red in the face after I asked him to demonstrate how to install the EASy bottle lock. Realizing how easy and quick it was to install the EASy bottle lock, the manager never again complained to me.

The solutions to protect your merchandise, assets and profitability are out there, you have to be willing to look and or ask for help. Liquor bottle security should be a priority in your business.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for your liquor bottle security

For more information contact us at bottle security or call 1.770.426.0547

Deter Theft With the Technology of Bottle Security

While shoplifting has been around forever, the technology that can help prevent the theft of your merchandise has not.  Businesses in this current day and age of technology can benefit from the many advancements that have been made in the field of loss prevention.

Stores that sell wine and liquor also have options to help keep their merchandise secure.  Liquor bottle security, such as the EASy bottle cap from Alpha Security, can be added to your high theft and expensive wines and liquors.  The bottle lock fits over the top of the bottle and prevents the bottle being opened prior to being purchased.  Store employees remove the bottle locks at the time of purchase.

A bottle lock on your high end bottle of wine or liquor does not deter from the presentation of the merchandise, but it does deter theft.  A would-be shoplifter sees the bottle security clearly visible on the bottle, and will more than likely decide to take his shoplifting elsewhere.  Shoplifters do not want to have to try to figure out how to open one of these bottle locks, because that takes time and effort that is not worth the reward.

Shoplifters, especially those stealing wine and liquor, want immediate gratification for their efforts.  Bottle security such as the EASy bottle cap can make that goal unrealistic for the potential shoplifter, often forcing them to move on to the next business without bottle locks.

This technology also allows the business owner to display his high end products openly so that customers can shop them, read labels, etc.  This is preferable to having these items behind a counter or in a locked case, and an increase in sales will result.  This, coupled with decreased loss due to theft, makes the technology of bottle security well worth the investment.

Visit the Retail Loss prevention Store for liquor bottle security by Alpha Security

For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or liquor bottle security or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547. 

Alpha Security Providing Quality Liquor Bottle Security

Alpha Security products have been around the retail world for quite awhile. More recently, Alpha Security introduced the EASy bottle lock which has been an invaluable addition to the bottle security program at many retail locations. Alpha Security and the EASy bottle lock work to protect merchandise and boost profits.

A drug store chain desperate for some form of bottle security shopped Alpha security products and found the EASy bottle locks. Feeling this type of bottle security was appropriate for their business; the drug store ordered a supply. Losing roughly 30% of liquor sales to theft, the store needed a dramatic, impactful plan. Alpha Security offers this store the right bottle security protection through the use of EASy bottle locks. Fitting over the top of most types of liquor bottles, the EASy bottle lock becomes a difficult item to defeat.

After bottle locks were installed on various bottles, the drug store saw a dramatic decrease in loss, and a huge jump in sales. Realizing merchandise was now available for customers to buy; the investment in bottle security was well planned.

A Bottle lock is sometimes frowned upon by the operations team because they appear to be an inconvenience to customers. However, there seems to be somewhat of a misconception when it comes to the use of bottle locks. Bottle locks are exactly what they sound like. Sure, they secure bottles of liquor and prevent bottles from being opened up until the Bottle locks are removed, but more importantly bottle locks keep profits in the stores.

All in all, if you as a business owner, or store manager are on the fence about physical security issues and merchandise protection, it would not only beneficial to your profits, store team and future to consider a solid protection strategy.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for your liquor bottle security needs.

For more information contact us at Alpha security or call 1.770.426.0547

EASy Bottle Locks Help Keep Profits

That’s right, EASy bottle locks actually help keep your profits. The liquor business can be very profitable. The right bottle security can not only protect your assets but boost your profits as well.

One of my stores, overall, had about 30% of stores sales directly related to liquor. The manager retired, and in came the new guy. He didn’t really see a need for bottle security, and figured as long as he was turning the merchandise regularly, using bottle locks was unnecessary. To him, following the company program of placing an EASy bottle lock on top of each bottle at a certain price point was fruitless. He would not see the reasoning behind the “task” of placing bottle locks and wanted to run his business based on his own decisions. Rookie mistake.

As time went on, the new manager was really driving home the sales in liquor. He was hitting every sales plan and often exceeding it.  In fact, not only was he making sales, he now wanted no bottle security in the liquor department and had an employee remove the currently installed EASy bottle locks from the few bottles left.

Shortly after the manager removed the EASy bottle locks, the trouble began. What he didn’t realize was not only do EASy bottle locks work to physically protect merchandise; they are also a visual deterrent to would be thieves.  On a cold rainy day, a thief entered his store and made his way to the liquor aisle. While there, the thief noticed no bottle security and selected a low priced bottle of scotch. Assuming no one was watching him, he simply walked out of the store. Realizing how easy it had been to take one bottle, he came back in 2 days late and filled up a backpack with over 10 bottles.  After 3 months of this, the thief was finally caught, and confessed to over 300 bottles of liquor he stole from this store.

To the new manager who now had to make up for those lost sales, bottle security became a priority. Now, bottle locks are on all necessary bottles.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store

For more information contact us at EASy bottle or call 1.770.426.0547

Whether they want to steal one bottle or 20 – protect your liquor with bottle security

I read about two ladies who stole 15 bottles of vodka from a business.  The next day, they stole four more bottles from a different business, concealing the bottles in their purses.  Later they came back to that same business and attempted a walkout of another large stash of vodka, hiding bottles under their purses.  Security guards attempted to stop them but they ran, leaving behind the vodka and their purses.  Later police stopped them in their vehicle, and they had a car load of vodka…and a retail theft citation from that same day from being caught at yet another store.

Shoplifters are sometimes slow learners, and this is evident in this case of liquor thefts.  Even though they were caught shoplifting that same day, they were stealing liquor again.  Apparently they felt nothing could stop their crime spree.

There are options available for stores that sell liquor to protect their merchandise.  Bottle security, such as the EASy bottle cap from Alpha Security, fit nicely on the top of your high end wines and liquors and makes them nearly impossible to open by an unauthorized person.  The bottle lock is only removed when the bottle is purchased, and can be reused on other bottles displayed on your sales floor.

Bottle locks are a deterrent to thieves like the ladies mentioned above.  Shoplifters do not want to risk setting off alarms when they steal your merchandise, and they especially do not want to have to fight to remove a bottle lock from the liquor bottle that they are attempting to steal.

With liquor bottle security, you can display your products openly so that they are displayed for your paying customers.  Shoplifters like these ladies can move on to the next unsecured business for their crime spree and leave your business, the one with bottle security, alone.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to see Alpha Security , easy bottle and the latest liquor bottle security available.

For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or liquor bottle security or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

The Alpha Bravo Charlie’s of bottle locks

Do you have a theft problem? Are they stealing wine, spirits or other high dollar items that are kept in bottles? Alpha security has come up with some very aesthetically pleasing and unique types of bottle locks.

Bottle security has become increasingly more important due to advancing techniques of shoplifters. With the new Alpha security bottle locks, bottle security has become a snap, literally. These bottle locks incorporate both the effectiveness of a Checkpoint security tag and a physical bottle top lock.

Once the Alpha security lock has been placed on the top of a bottle, someone would have to break the neck of the bottle of to use what is inside. Because of this innovation shoplifters will avoid bottles that have these attached to them. It makes stealing that item pointless because all they would have is a broken bottle with the contents ruined.

To attach an Alpha security bottle lock, you place the lock on top of the bottle and compress the top to the bottom locking mechanism. Once the lock is secure on the bottle it can only be removed using an Alpha security key that you would keep at your cash register. Using this unique key, you would place it on top of the bottle and with a simple twist the lock will come lose and you can remove it from the bottle.

Alpha security bottle locks are an easy cost effective way to reduce loss and increase your bottom line. A couple simple steps and can save you money and equally as important, some piece of mind. Between the use of these locks and an attentive eye, you are well on your way to putting a quick stop to your theft problem.

For more information on Alpha security, bottle locks or bottle security contact Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.

Keep the shoplifters away with bottle security

Out of all of the customers that frequent your business – how many are shoplifters?  How many are after your liquors and wines, but do not want to pay for them?

Shoplifters do not wear a sign that says “I am a shoplifter.”  A shoplifter can be anyone, and businesses that sell wine and liquor know that they are targeted just like any other business.  Instead of just letting the shoplifting run rampant, there are options such as bottle security available.

It would be nice to be able to staff a sales person on every aisle in your business in order to help prevent shoplifting, but that is just not practical or affordable.  Bottle locks, such as the EASy Bottle cap by Alpha Security, can protect your high end wines and liquors from shoplifters and customers who want to “test” your products before they purchase them.  A bottle lock fits on the end of the liquor bottle and prevents unauthorized people from opening up the bottle before it is purchased.  Once the bottle is purchased, the clerk can easily remove the bottle lock with a key.  Bottle locks can then be reused.

Liquor bottle security is a worthwhile investment for deterring shoplifters.  Shoplifters that you can’t pick out of the crowd, or don’t happen to notice trying to hide your products in their coat or inside their purse.  A bottle lock does not take away from the look of the bottle and does not allow the shoplifter to be able to get the bottle open if they were to steal the product.

Bottle security such as a bottle lock is like having those employees on every aisle, protecting the merchandise.  They go far in protecting your assets and increasing your profits, all for minimal investment.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to see the entire line of Alpha Security products to solve your liquor bottle security problems. We carry the popular easy bottle caps.

For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle or liquor bottle security or contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

EASy bottle security and the store manager

In years past, bottle security was a difficult task, and EASy Bottle locks were not available. As time went on, technology grew and bottle security became a much easier reality.

As a District Loss Prevention Manager, I took over a store that had been experiencing poor inventory results, specifically in the liquor aisle. Looking at their numbers, it was obvious that merchandise about $25 was disappearing. This store had tools to make bottle security effective, yet they were not executing the program. Initially, I asked the manager if he knew of the any bottle security programs his store had available to them. He said he was told of a program called EASy Bottle security but didn’t know much about it. I went on asking more questions of the store employees and each said they knew of the program but were told by the manager to not worry about EASy Bottle locks right now because a bottle lock doesn’t make sales, merchandise makes sales. At this point, it was pretty obvious that the store manager was reluctant and somewhat negligent at managing his store. He had the tools to help prevent loss and boost his sales, yet he chose not to use them.

I asked the manager to the office and sat with him. I had a couple of bottles of liquor in the office, and a case of EASy Bottle locks. As we sat in the office, I trained him on EASy Bottle locks and showed him how easy it really was to install this bottle lock. It took no time at all. I explained the need for bottle security in his store, and showed him the negative reports reflecting the poor performance of his liquor aisle. Putting a bottle lock on merchandise over a particular price point would significantly decrease the amount of loss his store has been experiencing.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to purchase a bottle lock

For more information about Alpha Security or bottle locks or liquor bottle security contact us at EASy Bottle or call 1.770.426.0547


Don’t steal from me! I have bottle security

To steal or not to steal.  That is the question.  If your business sells liquor and wine, you might have people contemplating this question on a daily basis within your business.

It’s a wise business move to help thieves answer this question by having bottle security.  Bottle locks, such as the EASy bottle cap by Alpha Security, fit on the top of your high end liquors and wines, preventing customers and shoplifters from opening bottles.  So not only can you now display these products openly for customers to browse, you no longer have to worry about someone opening them in the store and taking a drink.

Bottle locks are also a visible deterrent.  Thieves steal a bottle of liquor in order to drink it, not to fight with it for hours in order to get it open.  Those that wish to steal will probably move on to a business that does not have bottle security.  Why waste the time fighting a bottle lock?

Shoplifters are coming into your business, guaranteed.  Are they thinking about stealing from you?  Are they going to try to get a quick drink in the back of your store, or pocket a bottle in their coat and leave?  Or, like some more brazen thieves, are they going to push out a shopping cart full of liquor and wine?

Reducing your risk of theft and loss due to shoplifting will increase your profits, your instock, and allow you to display your liquors and wines for your honest customers.  Bottle security, such as bottle locks, can assist you with this task.  Help thieves answer the question of whether or not to steal from you by displaying bottle locks on your high end liquors and wines.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store to see Alpha Security , easy bottle and bottle lock products

For more information about Alpha security or bottle security or bottle locks or EASy bottle contact us at bottle lock or call 1.770.426.0547.

EASy Bottle security support store profits

EASy Bottle security offers a solid solution to preventing theft. Recently, a loss prevention agent working in a small grocery store witnessed a scenario that proved to him and the manager, EASy Bottle locks and security work.

While working a hard area of the store, the loss prevention agent was somewhat skeptical of the new EASy Bottle security program the store had rolled out. Being knew in the field of loss prevention, he doubted the EASy Bottle program would slow down shoplifters.

Prior to the agent being in the store, the manager had experienced several instances of liquor theft and after two horrible inventory results, he decided to ask for a bottle security program. He knew bottle security was really the most effective way to control his losses in store. Looking around, he found out about EASy Bottle security and heard this bottle security program could work for him. By installing a bottle lock on the top of every liquor bottle above the designated price point would do the trick. His employees were initially worried about the time involved with installing the bottle lock.

As the bottle security program rolled out, the employees realized installing a bottle lock took no more time than to place the bottle on the shelf.

As the loss prevention observed from a concealed location, a regular customer entered the liquor aisle and selected a bottle of liquor. He put the liquor bottle in a plastic store shopping bag he was carrying. The customer assumed the bottle lock on top was to simply prevent someone from opening the bottle in the store. The loss prevention maintained unbroken observation as the regular customer headed for the front of the store. The customer waves to the manager and exits, the loss prevention agent close behind. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, the bottle lock activated the exit antennae. The loss prevention agent approaches the customer, identifies himself and recovers the customer and the $50 bottle of vodka.

Visit the Retail Loss Prevention Store for more about bottle security or Alpha Security or bottle lock .

For more information contact us at EASy Bottle or call us at 1.770.426.0547